What are ultras?

naw naw… I forgot to add, never ending coffee pot :laughing:


I kind of lump Super Concentrate and Ultra into the same pile. I wonder who first called them “Ultras”.


I have always called them Ultras… then you have your standards or sub pars, depending on how you look at things… and then you have the crap flavors… the ones you have to use from 10% and up… Yeps. At least it is my outlook on things…

Less is more and better for us… use more, buy more, someone is making more. This is what I have been taught and shown at work from my boss. He is a pretty smart man :wink:

Use quality over quantity… common sense. Some have it, others don’t :stuck_out_tongue:

lmao :rofl:

I am so going to get jumped on by saying this, but for me it is true, research your companies you are buying, and get to know each flavor… Your tounge won’t lie unless you are just wacked :nerd_face: :laughing: :crazy_face: :grin:


Hi Flavora, I wanna know if you can provide me some ultras. No, I’m not talking about neoskinheads.

Ultras is just a minority slang.

I always figured “Ultras” referred to ultra concentrated, more to do with the potency that being Ultra delicious. A decent amount of brands have some Ultra flavors.

RFSC Baked Bread is an Ultra, 1 drop in 15 to 30ml is enough to work, any higher and it gets nasty. INW Lemon Cake is an Ultra, 1 drop in 10ml give you a nice pound cake. JF Cocoa is good when used low, like 1 drop in 15 or 30ml, any higher and it masks any other flavor you may add to it. Not too many Ultras from CAP, TFA and FW that I can think of at the moment. Plenty of Ultras from FLV, MF and less so from FA IMO.

For me I think SC would be more appropriate than Ultra since the later gives off the impression that it is the best flavor around. I do not equate ultra concentrated with being the best flavor since it is all preference anyway. I do prefer more concentrated flavoring, if I have to go over 5% to get the flavor I want from a particular concentrate then its value starts to dwindle unless if is really good.


Yes yes and more yes…I also like the ability to turn a good flavor into a great flavor by enhancing the good flavor with the help of a SC ( ultra)…like taking FW Blueberry at 3pct and adding .3ish MF blueberry or using An Orange and backing that up with MF orange etc it allows you to keep those flavors as low as possible …if that all makes sense


Great Pro tip right there, I like to do the same. Ordered the MF BB you recommended to me before and had the same idea, use it as a boost instead of a standalone flavor. That’s what makes DIY so fun and keeps me interested, blending flavors to get what you want.


The MF pushes other BB to another world


@anon70102222 I think I DO need to make a FOURTH catagory. Super Duper Concentrates, Ultras, whatever they are, but upon reflecting, there are some, that ARE indeed VERY strong, that are not impossible to work with, but almost always require dilution, like Alpine Strawberry, Rich Cinnamon, and MF Lemon to name a few. I guess there are 4 catagories…


INW Lemon Cake was in my very first flavor order and I wondered why it wasn’t working for me. Just looked up my notes when I did a solo tester and saw that I’d used it at 3%. I can laugh about it now but holy guacamole! I just put it down to me starting out and not knowing enough about this “craft”. Now I know why :blush:. Tried it in a few different mixes but obviously was using it too high. One drop in 10mls explains it all. I’m gonna have to revisit this one. Thanks @mjag :+1:.


Once you go MF blueberry you never go back LOL


And let me throw this out there… There are some flavors in my stash that you do need to mix at 8% and they are by OSDIY. They are by no means subpar and I haven’t found a replacement for them. They are blended flavors or basically one shots but when you mix them together magic happens IE lucky shot and lotta latte


yeah those concentrates if you use over .25% they blow your taste buds off and you can’t taste for a week… joking but you get my meaning LOL


I can safely say it was @anon84779643 who used it first and it caught on from there. I see it as a way to distinguish truly super concentrated flavors from standard super concentrated flavors.

I have a lot of RFSC that are used from 1-3% 1.25-2% being the sweet spot, but there are flavors, like mentioned above, that are 1-4 drop flavors. Those are ultra-concentrated flavors.

I’m not sure anything official should be said as far as calling something an ultra, or ultras, but it helps me distinguish the difference. Super can be misleading, like Strawberry Milkshake RFSC loves to go 3-4% solo. That’s not really super! Edit: well, compared to 5-10%, I suppose it is… I dunno, its early :wink:


OOO glazed donut is like that, needs to be used high and needs to steep forever but it’s the only donut flavor I’ve tried that is an actual donut and not cake or fritter, I never pay attention to total flavor % in my own mixes anymore, as long as it tastes how I want it doesn’t matter lol use more of weak flavors and less of strong flavors, as long as it works out in the end lol


Glad I opted for the 1oz bottle!


Yepps! :slight_smile:

ditto!! :slight_smile:

(and flavor abuse happens too many times, so why waste time and money… name your flavors the way they mix… )

I will never ever give up my flv blueberry… hell no! :stuck_out_tongue:


I don’t either, but when I see a trend in my recipes as far as my taste goes… I always take notes… some recipes I like at 1-2% total flavor and others… between 5-6%… just depends on what is going on. :slight_smile:


I’m with you there, Fish. I smoked nasty cigarettes for 30 years, there’s nothing a flavor % can do to hurt me compared to what I was inhaling into my lungs every day. Do you, be happy :slight_smile:


LOL never tried the FLV blueberry, never even heard of FLV before you honestly. I’d tried every other stinking blueberry and it sucked though. When I found MF I was sold. 0.40% for fresh blueberry yep it worked.