Water as apposed to other ratio

Yep, that’s it. I hate that. I love blowing thc smoke out of my nose but learned not to do that with dabs. The terpenes, as you say. Though, recently I got some super duper primo 98% thc wax. It’s something a little diffierent than wax (I think) but I can’t quite remember what it’s made of.

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Weed is immoral and for the most part Illegal in most places, the only reason it is getting decriminalized is to give bad politicians a better shot at fucking up our nations by allowing the weed smokers their fix(es). Take for instance Justin Trudeau. Anyways, let me tell you a story about Jesus Christ, yeah, ol’ JC used to turn water into wine, not bread into doobies. So therefore alcohol is better for you in God’s eyes and that’s who we should really be needing right now.

Just my 2 cents folks, take it or leave it.

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Yep, he didn’t turn palm oil into VG either or Barley into Beer or Wine into Brandy…bit of a thin argument for one’s own drug predilections over that of others doncha think? :rofl: :rofl:


God?? whats that??


Reading your profile Crooks, I’m from GP and have been listening and even dabbling in djing Drum and Bass for over 20 years, nice to meet you :wink:


You don’t understand why water is being used in a mix of water for a water pipe? Maybe stick to topics you know something about dude, it is quite obvious to the rest of us why water is being used in a bong water recipe.

This is not being vaped!

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He’s a Jehovah’s witness, pure as the driven snow that fella, I once swore and he told me I was going to be wiped out during armageddon. I tried to stop him but he threatened me with holy war and then made fun of my god.

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Please, for everyone’s benefit, put clothing on - you’re making people physically ill.

I am unaware of anybody who finds the fully-grown adult baby “look” attractive at all.

Just, yuck.

This is a public forum, not a fetish site.