What Are Your Favorite Vanilla Combinations?

H’s?..what’s that stand for?


Hi eStorm,…lol. Thx for dropping in with your list and advice. Being a vanilla junkie myself it’s good to hear that you’ve attained your vanilla goals. Obviously, I’m still reaching, hence the thread, Your list is long and I only have 7 of those but now I’ll have to place some orders. I will not stop until I’m satisfied.


Would you mind giving an example of 3 or 4 that you’ve layered successfully?


well it went to her now! :stuck_out_tongue:
think of the famous chocolate company in Pa… this is almost outside of your aim for Vanilla’s but you might want to see how I did this one…


It’s also outside of my brain capacity. I can see what you did there…mostly. But very advanced for me. I’m not there yet. I was delighted that Wedding Cake didn’t exceed 7 flavors.


G’nite all. I’m tucking in early tonight and enjoying the last of the cool air before Armageddon starts.


@anon84779643 You know what? I don’t trust this scale. I tried it with batteries and I tried it plugged into a dedicated APC Professional Grade surge arrester. I used to use that in my music studio and I know it’s good quality. Here’s what happened:

I dropped into a plastic bottle and I didn’t get a reading until I added more liquid. 2 drops read as 0.03g.

Then I dropped into a 15ml glass bottle. For 2 drops I did get a .04g reading which is correct but it dropped back to zero without a tare. I waited, I gently blew on it but it always dropped back to zero.

Then I tried a 30ml glass bottle. 1 drop read nothing. 2 drops went from .03 to .05. Then that dropped back to zero, too, if I remember correctly. I should have taken notes, geez.

The scale vacillates too much. How can I mix on it? And I was careful about movement nearby. Idk if a calibration will help or what but I’ll have to mix by volume for now. It won’t kill me. I don’t have the scale skills to work around it. It seems to be off by .01g among other things. I know a lab worker who would add calibration weights to his scale to correct it instead of calibrating it. But he had all that at his finger tips. I think it would just be easier for me to buy a new one.


Are you near any other electronic device, window or doorway with the scale? That can effect things too. If it isn’t reading right, calibrate, and if you can not, it is better to invest in one that either you can, or that it will… if you plan on mixing for any length of time.

I know its a pita to deal with, but being able to rely on your tools is very important… :slight_smile:


First, thank you for listening to all my woes and trying to help me out. The scale CAN be calibrated with a 100g weight. I just need to get one.

I have very limited space to work in so yes I’m near a window and doorway but window was closed. What is the issue with doorways? There is one electronic device in the room that needs to stay in operation, my router/modem. EAch has their own surge arrester. Do you think plugging the scale’s surge arrester in an outlet on the opposite wall would make a difference?


ETA: I wholeheartedly agree with you about having the right tools and I do plan on mixing until there’s a calibration weight in my cold dead hands :skull_and_crossbones:


here is a good read (pdf format) on measurement and interference… :slight_smile:

or a standard web link


that can help you figure out why your numbers are bouncing… because it can not pick up the 1 drop = .02g using the flv bottles… that is yet the reason to upgrade your scales… so you have 2 issues going on… from my guessing… I could be wrong on the bouncing numbers… :slight_smile:

Surge protectors only protect the line… they do not stop electronic waves from:

cell phones

and other electronics…

I hope these links will help out too… maybe you can dig a bit and if you can fix it, good… if it isnt that and just a scale misread issue… a new scale can be an improvement :slight_smile:


Thanks a bunch. Btw, it wasn’t a Flavorah drop (I didn’t want to waste good flavoring on a possible failing test).


Thanks for bringing this up, just ordered it last night along with some other FR flavors. Never tried FR before and your notes peaked my interests.


@anon84779643 I read the article and I guess my next question is can RFI and EMI travel long distances throughout a house and through closed doors? Will my TV and other devices still transmit when they’re powered off? Do their cables need to be unplugged? Living in an electronic world makes it near impossible to create a RFI/EMI free environment. I see Wayne mixing in front of his laptop, camera, audio equipment, etc. Now I’m baffled ???


They don’t usually transmit. They only receive.
(unless they have Bluetooth or connect to wifi, and your typically talking milliwatts of power.)

Even then, typically, only high powered sources are going to transmit anything noteworthy enough to be a possible point of problems. (As you mentioned before, the microwave. But that should not be generating any interference unless you’re actively cooking something.)

I would be looking more at the scale being the problem, and if not that, then airflow across it. JMHO.


Exactly… that is the biggest I see.

Just want folks more aware of what types of interference could cause an effect… in @muth’s situation tho I am leaning more and more to just get a new scale… something easy, doesn’t have to be expensive… :smiley:

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And if you’re working with recipes that require 0.02g additions, it might be interesting to get a 0.001g scale. There are fairly cheap ones, but they don’t hold a lot of weight. Good for small bottles though and you could always measure the base liquids on the other scale.


Thank you, Suomynona. Would you have any links? I’ve been looking at different scales all morning, even 0.002g and couldn’t find anything affordable.

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Thank you, Sprksfly. The one object in my space where I do all my vape related things has a router/modem in it. I’m not at liberty to turn it off anytime as it’s also being used by another person. The TV uses wifi but is downstairs if that makes a difference. I’ll do the calibration first and see if it helps. If not, another scale is on my to do list. Once I started mixing by weight I realized how much I loved it. What a blessing (if your scale functions properly):wink:

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@anon28032772 @anon84779643 @Sprkslfly I found this one on ebay. Do you know anything about this brand? It takes 300g!