I’m currently winding my way through Kentucky Route Zero. I’ve had it for literally years, but I just really got into it. It’s haunting and beautiful.
I’m also replaying Arkham Asylum for the billionth time, the true and correct best Batman game (and I look asconce at anyone who suggests the bloated City is better).
Once I get back home I’m going to get back to BoTW. Gotta get some more containers to get that master sword and go fuck up Ganons shit
No, I don’t play video games. Wordle, Dordle, Waffle, Squareword, Nerdle, Worldle and Statele.
If I play any more I will be forced to clone myself and I can’t do that to the rest of the world.
I’m a decent person, really. Deep down.
Well DnD is always a relaxing area for me (I am pondering March being a DnD movie month).
Due to my love of it, I tend to accept all miniature sculpt requests, along with any campaign writing: One advantage of being mad is the ability to create living worlds in your head.
I remember playing teenage mutant ninja turtles dnd, mostly during my years as a Boy Scout. Some of the older kids had great imagination!
As for now warships!
Don’t play much due to failing eyesight, short attention span and a general dislike of playing with others.
When I did though, I LOVED playing Assassin’s Creed. I paid more attention to that, than my boss blathering on about federal regulations, not cussing people out and other nonsense.
I still revisit a few rather ancient ones from time to time. Frontier: Elite 2 and Space Empires 4 are personal favourites. Although, nothing puts me in a calm mood like Hero Quest on the Amiga: