What Do You Really Hate? (III)

Such a sweet looking dog. I’m sorry for your loss @Lostmarbles


Order what from France?


Nice to see you again @MisterSinner Welcome back :hugs:


Tonight I cleaned out the bathroom drain…

The black stuff has many names, such as black sludge, bio-slime, and biofilm . The slime is a living organism made up of hair products, skin cells, body oils, food, toothpaste, hair, phlegm, and anything else that can stick to the walls of your bathroom drain.

Ugh, I never understood how that thing gets like that in your sink. Now I know :scream:

ETA: What a great two days. We went from smelly asses to drain sludge.


Colloidal Silver will wipe that out.


Nice, thank you. Is that stuff expensive? I’ve seen it around but never looked into it. I’ll do a Google fu, thx.


I make my own, babe. Otherwise, YES, it is freaking expensive!!! I saved a puppy a few weeks ago from certain death by adding colloidal silver water with her goat milk. She was born so sickly near death’s door.
I’ve healed my own stye on my swollen eye lid from Friday and it is gone just 2 days later (today). I’ve had pink eye a few months ago and it was gone within a day. I had an abscess on my belly from injecting myself with medicine 3 days a week and I treated it with silver laced gauges. I drink it all day, every day. I just put some in my dog’s eye yesterday because it was weeping eye gunk and it is all clear today. When I pulled out my doggy pool at the beginning of summer, I put about 6 cups C.S. water in a large pool and the water was sparkling clean for weeks. Because I make my own for just pennies, I also refill all my pet’s water bowls with it daily. My caregiver cleans my counter tops, bathrooms and just about everything with it instead of bleach and other chemicals.
I wish I knew about C.S. when C-19 came out, perhaps I could have saved my FIL and Grand-FIL from dying from C-19.


@Lostmarbles So sorry for the loss of yer puppers, Sandy and Buddy. May they forever chase their tails together in doggy heaven.


I’m so sorry about your in-laws, just heartbreaking to hear. The whole subject of Covid sets my hair on fire. I’ve heard many things about CS but hearing about it from someone I know makes all the difference in the world. I’ll look into diy CS, thx.


Let me know your Facebook user name if you want me to invite you to a group I belong to called The Natural Health Library.


Thankyou @muth and @Ken_O_Where


I’m not a big FB user. I basically gave my page to a family member who uses it way more than I do. Does the Natural Health Library have a website? It came up in my search and was wondering if it was the same thing?


Yes their website is the same, operated by Terry and Angi. The advantage of the FB site is that you have thousands of other users chiming in with their questions so you learn so much more.


I was just about to take a first bite out of my dinner and my phone rings with my boss on the other end. He was on the way to the ER with a broken finger. Why is he calling me? My first pick up in the morning has a neighbor who asked me not to honk in the mornings. I get it and that’s fine so I stopped honking. This was a long time ago. This afternoon that same neighbor barged into my company’s office with a camera and screaming about the honking. My boss and his boss had to take him down and call the police. He was drunk. So, tomorrow morning I need to look out for some maniac. I hope he’s not a gun owner cause all I can carry is mace. There are other vans from other companies that stop at that location. All I know is that it’s not me honking.


Sounds like a drunk needs to wake up to a poopie on his porch!


That’s horrible! There’s no excuse. Even if she thought the cat was homeless she soon finds out that it isn’t. She can easily return the cat by saying she made a mistake and apologize. I can’t believe she is actually going to keep it. What a schmuck :rage: I hope someone who knows her rats on her thieving ass and the rightful owners get it back. It’s so obvious that it’s a friendly, well loved cat.

ETA: Why can’t the police go to her and take the cat back? She’s obviously not going to surrender it?


I read that and I have to be honest and say I particularly noticed the “ hope he’s not a gun owner “.
Is that something that Americans think of if there’s the possibility of any serious trouble?

We visited Hollywood about eight years ago and went into a large deli type shop. A argument started between a customer and a staff member and it quickly seemed to escalate. They were both people of colour and were screaming the N word at each other. To be honest we shit ourselves and left immediately in case of guns. As Australians we were unsure if it could get to that and just got out quickly.

We’d only just arrived and simply wanted to try Twinkies but had to wait a bit longer!


unfortunately, the chances of it breaking out into a gunfight is pretty good. We’ve forgotten how to use our mouths to argue.
A couple of days ago a motorcyclist ran into a sedan with a father and two kids. The father chased the motorcyclist down and fired, so the motorcyclist fired back. Both are dead and at least two kids are without a father.
I’ve personally been in the middle of one while waiting at a stoplight. Two drivers were shooting at each other after one of them got cut off. The car behind me was shooting at the car in front of me, and then the one in front started shooting back. They both took off afterward and luckily nobody got hurt (that I’m aware of). I called the police and nobody showed up. Not even a follow-up call.
It’s not just in big cities anymore (I live in the desert). It can happen anywhere.


I know plenty of gun owners who would never make me think twice because they are responsible people who know what they’re doing. The man in my story is unstable and not someone I would trust with a gun or my dog.

@Gazza7 I’m sorry you had that experience while visiting our country. I feel ashamed.