What batteries to pick?

You never have to many batteries. I have 2 for every single battery mod and 4 for dual battery mods plus as @Ken_O_Where mentioned I use 18650;s for flashlights as well.

EDIT: This is what I get and 10 Samsung 25r would be 54.45 and even if you only get 2 it is still free shipping. Samsung 25r and I get them in my mailbox in 4 to 5 days

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I actually ended up ordering it from a different website which made it a better deal I think.


Good deal and you will like dealing with VapeNW I order from them and it gets to rural West Virginia in 3 to 4 days every time

Oh my! Double RX200s!!

I am hoping so! Very excited!

One RX200 and the three VTC4 batteries are for a friend haha. I think I got a good deal.


Is that friend me? WOOO WHOO!!!

Yeah VapeNW is a pretty good company, shouldnt have any issues.

Haha, I told my friend Brett I was going to order one and he just had to have one. Right now he has an IPV 3 and is due for an upgrade!

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Oh well, we can be friends anyways. :smile:

What kind of atty are you going to use with all that power?

I actually just bought a crown by Uwell, I also have an Aspire Atlantis, a Velocity clone, A Mutation X RDA, and lastly a Goliath RTA
But probably my Crown because I like that the best.

Ah, good deal, yer into rebuildables. Welp, hope you like it all, id better quit posting in the thread as it just told me i should stop since i have posted more than 20% of the posts in here.

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Oh really? Alrighty then. Thank you very much for your help!

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I see you already ordered but that i4 is the charger I got off amazon for 15. I was like $7 short of getting the free shipping so added the charger. wasn’t suppose to arrive till tomorrow but the box was on my porch this morning. took the charger and batteries to work with me and charged them at work. (work 2nd shift)

came home and popped them in the RX2oo’s and updated the firmware and have been playing with the settings.

Your gonna loveit!

haha don’t let that discourage you :smiley:

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I just consider it a hint, when i was young i was nick named motor mouth, hehe.


What do you mean the most capacity? (Longest life, most amps )I rarely vape over 100 watts but I have been purchasing 200 w 3 bat mods and starting to try below .1 so I don’t want to worry. Are 20 amp bats good enough?? I have heard that some companies call their 20amp bats 30 amps. I like good deals but I can afford good products and don’t want to cheap out. All my 35 amp batts in my rx200 last about 3 hours ( efest imr 2800, AWt imr 3000 mah 40 amp. Mxjo 2800) would love longer life. Ordering soon. Thx!

Take the DNA200 or the RX200 - those are limited to 54 amps1, I believe, so yes, a 20A is good enough! :slight_smile: If you check out Mooch’s tests on LG HG2 it proves to be a good battery! THe HE4 and 25R have better peak amps, I believe, but with shouldn’t be necessary with the x200-devices :slightly_smiling:

1) It does look like the RX200 does more? Wismec’s site says the batteries should be 25A continuous discharge batteries. I wouldn’t have any worries using either of the 3 I mentioned…

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After this next order I am going to have 20 bats, do I need to keep them separate and only use the same pairs? That’s what I have been doing. Easy when bats are all diff colours. Should I put skins on to differentiate? Where do I buy those?

Yes, if you have a 3 battery mod, marry 3 or 2 x 3 batteries together - mark them with a sharpie or an insert/wrap :slightly_smiling: I mark mine “RA1”, “RA2”, “RA3” for (R for Reuleaux) - batteries married to each other, and the set married to a mod :slightly_smiling:

Wraps can be had everywhere, I think, here is the transparent ones from FT - here is a search on FT…

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Limited to 54 amps, so buying 30 amp bats is just a waste at 2x price