What do you really hate? (II)

i had a feeling it was a cap, i had to replace one of mine once. i should get a spare for my current unit.


Well heck yes, get a spare. You will be glad you did, should yours blow :slight_smile:

and thanks guys :slight_smile:


Football: Every time there is any kind of football related event it becomes almost impossible to avoid people infected with blind optimism, plagued by a need to add a syllable to ‘England’ and afflicted by a minor stroke which causes them to forget how pronouns work.


Finding out from our landlord that the compressor is out on our central air and needs to be replaced. Last Wednesday, they said it would be fixed on Friday. No one came on Friday and our landlord has not returned our calls. Gonna talk to the office tomorrow morning to see where it stands. It’s been cooler in Denver for the past couple of days, but is supposed to heat back up next week. The heat really affects my mood and energy. Keeping fingers crossed.


Those fixed in illogical beliefs without standards: I am happy to carry 100kg in each arm or sit in any location at any time to help another - But to blindly hold any belief is just an insult to advancing humanity. (Maybe your god does not
follow the exact rules you’ve created).


This works well with my hatred of failing logic. It’s far from just religion, the faith people hold in their own knowledge obtained simply from another person and no research is astounding across the board.


Well I don’t mind people having their own god but having one that is a reflection of them and a defiance of logic to just foolish.


I struggled with this in the USA when there were a segment of “zabzus” who clearly were not embraced by “actual zabzus” due to them, from what I knew, directly violating zabzu beliefs.

After many conversations I ended up thinking well, zabzu is so interpreted who knows what’s right. My argument was simply then, why would you want to call yourself a zabzu fellow. Why not just found zeebzu instead.

I found the whole thing confusing and silly. If I want to be a zabzu but the zabzu faith says, you can’t have brown hair, I don’t need to argue that I was blond as a kid. I just need to accept that I should embrace who I am and go with that.

maybe that’s why we get so much self reflecting faith.


A good reflection. I just find jumping to add a label to all a bit odd.

Though I just finished cooking while chatting to a Muslim and Parsi about about a possible haunting.


I agree, the world would likely be a better place if all religious people were simply spiritual, which - while still a label, at least I’d one that encompasses all the faith based deity ideas. Especially when so many are so similar.


Indeed, spiritual or having faith is less messy than grabbing at religion:

I have lots screaming about Biblical literalism but they cannot get beyond Milton’s 1667 model of the last two chapters of Judges (I was Jesuit trained, for my sins).


masks… i honestly hate masks.


Me to @Ellielo. Welcome to ELR.

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Faux intellectuals passing off their own opinions as logic, while dismissing the opinions of others as …opinions. Everyone seems to be an expert these days :rofl:


Embrace being a happy fool like St. Simeon or Diogenes. Life is easier when you don’t bother to care too much.


Heartening to see you follow your own advice then Smashie :wink: You obviously thought my last comment was refing you, whilst, in reality it wasn’t, if it were, I would have hit the reply and made the comment a direct one, not really one shy of calling a spade a shovel TBH.


Oh, I’d didn’t think it was directed at me: Just spreading my day off view of the world.


The students haven’t reduced their noise in 6 hours (almost 3am here), so neighbours asked me to chat: Facing a heavily tattooed and scarred man with an epic beard and a voice like Stephen Fry tends to settle issues.

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Just settled on a mild solution.

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Burn down the accomodation?