What Do You Really Hate? (III)

I didn’t know that. I’ve had black lab mixes in the past, and they were good dogs, but Sasha was a pure bred and I will say that hands down, she was the most intelligent, empathic, and loyal dog I’ve ever had the pleasure of calling a friend. Funny thing is both her parents were chocolate labs. She was pure black. The only one of the litter. And a runt.

Great temperament too. Her hackles would rise and she’d growl if an unknown person came to the house, but once she saw they were friendly with me, she’d go in for a sniff and lay down. I’ve known a lot of labs that go ape-shit when a stranger walks up the drive way, but she would just watch and growl until it was determined if they were friend or foe.


They used to cull them. Anything that wasn’t black wasn’t considered a Labrador.
I think that was stopped somewhere after the 18th century.
The black ones are still bred with the specific Labrador characteristics. You can get them to carry a box of eggs home unharmed.
The coloured ones are bred mostly for their colour.
You give mine a box of eggs to carry and you can make an omelette.
They have silver coloured ones now too.
I saw one a while back. When Fudge rolls through gravel, as she likes to do, she gets that same colour.
I can switch, depending on my outfit. :smirk:

I saw an item on Have I Got News For You about a yellow Lab, a guide dog called Happy, who managed to kill two of his owners doing his job. :rofl:
This was in Germany. He was retired.
They say the yellow ones traded brains for friendliness.




This reminds me of my last Chocolate Labrador called Rolo, he would nearly always roll in the biggest muddiest puddle right at the end of his walk and just as we were reaching the car park ready to go home :weary::man_facepalming:


You shouldn’t have called him Rolo. I shouldn’t have called mine Fudge, she’s a sticky mess. :grin:


Until this afternoon. :roll_eyes:


It’s a nice scam. In this country, they also do not have any facilities to store the energy they produce. It has to be used straight away or it’s useless.
Not to mention the flocks of beautiful birds that get killed by those meat machines.
The ones at sea are specifically disastrous to the Jan van Gent.


They expect some 44,000 of them will be killed every year.
The Seagulls and the Bats are also being decimated.
People living nearby can’t sleep any longer. I saw a clip of a guy who would take his van and move off to a nearby forest to sleep there.
He was getting into dangerous situations at work because of a lack of sleep.

The amount of noise these things make is measured in decibels but that’s not how that works apparently.
The sound also travels through the ground and converges in your house.
It makes people ill.


Ah, kitty roca! The finest of treats!


hahaha Now that you mention it, it does look like that! :rofl:


Just after midnight, when I was about to go to sleep she started whining. Same shit as two years ago.
I had to phone the emergency clinic and the animal ambulance.
Another dose of amphetamines.
They gave her a sleeping potion again. I just got back.
They told me to wait at first. Phone later when she’s getting drowsy. I told them she not going to get drowsy, she will get more and more hysterical. I recognise the signs.
I’m not going to wait for it to get worse.
With the prices they charge it is very unlikely someone would come round out of sheer boredom.

Anyway, she’s still a bit unsettled but she’s a lot calmer than she was.
Stupid, stupid dog!


I hope she’s ok :hugs:


She has settled down. She was snoring loudly a while ago. I guess you could call it a speedball.
A mixed shot of cocaine and heroin.
I hope I will get through the day without sleep. :grin:


If you give your dog a tsp of Hydrogen Peroxide for every 5lbs your dog weighs, it will induce vomiting. Either load it in a syringe if you have one and down the hatch, or mix it into a little milk and they’ll drink it voluntarily.
How is she getting into this poison in the first place? I apologize if you stated how already earlier.
Praying she will recover well and not do this again!!


It’s way too late for that. With Heroin you have a chance, the effects are noticeable very quickly.
If they’re not too drowsy they can be made to vomit.
With amphetamines, it takes at least 8 hours before you notice anything weird.
This has already gone through her system. Too late for any of that.
She disappeared into the bushes at about 4 in the afternoon. After midnight she started acting up. Must’ve eaten junky poop.
She had this two years ago, so I recognised the signs when they started.


I see now that you meant Heroin, not Heroine.
I’m grateful you at least recognized the signs and acted right away!


There are some advantages to a junky past. :woman_shrugging:


It’s my Dutch shining through. :grin:
It didn’t even register when you said something about it. :sleeping:


I hate when you get a hankering for a specific recipe but you realize that you gave away 3/4 of the flavors that you need to mix it. :man_facepalming: LMAO


Man, I hate that.

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Time to get creative with some subs. Needed 1.5% SSA Whipped Cream= sub with 1% VTA Vanilla cream and .75% VTA Sweet Cream, needed 2.5% Cap Ripe Strawberries and 1.5% WF Strawberry Gummy= sub with 3% VTA Glazed Strawberries. Luckily I still have WF Angel cake and Cap Sugar cookie. :grin: