What do you really hate? (II)

this is what someone replied :
It’s worked in jersey. I had been vaping for 4 years cig free until a few months into the ban when driving hours to get juice or coils got too rough I bought a pack of cigs. 1 year later and I’m smoking 2 packs of reds a day again smh.


Ami Horowitz is ok. This video shows how little thinking some people will do.


the future of this country = we are doomed


I’m surprised to see so much anti Covid vaccination discussion on this site. In checking out the main thread I didn’t see many dissenting views (I skimmed) . It’s a pretty hot topic and definitely views vary around the world a not just America.

I’m curious if that’s because largely the community here are in alignment with the idea that Covid isn’t what people think it is / isn’t real / government made it / being used to control people / any other objection, or if those who disagree are simply not bothering to do so in this forum - perhaps thinking that such firmly held beliefs won’t be changed or conversation welcomed.

Perhaps it’s that the minority community of those who believe that Covid isn’t real / bad / etc are just a louder contingent as is often the case with many minority opinions.

As for vaccinated people wearing masks - I would think the practise is held as very few vaccinated people have had proper antibodies tests and as such it’s been a continuing mandate to protect spread from those who fail to develop immunity. Additionally some may choose to continue wearing a mask if they’ve been vaccinated and many others haven’t to avoid rubbing others the wrong way.

I think another question could be - even if one doesn’t believe in anything Covid related, why would one wish to make others uncomfortable if the larger society does believe.

Wearing a mask would seem to be, for most; a relatively minor sacrifice in the interest of providing comfort to others.

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And then there are replies like this - which couod be either way!


Speaking for myself, it’s simply not worth the drama that seems to automatically ensue.

When such monumental lashback can be stirred by something as seemingly inconsequential as a stupid little dot by someone’s avatar, or as minute as the topic of using heat to make a mix more conducive to chemicals mixing together more easily, it doesn’t take long to realize that you might as well be tacking into the wind.

There just comes a point when you say “it’s just not worth it”.

It does get discussed in certain company, in depth, and with supporting science-based evidence. (I’m indebted to those who aren’t afraid to dissent while maintaining a level head, as I’ve learned a great deal more from those who actually look beyond the media’s manipulation of the situation for facts.)

I wouldn’t say it isn’t real.
I would say that it’s not what it’s being portrayed to be (for a few different reasons).


Don’t go there Sparky… :rofl:


I agree. It’s not. Especially as you said with the completely innocuous “inside jokes” and also the way 4chan and the like can flick a finger and whip an entire group of people into frenzy.

This is what I look at too. Unfortunately evidence and statistics can be turned for any argument. “ 4/5 people agree” is also “20% unsatisfied”. A great many people cannot understand this and even when I try to take sports as an analogy they don’t get it.

On 3/4 of their last games with a record of WWWLLLLLWLL is also won 4/10 and 3/7 but announcers will say 3/4. The argument people have is that it’s a streak. My argument is there was a Losing stream before that so is it really relevant to overall statistics?


Disturbing, and revealing at the same time.


Before you joined ELR @Aphonic we got into MANY heated arguments (discussions) about COVID. Faucci (and others, WHO, CDC) were throwing out outrageous infection/fatality numbers (which have now been proven completely inaccurate), many people were in a panic, etc,. etc., etc. It ended up getting shut down because of that very same panic, and heated debate.

Now that the dust has settled, and the real fatality rate (including admission of incorrect counting, and the like), no one here has really felt the need to take what we now know, and compare it to what we were all TOLD previously.

People who are in the know, or WANT to be in the know, have already researched what’s what, and know. Those who haven’t either don’t care, or have no interest in knowing IMO.

Perhaps why there is more of an ANTI vac discussion on a DIY forum would be that many of us are NOT dependant, and/or are more self reliant. Buy juice, or make it yourself. Take the easy way, or get into it, and do it yourself. It’s a different mindset, and it extends BEYOND ejuice IMO.

For the skeptic, the above statement/mindset begs the question, what good IS the vac ? The goal posts have been moved soo many times in this “crisis” that many of us have lost count, and/or given up trying to keep up with the new “reason(s)”. Remember way back when, when everything was being done, to “Slow the spread” ?? LOL, look how far we’ve come.

I believe that is an oversimplification. I talk to an extremely large sample of people daily, and from all walks of life, and I’ve found far more people who do believe completely that COVID is real, but they have serious concerns about the ever changing severity, real lethality, and most have grown weary of the lockdown/restrictions, that seemed to be based far less on actual science, and more on (fill in the blank here …).

I don’t know which side of the fence the real “larger” society falls on, but as far as being uncomfortable, there seems to be a LOT of that, on both sides.

Ahhh, the biggest new, new debate. I will await to see what the new next new normal becomes. Many (not all) people that I talk to have been compliant since this all began, and many have grown tired of the ever changing goals, reasons, reasoning, and have lost faith in Fauci, the CDC, the WHO, and especially politicians, who seem to almost CRAVE situations, like COVID for a multitude of reasons. Power, control, funding, etc.

