I am very sorry to read this… My support in these difficult times…
Thanks to everyone for their good thoughts. We are muddling through as best as possible. I really appreciated everyone’s caring compassion.
@Cary1, truly sorry to hear that, as tragic doesn’t seem to come close enough. Not in any way in an attempt to derail your post, but our family has had our fair share of severe illnesses and deaths, and 2021-2022 haven’t been much fun.
We will keep you, and your in our prayers. I’m sure it is difficult, but your help, and assistance is, and will be very appreciated. And yes, difficult, doesn’t even seem to come close either.
@SessionDrummer Thanks to you and everyone who has commented. She went off life support yesterday, late afternoon and was moved to the hospice wing at the hospital. They made her as comfortable as possible and she died a couple of hours later. I feel the loss, but am glad she passed quickly and no longer suffers. My emotions are all over the place today and I am grateful for my friends for their kind thoughts and support.
@Lucas_James_Holden @delltrapp @Gazza7 Thanks for the kind thoughts. Family members and friends are grieving hard right now. I’m doing the best I can to be supportive for her sister, who I love dearly. I know I already posted this, but I am truly glad she did not suffer for a long period of time and died quickly.
Does anyone other then devote Catholics even care what the Catholic Church has to say ?
Personally that’s the Individual and his Families decision. If you want to be Cremated, Stuffed & Mounted, buried with a casket or without. If it doesn’t infringe on me or my personal property. Have at it!
Probably not …
Fair enough @Mark_Turner. I just felt it was another ground breaking thing to come from Cali.
I fear that it is now starting …
I don’t have a problem with it. I’ll be dead and if my remains will help life, what’s to dislike? As for what the church thinks…well, I really don’t care. They thought it was OK to cover up the molestation of children. I stopped caring about what they have to say.
Due to recent problems with me taking off top layer of skin on 3 different occasions which resulted in leg veins being opened and excessive bleeding occurring (imagine water spurting from a hose non-stop) I had some laser surgery on a shit-ton of varicose veins on my left leg carried out 2 weeks ago. Took 35 minutes and cost me $4,100.00 (which I had to pay for 2 weeks in advance). And no, I don’t have health cover either.
What do I hate? Mostly paying $4,100.00 for 35 minutes work I suppose. Meh…
That sucks and sorry you had to shell all that out. On the plus side, it’s over and here’s to a speedy recovery.
Thanks mate. Recovery is taking a little longer than anticipated but I’ll get there. Can’t wait until I can have “intimate" times again