What do you really hate? (II)

@natbone I’m in the same camp. BUT, if honesty is still selling, is anyone buying it ?


pretty much, NO


I agree…it can be frightening


the thing is, this pandemic thing, this is “nothing” compared to what this planet is going to experience. this is just a trail run.


I hear that @jinx_d


I’d love to tell you you’re wrong, but…

I. Just. Can’t.


I come to ELR to get away from mask debates.
If I want to argue about masks I’ll jump on Facebook.


@Chef_Johnny, a better use for the Book of Face, could not be found.



In the desert.

114F today, 120F tomorrow.
If one person tells me to have a nice day, I’m going full Moe on 'em!


I feel for you. Denver will be in the 90’s and near 100 this week…again. When I want to put things in perspective, I remember living in Phoenix and check the temps there. My brother lived there his entire adult life and loved it. I moved there after he said, “But it’s a dry heat.” Two weeks after moving there I remember saying, “Dry heat or not, 114 is f*****g HOT !~!”…said while standing, mid-day, feeling my cheap sneakers start to melt into the asphalt. :roll_eyes:


Yeah it is. Thankfully, it isn’t humid, it sooo much worse when you add them together.
Good luck with your heatwave. Hope y’all in Colorado fare better this summer than last year.


We’ve had good moisture this spring, but on the western side of the divide, this could be an awful wildfire season. And having temps in the 90’s this early and consistently is really out of the ordinary. I just talked to one of my nieces in Las Vegas and they were at 112. I hope our landlord gets our central AC unit working properly, cuz my upstairs bedroom is in the upper 80’s tonight…not great for sleeping.


last night my browser crashed, or should i say, was probably rebooted by MS(BASTARDS!!!). lost all of my tabs, research has to start all over again.


I think something people who haven’t lived in places like Phoenix can’t understand is persistence. Sure nyc had a couple heat waves (with humidity) and it was miserable. But it also wasn’t long. I don’t think one can grasp the misery of a solid 5-7 months where even at 2am you’re at 95F degrees - there’s no breeze, no respite. Constant air conditioning to just live while breathing in dry windy air that is stale.

Everyone has been through some heat. It’s not the same as living square in a dessert. I am so flipping glad I don’t go through this anymore. This is my second summer gone and I’m loving it.

“It’s a dry heat”

Yah so is my oven, I don’t want to live in that either.

To my european compatriots. The heat in Spain / Italy is not even close to the same thing! I say this as someone who has spent a lifetime in Arizona and another life in Europe. The two aren’t comparable in a meaningful way, max temp doesn’t paint the picture. When you get off a plane in Spain / Italy and it’s hot- it’s hot. When you get off a plane in Phoenix, you can’t breathe.


I remember so vividly walking out of the Abu Dhabi airport at night in the middle of August. My first thought was, “How the fuck do people live here?”

You’re spot on with the persistence issue, it just never lets up at all for months. I did acclimate though, much more than most expats did.


I agree. I said I didn’t acclimate but I was so young when it started, by body did. At the family bbq this weekend everyone was pushing for shade and getting colour / pink in minutes - since it was not humid I didn’t have an issue with it. It was nice. Also, despite turning into a translucent ghost since returning back t the U.K., I didn’t catch any colour despite a couple hours in the sun.

Hey since we are in the what do you really hate thread this works out really well given the above (and other things), and not related to anything ANYONE has said here but thinking about the weather thing, I hate me too-ism

I have adhd = oh me too, I can’t focus to save my life.

Someone broke into my house when I was home = oh something like that happened to me, except they broke a window with a ball, and I wasn’t home.

I broke my neck and have nerve paralysis = oh I know just what you mean, I’ve never been the same since a car accident where I was told I had whiplash.

It’s like a non stop competition in life to one up.

Or- I hate that I feel that way when people are just trying to relate…. But I know, we all feel the same.

Edit - I’m sure I do this all the time so I also hate the fact I’m a hypocrite.


What do I hate? When your AC quits and it just hit 116 outside. ugh…Fortunately we do have one of those small portable units on wheels that is keeping it around 82 or so in one room. AC guys are supposed to be here by 6pm but ya, kinda sucks. Even for me and I like the desert! lol


Guy just left, only needed to have a capacitor replaced. Whew, it’s staring to come down. Only 80 in here now. We were lucky they could get out to us today.

We also have a smaller unit for the master bedroom end of the house so it was not all that bad as long as we stayed in there or in the room with the portable. I can’t even imagine folks not having some sort of backup like that. That has to be downright dangerous. That’s the time you all go to a mall or the movies or wherever.


Glad it was only a cap @Deb50.