any category near our own top-shelf @Steampugs
I have been involved in all things [vaping] for some time,
including commercially, and am still heavily invested in
hardware and it’s red-headed step-child(s).
Not too many moons ago, my dear friend @Rob62 and I
seemed to be very much the minority with any squonk
experience and knowledge in the USA in the circles we ran in,
and even in other areas of vaping. He and I had daily phone
conferences that lasted several hours, and we also created some
very nice juice recipes in real time…1000 miles apart from each other.
This post/thread will be in parts, as I get time to say what I plan to, as
I have other engagements on my honey-do list (long ass list), so be well
fore-warned that more jibberish will follow…it is YOUR FAULT if you
continue to read or follow., and decide you wish to hate on me…[asphalt]
No one can teach anyone these days, so it seems, because most have
peer pressure from friends, or have info-overload from research on the
w.w.w. [is that still legal to say?]. As usual, most comments are made about
hardware from folks that don’t own nor have ever used the product.
[same foolishness like 327 vs 32H&R]
Basics are simple, you can use any squonk mod with non-squonk atty’s
but not vise-versa. If you find a nice mod on sale, but it is a squonker,
some may pass because they don’t squonk.
Simple retro proverbs: Better to have it and not need it…blah blah
Hey, but I only MTL…ya, so what does that squonk out to mean?
Put a Kayfun on a Asmodus Spruzza , vape two tanks, and call me in the a.m.
How about a Chalice III or any of your fave MTL atty’s.
How many atomizers are there now ???
Can anyone even own/vape them all ???
Or…who cares, eh ??? [Rip Tripper sold half of his collection,
and built a new fabulous log home…]
I do own a few, from vintage to modern, and I have some tried and true
mileage reports, which always vary from person to person, depending
on how/what build one uses, including wicking habits.
I have had folks in the shop, sit next to me, and duplicate what I have,
all same stuff, and end up with different results, albeit usually minor.
Scarface said “let me introduce you to my leetle friend…”
Allow me to introduce you to the best versatile atty I have used yet,
covering all bases…build, flavor, etc. …the Nefarius.
You may prefer single coil, this is not. It may seem challenging to build,
but it isn’t, and when you hit it, single battery…18650-20650-20700-21700
dual batteries 18650 blah blah blah…then you will see the superiority
it delivers and the flavor it exudes. I believe it is beyond only my opinion.
Do I still use other atty’s …??? …hell yes…I mean, damn right I do…daily.
I have to get to work now, kitchen duty, to cook for the Queen, while she
reads her Kindle, God forbid I have no meal ready when she finishes a
chapter, or at least have some homemade hummus and celery sticks
for a [meanwhile] snack ready and delivered to her throne, eh?
More later, as I am allowed time to do so. You have been warned, previously,
and now again, that this jibberish is waxing…no hate mail from the peanut section, eh?