I agree with you T.Z, but don’t forget that other races can call us what they like and nothing is said about racism then. Double standards don’t you think?
And I would know, I was told so after I was screaming it out during a game of Multiplayer Call Of Duty
Tread lightly cracker
I’m going to have to disagree. I worked as a youth counselor in a residential facility for 11 years. 70% of the residents were black kids. Those two words are interchangeable…the enunciation is the only difference, depending how deep in the ghetto they came from.
You know what I hate? Nobody being onboard with normalizing calling people a Retard.
Personally I think that the P.C brigade has done more harm than good here by creating more racial tension than was initially there in the first place. They have created a constantly evolving book of rules of what is the right thing and the wrong thing to say and do which has become more and more confusing and causes more chances of offending someone. My wife works for Social Services dealing with vulnerable people and the amount of times that names and phrases have had to be changed to keep up with being P.C are nobody’s business and even they get confused at times. I think it has gotten to the stage where we are more likely to say the wrong thing even though we are trying hard not to and we are afraid to open our mouths in fear of “offending” someone. Calling someone racist seems to have become a popular get out of gaol card these days too but that’s another thing entirely.
Yeah, Jordan Peterson has been warning of this and people say he’s been misinterpreting the laws, now just last month:
Actually, a lot of what he has been warning about is these laws that are coming into play can be Weaopnized and you’re going to be seeing a lot more of this.
Banning words because certain groups of people use them in a derogatory way is never the answer.
They will use the next word the same way, hence the constant change in ‘acceptable’ words.
That’s how we’re going to end up with the Newspeak of 1984.
Effectively muzzled due to a lack of words.
Agree. While I choose to not use certain words or phrases, I do so voluntarily because for me, it’s whats best for my life, not because “society” has thought it best to ban them. Those that want to use them, will use them. Banned or not. New words will emerge and the mentality behind the word continues.
True growth can’t be mandated upon people. Every individual has their own process.
Yes dear, we need a revolution of the mind. Most people have to look for it first though.
It’s disappeared into the television, they’ve got to turn that thing off first.
Actually, throwing it out is a lot better. Not the mind the television!
My favourite Ozzy Osbourne expression - ‘Out of all the things I’ve lost I miss my mind the most’
“Ozzy Osbourne”
“Whoa, you mean this isn’t wood shop class?”
HAHAHAHA LOL… You described it in so a funny way.
Think it’s spin, read for yourself …
And he didn’t even have to pay from his own pocket.
Isn’t that convenient ?