What Do You Really Hate? (III)

Thank goodness you’re all right.


yeah, was just a bit shaken up. I saw the gun poking out the door in my rear-view and ducked. I’m constantly checking my mirrors while I drive. It’s become modern conditioning, I suppose.


Lol, I always say that I drive backwards because that’s where I’m always looking…behind me.


Reminds of that movie Smoke Signals where they could only drive backwards due to a busted transmission


I have a recipe called Smoke Signals. Ha, maybe I’ll publish it.


For real, it is completely insane anymore. While i do carry up here where i live it is not for fear of other people, i dont want to be turned into bear shit! But as soon as i leave the UP im on high alert. There is rarely any logic used these days, no thought of consequence, just full on emotional meltdowns.

Im an ENTP so i like to talk, to anyone and everyone about nearly anything. But when i leave the UP i try not to even look at anyone other than to assess their threat level.


I grew up on a cattle ranch in Wyoming. We always had a rifle when we were out checking the cows. Never know when coyotes, moose, badgers or bears might want to harass us or the cows.
I don’t have a firearm now. Don’t want one, but I’m always watching people to make sure I can get the hell away if shit goes south.


Btw, I’m an INFP-A Mediator.


Ah, cool, same as my pops.


EXACTLY @Ken_O_Where.

@Gazza7 this was your mistake …

LOL, kidding, but still …

The arguement you witnessed, was sadly not indicitive of MOST Americans.

IMO, the situation that @Lostmarbles found himself in …

… was also NOT typical, or maybe I should say, was not typical of a legal, trained, licensed gun owner. At least not any of the ones I know.

Tards that just whip out a weapon, and start discharging it are often all from ONE group. The IDIOT group.

Most times, if you are surrounded by (repeating), licensed, legal, trained, concealed carry owners, you won’t even KNOW it.

It’s a shame that there ARE quite a few TARDS who (either legally or not) carry a weapon, and are in the IDIOT camp, which just leads on the news, and gives a bad name to all the rest out there.

Like Ken said, it’s supposed to JUST be about threat assessment, and threat elimination, that’s it. No road rage, arguments, disrepect, etc.


See that would frighten the life out of me. I know it’s in your constitution about the right to bear arms and it can be a divisive subject but as an Australian I don’t understand it.
Can I ask if someone has a license to carry a gun can they walk around with it wherever they want perfectly legally?


@Gazza7 NO. Lot of limitations, and they vary by state to some degree.




Forgive me if I implied this was a common occurrence, or actions by licensed gun owners. Not what I meant. It just seems that the idiots have upped the statistics.


I’ve had this happen. It sucks.

Just before the Camp Fire, our black Manx disappeared. He was neutered, vaccinated and chipped. We found out that our neighbor across the street had taken him and given him to a “friend”. It had been about six weeks, he was a younger cat and I was dealing with severe chronic pain/depression so I decided to let it be. We handed over his chip number and vet records and honestly thought he’d found a new “forever home” Fast forward five years, the house was rebuilt after the fire and we were settling in to the new place. We received a call from the cat rescue we’d helped after the fire-Apparently the person that had taken the cat was trying to surrender him. If we hadn’t agreed to take him in, I’m pretty sure they would have just dumped him. I spent the next year and a half trying to undo all of the psychological damage that was done. I know for a FACT that this cat was abused, simply by the way he responded to touch, loud noises and garbage bags in particular. If I EVER see that woman again Imma have some serious words…


You weren’t wrong in what you said.


Man @paingawd I had NO idea. I mean, you guys went through SOO MUCH during and after the fire, I’m just shocked, that there was MORE at the same time. I don’t even know what to say.

Looking at the glass half full, I guess I could say, that he WAS meant to be with you guys.

I’m still trying to wrap my head around that. I can’t even ask the obvious questions that I’m sure you guys asked.


No no, not at all @Lostmarbles. Not at all. I mean, sure, I’m sure there are some licensed tards out there too, but from all of the people I know, and have met (like minded), they are some of the best trained, and most restrained that I know.

I’ve seen, and been involved in quite a few incidents, and I can say that EVERY single one was involved “Brown Bagger’s”. These are people who actually BUY weapons in brown bags, carry them that way or worse, and have utterly NO training, safety, or CLUE. Yes, they are the very same people who would (assuming) get into a Wild Wild West shoot out like you described.

Funny, because you always hear about “Straw Purchases” like that is the complete root of the issue. I can tell you that Brown Baggers, won’t even abide by any laws passed, or currently on the books.

I respect that opinion, even if I don’t share it. I mean, it’s YOUR choice after all, and clearly you’ve seen some Hot Messes, so, no one can dictate anything to you. Glad you made it OUT of that mess.


That person needs to be introduced to Karma.


I’ve decided that revenge is the Universe’s problem now. Held on to some SERIOUS resentment-mostly when I was nursing yet another wound while trying to regain his trust/break some of the negative aspects of his behavior. He’s doing a million times better now and that’s MY revenge.