What do you really hate? (II)

Man, that sucks. At least Spectrumisn’t alone in the suckage customer service department.
What is it with foreign countries adopting names that are questionably real? I have no problem with speaking to a foreign country for support as long as we can communicate effectively, but c’mon, I’ve spoken to “Chad”, “Skip” and even a “Bif”…all in India. What are the odds? I wonder if the names change according to the country of the originating call and do they make it up on the spot or do they have a name assigned to them?

Shit, I got to much time on my hands…


That sucks. We rely so much on our technology and when it doesn’t work, I freak out. And so sorry that you lost your DRV recordings. :unamused:


Many Indian names are a bit difficult to pronounce for westerners. I always was amused by the Filipinos who seem to prefer names from 50’s and 60’s US television shows.


“This (incident) does not reflect the high standards we have for drivers who deliver our packages,” Amazon said in a statement. “We take these matters seriously and this individual is no longer delivering Amazon packages.”


find them , and poke their eyes out. hard to beat up someone that you can’t see.


What do I hate? This example of sheer bastardry is what I hate. Uncaring, devoid of empathy and without a shred of humanity. Seriously, has the world gone insane? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I ask myself (and anyone who’ll listen) this multiple times a day.


Just the other day Gilligan had to transfer my call to his supervisor, “The Professor”


I waiting for The Beaver, Wally or Lumpy Rutherford to answer


Seriously? That’s funny.


I wish, although I probably wouldn’t be responding as I would have died laughing :sweat_smile:


I hate that everyone is so convinced they are right, they stopped asking, or suggesting and started mandating. Then that tuned into “well I found a site online that says”

Frankly, just because an incorrect opinion is stated twice doesn’t make it less wrong.

Couple this with the instinctive reaction of insult and bravado received when a question is asked and we have a large group of people on a crusade to be right, without critical thought or, frankly, a great degree of demonstrated intelligence.

I’ll add to that the inability now to accept moderate views or accept that however right one feels in their opinion, it’s wrong to someone and an opinion is an opinion, nobody is right.

I also hate that in most cases these days, asking a question is seen as taking an opposing view.

I guess to summarise:
I hate unsubstantiated arrogance from people unable to see reality, who lack real logic and cannot grasp language as intended.

This is a relatively long standing thing for me, and it’s why I have this username.


A buck seventeen next week, and so begins the triple digit days until Halloween.


I left there 2.5 years ago. Spent my whole childhood and half my adulthood there. I never acclimated to the heat and I didn’t leave the house six months of the year. As fantastic as six months of the year can be, the other six for me were unbearable. After a decade in nyc I knew i wouldn’t last forever there.

Now it hits 75 outside and I’m complaining there’s no AC.

You have my sympathy - people who haven’t lived there have no idea what it is like, even if they’ve visited, to never have it drop below like 95 for 4 months. It’s horrible.

London is a big change. I still
Keep expecting it to get really hot because it was so many years in Phoenix.


Brilliant post!
And a number of very key points that we would all do well to try and bring to mind more frequently.


I grew up in a desert environment and I really liked it being over 100F (43C) for months on end. Where I live now we are lucky to get 3 to 4 weeks of that a year, but she who must be obeyed hates the heat.


this actually made me laugh. seems lies rule these days.


Spent some years there, then moved to So Cal desert where it’s pretty close to PHX weather. It’s been 21 years now and I’m over it. I miss the color green from northern climates. I feel your pain brother.


I don’t miss that at all. 21 years of that was all I needed. The weather here in Georgia has been just fine.

This is for Al Ain, Abu Dhabi.


I really struggle to understand how some Americans don’t see that big tobacco / pharma have completely pulled the wool. Even if they checked for 1 minute with an unbiased mind regarding the vape deaths (the bootleg thc cut with oil ones)

My mother is there and goes on and on about it to the point where I just sent her a link to the U.K. website and said “have you considered tobacco lobbyists are getting their way?”

Really sad.