What are you watching? 2022/23

To kick off June, and as it is Dinosaur Day, Tammy and the T-Rex was the only logical choice. It is a fantastic B Movie with many things elevating it - Two of them being the top half of Denise Richards in her third cinematic outing.

This movie came about due to a few people realising that there was an animatronic T-Rex they could gain access to prior to it being shipped out. So, in a move which would have made Pope Roger Corman proud (Gore and Nudity be Upon our 97 year-old master), they used to chance, write, cast and film a movie with a window of a few months.

I will be watching the remastered Blu-ray from Vinegar Syndrome. If you don’t know them, they are one of a handful of companies who remaster odd and obscure movies along with a few others. E.g. Scream Factory is still working hard to find a clean print of Dog Soldiers and is tracking down any frames from the workprint for Event Horizon: Around 5 minutes of the ‘hell recording’ are still classed as lost.


Fair enough :slight_smile:


The Endless Summer is a great movie for promoting surfing - But I always veer towards more demented works, so Surf Nazis Must Die was the obvious choice: Surfploitation combined with revenge based blackploitation is just glorious.

There was also no way I’d pick something like The Sand:


I’ve never seen that one. Interesting trailer though. May have to check that one out for the fun of it :+1:


I’d suggest putting it lowdown in your watch list as it is just a cash-in of the escape room trend which occurred in the last decade.

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Damn, this video makes me feel old:

Although, I never had hair that impressive.


Binged FUBAR on NF. Not great, but not bad. I’ll watch season 2 if there is one, but won’t be broken up if there isn’t.


Live in 4 hours …



Atroz - Terrified
Excellent Horror Movie
With a original storyline


Let’s just hope that the Gobbla leaves it alone: This is the earliest of the mythical creatures of Mars (In modern times, in case anyone wants to get in 16th-17thC sci-fi and spout about the efficacy of geese or compressed dew):: In spite of all planning and telemetry, The Gobbla would snaffle up inquisitive probes.


Which one are you recommending?: Is it Atroz or Terrified?

Your description matches Atroz but your use of images is from Terrified.

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For tonight, I will be watching a movie I haven’t seen - Weird: The Al Yankovic Story . Although, I have been reliably told that it’s made for those who love Weird Al and musical satire. So, it pretty much encompasses my internal playlist.

As Mrs. Squirrel doesn’t like Daniel Radcliffe now that he’s old: It’ll be a private screening.


I agree with you regarding ‘The Void’.

When it comes to The Colour out of Space, this tale does tend to highlight Lovecraft’s misinterpretations regarding scientific advancements during his lifetime. Personally, I think that the fluorescent but inky purple and pinks capture the otherworldly nature quite well.


After doing all my general bits and bobs prior to movie time, this appeared in my feed. So, I am chilling out after chatting to a few about mental health, and then I was reminded of the poster-boy for high functioning individuals: Frank Amodeo. Or, the man who tried to take over the world while declaring it before NATO and liked to dress as Darth Vader when he was dealing with bankruptcies.

I have wondered for years why there isn’t a TV series about him - There is no way anyone could claim that it’s far fetched when the facts are beyond anything the other Frank (Frank Abagnale) managed to do.


Just finished the first two episodes of “Rabbit Hole” and it’s grabbed me enough to keep moving forward with it. Reminds me of something, but I can’t remember what…old age and old brain.


This one will certainly peak the interest of @SessionDrummer @Rocky02852 and @Pastorfuzz:

I am pondering how to translate it into vape form.


French toast is a good vape,
Now someone needs to make a ‘Jimmy Dean Sage’ breakfast sausage flavor


You’re bring up traumatic memories of Beef Steak (Hangsen),


Yup I can testify that RF French Toast is a good one.@ 3.5 with Cap CDS @ .50 amazing cinnamon toast.


A bit strong for my tastes: I tend to cap-out at 2% but I’m a high PG blender.

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