Video games, do you play?

Why do the last posts seem like spam bots?


I got into a chat with an old friend and he told me that the quirky fantasy and control of Minecraft helped him with depression and SAD. So, I tried the 100 minute trial and instantly got why it was classed as so calming. As such, I bought a copy for slow rainy days.


Years ago when the regulars would frequent the ELR IRC channel, one of the members started a minecraft server and 5 of us played the game from start to finish over a summer… It was pretty fun to beat the enderdragon together.


Wow, I did not know that.

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Yessir, you’re not apart of the fun we have in the live action chat because you’re not welcome. Jokes.


People who care enough to follow Blizzard are disappointed in their management of the company, they are even being sued by the state of California for work conditions, which is pretty huge…

I don’t care about that, so I’ve been playing their reboot of older content when the game was at the height of it’s popularity, must say, I’m enjoying The Burning Crusade classic… Always worked when I was younger so I couldn’t enjoy it back then… Not working now and I get to experience the days I could play over again and it’s been really enjoyable. I’m a firm believer it’s one of the best games ever made, the lore is good, the story is amazing, the action can be pretty intense… You play for the good guys or the bad guys who are at war, there’s this massive world you do quests in and there’s a storyline that follows, at a certain level (up to 70) and eventually you’ll get out of your introductory levels and you venture into contested territory where both the Alliance and Horde are questing, so while you’re questing you can gather herbs or mine ores or skin animals or fishing for your professions and always be at the risk of running into an enemy while doing so. It’s both relaxing and intense at the same time, you’re always in your guard, the amount of mechanical ability it takes to be a proficient: Mage, Rogue, Warrior, Paladin, Shaman, Priest, etc… you need to learn your spells, your abilities that can interupt other spells, defensive spells, evasive spells, healing, etc… There is so much to the game and makes for a good time if you have a few hours to get involved.



I was as hardcore a gamer as you can possibly be on console for years. At this point in my life I’m glad I never wasted money on a PC that was only for gaming. The internet has mostly ruined gaming for me. It seemed brilliant at first but it’s only dumbed down games while jacking up the price. When I was most active was in the grand ol’ days of Gran Turismo, Tekken, and Timesplitters on the PlayStation 2. I’d have gaming parties all the time at my apartment and we’d do tournaments. Epic times! Now nobody would be caught dead sharing a couch and a TV and it’s really sad.
Microtransactions, lowest common denominator mobile gaming, and politics in games have deleted almost everything that made gaming fun and special to me.
Nowadays, I’m reduced to playing a little Minecraft on my iPad. Even that is becoming borderline as I notice politics creeping in very subtly. For that reason, and my crummy internet connection, I play that by myself offline.
Sorry if this reads like a bummer, but there’s still a kernel of hope in me yet, so I haven’t quit. I’m boycotting.


I pretty much have been playing star craft only for the last 6 years or so, not so much these days though. But back in the day when me and a bunch of friends had much more time on our hands, we would play together on a console. Games would be anywhere from Pro Evolution Soccer to little big planet to Call Of Duty. Also A LOT of mortal Kombat for a while.
But probabely my favourite games I have played are mostly mobile games, such as monument valley, limbo, INSIDE and some more which I don’t remember the name of. XCOM is terrific too.


Lately, been able to play rocket league, call of duty, halo infinite, playing on pc


I guess I am of a dying breed here. I have played Guild Wars 2 for 9 years now. ( MMO on PC ) The base game has become free, there are no monthly fees, has a great story ( imo anyway). Yes, there is a lot to learn but the game pretty much walks you through it little by little and the community is pretty decent and newbie friendly. Oh sure, we have our trolls but that’s not the norm.

It’s driving me crazy that I can’t play the new expansion that just came out recently due to not having any internet service yet. My phone’s hotspots won’t cut it lol. But they did come out and dig the trench this morning for the lines so hopefully soon I can get back into it. I miss my gaming buddies terribly. :frowning:

This is when it first came out years ago Guild Wars 2 - First Year Tribute - Well Worth the Wait - YouTube

oh and the jumping puzzles :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Sharm ~ Puzzle (Explicit Language) (Guild Wars 2 Parody) - YouTube

we get together in a small group and do the DJP’s ( drunk jumping puzzle’s) you fall, you take a drink etc etc LOL. They have tons of these puzzles ( all optional ) They even have a PVP area (should you desire to do that ) and a world vs world ( basically server against server ) area ( again all optional ) I love WvW stuff ( world vs world ) …Seriously, I need my internet BACK!


I couldn’t get into it, the combat was just to simple no rhyme or reason just mash some buttons…

I think WoW Classic, Burning Crusade and eventually Wrath of the Lich King are two of the best Expansions ever made of any game… PVP you need a lot of mechanical skill because you’re pressing a ton of spells for different scenarios, different match ups require different skill sets, etc… It’s incredibly detailed their combat system. It does have a meta, which I don’t like but that’s what Guild Wars does as I don’t think there’s a stand out class because they all match up, it’s just how you play them.

I think the best aspect of PVP for me is the World PVP aspect, need to farm a bunch of dudes for a ring? Well if an enemy faction is farming them that lessons your chance of getting it because of respawns or whatever, so you fight for your territory. Trying to mine rocks? Pick Herbs? Kill who is trying to do the same, there’s also areas where while you’re questing you capture points and the two factions kind of have a tug of war of control over the area that’s ongoing. So much fun.


We all like different things. :slight_smile: I could never get into WoW. That said, I never played Classic, so who knows, I may have liked it. I like GW2 and their HOT expansion and now their newest one, EOD. The POF one I didn’t care for, but it gave us mounts finally, so that was a bonus for me. A big part of why I enjoy GW2 so much is the friendships I have made over the years. We have played together for so long now, that when we do a dungeon or a fractal, we all seem to know who is going to do what ( even though we do get on discord, we still know without saying) so we play well together. I suppose it is that way in any game when you play with the same crew for years.

Also, there has been a fair amount of changes to their combat system the last couple of years, so you never know, you possibly would enjoy it more these days. Now if they would ONLY make a new character to play. Like the Kodan ( Bear type) or Tengu (Bird type) That would be fun!


Yeah I might, I watch people play it sometimes on Twitch… I think I was playing Mesmer and they seemed pretty cool early on, with the clones and what not. Neat concept

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Got it @anon44012888.


My insomnia made me revisit my main trading hall. The main island is very OTT as there are three libraries with two villages ( I may add a third bell for one side).


I should have done a cap with the staff: the first few of 70 in the main hall having a morning chat.


I just started playing this:

Before Mad Max I hadn’t touched a controller in a few years. It’s been pretty fun. Lots of collecting and exploring. I’m a fan of the movies so this is a cool game. We have a few different systems here. I used to love Zelda games and stuff like that.


I been playing splitgate alot, i’m down to “play in 25 parties online” and i have no friends that play so I cant unlock the challenge, off to see if i can find a discord for it.


Any one wanna play?


Classic Depp