What are you vaping on today?

All settings need to be set for pg. The nic value has to be set at zero.
You can adapt this it’s public.

From your above recipe, you should use this base @ 8% with other flavors of your choice.

Creamy Cake (Base) Cloyce : Check cookies

12.5% Bavarian Cream (FW)
25% Cake Batter (CAP)
12.5% Sweet Cream (TPA)
25% Vanilla Cupcake (FW)
12.5% Vanilla Swirl (TPA)
12.5% Whipped Cream (FW)

Flavor total: 100%
Remember to rate it at: Check cookies

Thank you for your time and effort, I’m trying to learn as much as possible.
If I was making a 30ml batch of my recipe how much of this base would I use. I’m confused on the base issue.

What’s in the tank? The better question is… Who cares? :smile:

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Thanks I get it now, I think.
In my recipe the base is only 7% isn’t the Vanilla cupcake % to high in the cream base you provided or am I still missing something. Like the left side of my brain. LOL

When a combination of flavors are made into a base this combo becomes a new flavor. Basically no different than any other flavor you have purchased. @Pro_Vapes mentioned you should use this flavor/base at 8%. Course you can use it to suit your taste buds. Does this help?

Yes that makes perfect since. What I wont to ask and dont know how to word it is. How do you come up with the % vaules to 12.5 and 25 and witch ones should be the higher in my recipe. The Vanilla cupcake in my recipe is half of what the Cake batter is but in the base it is the same %

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Honestly I haven’t followed all you guys were talking about. Are you making a base of flavors in a recipe to make it easier, for instance…


6% strawberry
2% Cap VC
4% FW yellow cake
3% FW Whipped Cream
1% FW Bavarian Cream

16% flavor

You find that you use this same recipe constantly but you only change the fruit (Strawberry) and the rest remains the same all the time. You decide to make a base out out the last 4 items…

2% Cap VC
4% FW yellow cake
3% FW Whipped Cream
1% FW Bavarian Cream

Now when this base is completed you would use it at the same %s as it was used in the original recipe. Those 4 items totaled 10% of the recipe so it will now look like this…

6% strawberry
10% Base

You now only add 2 items to make the recipe. Is this what you are asking or are you asking about the actual making of the base?

To understand the concept of base making think of it this way. You will not make the base quantity the same as what the recipe calls for because there will not be any left for the next blend. So, what you do is make enough base to make a number of blends. Make believe you want to make 300 mls of juice. In a bottle add all the flavors for the base only. All other ingredients are left out till you want to use the base in a recipe. If you were to add up the mls of the 4 ingredients you want to make a base out of it would make 30 mls of base. What you could make in the way of recipes would be 300 mls of Ejuice…

The base calculator makes this easy for you but this hopefully helps you to understand what you are trying to accomplish…

[quote=“Cloyce, post:46, topic:34”]
The Vanilla cupcake in my recipe is half of what the Cake batter is but in the base it is the same %
[/quote]Sorry about that. When I looked at your recipe I thought the Cupcake was 2% of the flavor. This one below is revised. If you open the recipe below and click on the blue wrench you will get the option to Make flavor base. It calculate the a flavor only base for you to use. It also calculate your usage %. But as @ringling said you can use it like you want.

Creamy Cake (Base) Cloyce

Ingredient %
Bavarian Cream (FW) 1
Cake Batter (CAP) 2
Sweet Cream (TPA) 1
Vanilla Cupcake (FW) 1
Vanilla Swirl (TPA) 1
Whipped Cream (FW) 1

Flavor total: 7%

Remember to rate it at e-liquid-recipes.com!

Creamy Cake (Base) Cloyce (base)

Ingredient ml g %
Bavarian Cream (FW) 4.29 4.29 14.3
Cake Batter (CAP) 8.57 8.89 28.57
Sweet Cream (TPA) 4.29 4.46 14.3
Vanilla Cupcake (FW) 4.29 4.29 14.3
Vanilla Swirl (TPA) 4.29 4.5 14.3
Whipped Cream (FW) 4.29 4.29 14.3

Total base: 30 ml
To be mixed at: 7%
This is enough for 429 ml of finished liquid.
Remember to rate it at e-liquid-recipes.com!

@Cloyce, wondering if the flavor base explanation I left you actually answered your question. You never said anything afterward so ya left me hanging wondering. Hopefully it was what you were asking…

I am vaping some Third World Custard by @thirdworldorder and it is great…i’m lovin it!!!

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Glad you’re enjoying it!

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Actually this is not melon its watermelon and such a great e liquid.

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Oh ok…I feel so dumb now!!! I was referring to a melon flavor by LA that I saw

I’m not sure what kind of melon this is. I have never seen one before and was wandering if anyone could tell me anything about this flavor…