What Do You Really Hate? (III)

So we’re NOT in a recession, right ?? Nothing to see here people, nothing at all …


I’m a Glass Half Full kinda guy, but I suspect some hard times ahead… smh


I LOVE to be a glass half full kinda guy, BUT, I also cannot ignore some things, and when that happens, I have to call it like I see it.


I agree 100% SD. It’s been coming for about a year now… I’d like to think I’m ready, but we shall see…


I’ll have to move more posts over to the “Conspiracy Theory” thread, but if you really STEP BACK, and take in, ALL of the goings ons around lately, it IS quite stunning. Shut out the political blah, blah, blah, and look at lists (they’re out there), of all of the “accidents” even in the last 6 months, it is STUNNING. Most notably the food processing, livestock, food distribution, etc. it’s really hard to just waive them all off as coincidences. Maybe a WHILE AGO, before it just kept happening.


Can you link me to said thread? Poli-Sci research is my forte and conspiracies can’t be called theories if they come true. So far, my research has shown about a 95% success rate.
P.S. Did you watch the first 20 minutes of Tucker last night? OMGosh!


You can watch the video, and see/hear for yourself…

This is an issue for me, as I have NOT seen any money/ies pledged to our own citizens in Ohio yet.


Drop it like it’s hot @KC111



I see one poorly run company that should have been sold years ago in BBB. A second company that’s also run poorly and needs new management or sold to a company with deeper pockets. The third company is the largest retailer in the US closing stores that aren’t profitable. Nothing new here. This happens all the time. And you are seeing this at Best Buy closing stores that their lease is expired and closing stores where the shopping center has been sold and the new owners want to raise rents.


I hope you are right @rcleven, I really do.

For a while retailers felt they needed a store in every town. Their going thru a cycle now they can close stores and make the same money thru internet sales.
Bed Bath and Beyond has already put themselves up for sale and can’t find any takers. They have put themselves so indebt the only way out is bankruptcy. They are fighting bankruptcy but I don’t see a way out.
If you remember the recession of the 80’s Lowe’s shrunk their store counts. In the last two years they sold all their stores in Canada. They weren’t making enough off the square footage they had there. A well run company will get out of their plan doesn’t come out the way they planned.


What the…!!!

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Since when is that NOT harmful for the animal? I mean, I’ve seen a video of a Middle East man hump his goats, but still?
I wonder what the

would say about my cat killing a rat? She has killed rats, mice, gophers and moles before.

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If you don’t control the rodent population, you will see a major uptick of diseases.


If you do, you will eventually drown in your own waste. Those vermin are the cleaners of the planet.
We are the ones who drown the planet in waste and then blame the animals for doing their jobs.
If we want less rodents, we have to stop producing so much waste.

WEF agenda. It will be a ban on breeding dogs and cats full stop if we don’t stop these psychopaths.
The list of forbidden animals gets longer every year. This year they have added the Russian dwarf hamster to the list.
Can’t have the little Russians running around spying on the country. You could even hang them under a balloon and nobody would notice.


I don’t see a problem. So many pet stores get their animals from backyard breeders who have no interest in the animals welfare. My wife worked as a veterinary nurse in a animal welfare organisation so we have seen the dark side of this. They banned backyard breeders here years ago, but we still have problems with it.


If this was about animal welfare I’d be all for it, but it’s not.
This is a first step in convincing people to euthanise their pets to safe the climate.
We are not supposed to enjoy our lives.

If you’re old and lonely you can get yourself a salamander to talk to.

These people preach water and drink wine. We have to reduce our footprint so they can make theirs even larger :face_vomiting:


Do Gekko’s qualify?


Yep, they are perfect. They eat insects so you can feed them your leftovers.
Maybe you can also train them to catch some for you.


Dear Crabby:

I hate it when my wife wont let me manipulate her into helping me by feigning to be an organizational moron. A few weeks ago i took out some boxes of flavors i purchased recently and use most and put them on a shelf randomly scattered.

I then went and asked my wife to come look at what i did and for the first time ever she just looked at me, shook her head and unpolitely told me to fuck off followed by the word d00d, she called me d00d! In the past the crazy part of her brain would kick and and 20 minutes later, TADA! It worked with everything, dvd’s, junk drawers, closets, etc…

I still have a few hundred flavors to add so Dear Crabby i ask you, do i need to find a new wife? Or how can i trigger her crazy again so this task can be completed?

Thank you for your time and answer, i love your column! In the past it has taught me new ways to manipulate her.

With warm regards,

-Ken from the cold lands.