That’s something I think we’d all like to see.
But you have to beat in mind, there’s so many sub-sets of vaping, because there are so many different factors influencing the reasons why a person might vape in the first place.
Some do it for flavor.
Some for clouds.
Some take short drags.
Others used to kill half a cigarette in a single pull.
Some like it hot.
Some cool.
Some warm.
And we haven’t even begun to cover the varying states of what a person can taste (while in the first week after quitting smoking/etc, while the taste buds are still trashed and it takes more flavor to reach through. Or several months later, when they’ve reached the point of equilibrium again, and can taste to their normal standards. Never mind the fact of whether or not their “normal” taste buds were actually accurate…and we haven’t touched on how percentages vary by brand…)
This I completely agree with, and something I wish every person had the ability to “self moderate”. But, even with that said… That same newbie recipe might help another newbie at the same point in their journey. So…
The best thing you can do, is what’s been repeatedly stated before (both here, in this thread, and WAY BEFORE in others) and that’s learn your preferences. The only way a new mixer can do that though, is to dive in, and mix.
With time, and practice, comes experience.
With experience comes wisdom.
With wisdom, you can spot things that are suitable for you, and those that aren’t.
With additional experience, you can see where a mixer is coming from (what stage they are at) and even begin to get insight into what they’re using (hardware/power/and MTL or DL-wise). While there’s always an exception to the “rules”, the traits are typically indicative, and pretty accurate (as a general point of reference).
You’d likely have to have multiple “admin panels” to do so.
- One for MTL (typically low power, higher flavor percentages)
- One for DL low power (15-30w. AKA: the cool crowd. moderate flavor percentages)
- One for DL medium power (30-60w.AKA: the warm crowd. Medium to lower flavor percentages)
- One for DL high power (typically 70w+. AKA: the hot crowd. Frequently, the ultra low percentages)
So yeah. Not really viable, as that’s a LOT of knowledgeable volunteers to have to round up #1. And second, that’s no small task, and would require a serious amount of time and dedication to something where it’s “Recipe’s Gone Wild” in the “enthusiastic new mixer zone”.
I’ve said this before, but personally, I still believe that one of the biggest ways to help sort this out (for new users, intermediates, and vets alike) is to add check boxes for the recipes, so that during creation, the creator (or adapter) could select their current state of vaping (MTL/DL-lowpwr/DL-medpwr/DL-highpwr) that would correspond to, and be displayed with the recipe. Further, the membership could then filter, and sort by such.
But that’s quite possibly (or some variation) is already in the works… As daath has serious plans, but only so much time. I continue to believe there are great things in store, but we also have to do our fair share in the meantime as responsible users.