What batteries to pick?

I don’t believe you want button top. I may be wrong but I think all the new regulated mods have protections built in. I also think the button tops are longer and won’t fit in the mod. Others can chime in.

I get the flat top ones

Flat top here as well.

What she said…flat top…and the 4 cell charger… Always charge all 3 at same time. Discharge all 3 together ( batteries married)

Yeah, definitely dont want the button top. With the Sammy batts they just put a button top on it then a clear wrap which makes them very very long.

Alright thank you all for your help, I appreciate it! I will be ordering 4 batteries along with the RX200 and the D4 charger!


Real quick, how many batteries does everybody have? I need to spend $16 for free shipping, is it weird that I would buy 10 batteries? I would use one for a mech and one for an RX200

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We have around 30 but have a few dual batt unregulated box mods and far too many other mods…

RX200 requires 3 batts, +3 more while charging and 1 or 2 for your mech.

Do you think it is silly to have 10 batteries for 2 devices? I really want that free shipping! haha

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I dont feel it is silly at all. You could get a cheap DIY power bank from fasttech and put two in it to charge your RX200/phone or anything else if you end up not using them.

I use them for my 18650 flashlights too.

Oddly enough I have over 10 power banks just lying around haha!
So it is either buy 12 batteries or get something else from this website http://www.illumn.com/

Cant go wrong with illumn but that shipping… I usually just go with Lightning Vapes these days.

I would go with them but they do not have the charger I want sadly.

Is this one any good?

Its a good charger but this is better: http://www.lightningvapes.com/products/efest-luc-v4-lcd-usb-charger?variant=933144245

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It seems that on lightningvapes everything is quite a bit more expensive than Illumn even with the 17% coupon. This is the most difficult purchase I have ever made.

Shipping should be much cheaper, if i remember from my last couple purchases. No?

8 dollars cheaper. I just did the math and it would save money if I ordered from Illumn. It would be 93 dollars for 5 less batteries. So I guess Illumn is the way to go. What makes this whole thing more difficult is that I am also buying 3 batteries (VTC4). Just the three VTC4 batteries are $29.97 on LightningVapes and on Illumn they are $18.

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Well 6 of those batteries are gonna be married to your RX200, right? So you have 4 batteries for the other mode :smiley:

I have 8 batteries for two mods (really only one that I use on a regular basis). I would have more if I could have afforded it. I say go for it. The more the merrier. :stuck_out_tongue:

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