Promises made, promises broken is a term I hear regularly. People are told to lock down until (fill in the blank), they do. Told to continue until (fill in the blank), and they do. Told to wear masks, distance, etc., they do. Now we’re on to the vac.

I’ve been hearing more and more about “booster” shots, so it makes one wonder, will it ever end ? Only time will tell. People have been VERY compliant, understanding, reasonable, despite all of the changing rules, reasons, motivations, promises, but nothing lasts for ever, including patience. BUT, just my opinion.

Doesn’t mean COVID isn’t real, doesn’t mean it’s not dangerous to some, but it also doesn’t validate all of the “claimed” risks, lethality that has been bandied about either. It also doesn’t mean that many people are convinced as to the safety of the synthetic mRNA.

The future will tell us.


I COMPLETELY forgot about that. Where’s mah dot ??


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I see. Wel I don’t have a desire to enter the debate. I was only hypothesising the reasoning behind why some may feel a need to wear a mask, after vaccination (after it was asked) and asking why it was discussed here, or rather why it was injected into threads regarding things which would appear to be unrelated, as a single point of view.

I don’t think we have really seen the kind of things that drive the confusion/split in the USA one way or another, the U.K. obviously has taken a different approach than many which was ridiculed initially, but opposing views have changed. It’s difficult to have a conversation when facts seem to be drawn from differing sources too, and again facts are half of the conversation, and reliant upon trust in sources.

I agree we can all research on our own and come to sound scientifically based judgments that create truth for ourselves.

The reason I asked was simply that I was surprised to see such a hot topic injected into various threads not pertaining to the actual question or discussion, remaining unmoderated. I suppose it speaks to the community nature and general good will that people with drastically opposing views can choose to ignore one way or the other and get back to discussing a shared interest.


It appears to be split along party lines, more so than not.

Interestingly, the poll also showed that, “Republicans (59% from 40%) are the most likely to say that the real number of deaths is less than the official count.”

On the other hand, “Democrats (61% from 63%) continue to mostly believe the real toll of the pandemic is greater than what has been officially reported.”

Expected ?? Unexpected ?? A lot of opinions on this abound. Who knows …

This is especially troubling. If Americans are divided along political lines when it comes to something that should be as cut-and-dry as death counts during a pandemic, that is much more telling about the lack of credibility most Americans (from all political persuasions) have in the nation’s major institutions.

Yet, this should also be expected to some degree. A plethora of polls show that most Americans do not trust the federal government, state government, and even their local government, when it comes to all things related to coronavirus. And needless to say, many Americans are skeptical about the media’s portrayal of COVID-19. But that should come as little surprise, seeing as Americans’ trust in the media has been waning for years.

When public trust in major societal institutions erodes, bad things tend to happen. As Americans, we need to have at least a reasonable sense of trust in the media and those in government in order for our society to function cohesively, let alone thrive.

As history shows, when people lose faith in these vital institutions, society can fragment quickly. Public trust is a prerequisite for a free society. Just ask those who lived in the Soviet Union or East Germany, where government officials and the media routinely lied to their citizens.


I think you’re right @Aphonic.

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Both of my teams are out of the Stanley Cup playoffs. Bruins fell due to some injuries of their defensemen and the Avalanche just couldn’t get out of their own way against Vegas.


Guess there’s always next season, eh?

Also, Go anyone other than Vegas!!!


Oh, that blows! I’ve been out of the Hockey scene for too long. Don’t know who plays for who anymore. I was a Red Wings fan for a bit, mainly because most people outside of Detroit hated them and getting under one’s skin was a talent I used to have.
“There’s always next year!”


Well said.

I only speak for myself, but I’m sure that if at the beginning of this our government told us,

"Hey guys, we’d like to tell you that we strongly suspect that this is not a naturally occurring virus. In fact, it most likely came from the virology lab right down the street from the wet market that the Chinese government claims it began. We’d also like to inform you that the lab does “Gain of Function” research. For those who don’t know that is a euphemism for “Let’s crank this fucker up and see just how deadly it is.” Oh, did we mention that we have sent your tax dollars to this lab because we too enjoy cranking shit up. So, I guess what we want to say is, "Holy shit people, this could be some serious shit so let’s all take it seriously. If it’s any comfort to y’all we’re going to appoint a Covid Czar (yes, we know it’s the Russian word for king, but we in DC just love the shit out of that word) and who better to guide us out of this mess we created than the very same man who sent your tax dollars to those mad scientists. So, put on your masks and hold on, this is going to be one hell of a ride.

I, for one, would have appreciated their honesty.


Yep, the Av’s didn’t get it done and were handily dominated by the GK’s. I’m also worried about the Denver Nuggets. Phoenix looks like the better team…by a bunch.


Nicely put!


your right, this was done on purpose. and we are now living under the control of one of the 2 governments that perpetrated it.