What Do You Really Hate? (III)

You must be pretty pissed off daily.
Most do and most don’t.

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I hate there is no CAPTCHA for signing up to this forum and before posting the first comment.


That would be nice @mikser. It IS 2023 after all …


They’ve decided to renovate our houses very quickly all of a sudden. I got a letter telling me I have to vacate the house two weeks before Christmas.
They are giving us two weeks to move to the temporary houses they haven’t produced yet.

The agreement was one month. We have to rip things of floors and shit and get an inspection to see if it’s broom clean.
That was not the agreement either.
Inside the house will be destroyed with big machines. I have to waste time fucking around with a little hammer?

There are not many permanent residents left in the block. They probably reckon they can bulldozer over us and scare us into submission.
What a shame that I’m one of the leftovers.
I’m a member of the residents committee; and I do not like getting screwed by a bunch of assholes.
They can come back around the table. If not, they can’t go to court and kiss that renovation goodbye.


So Dove still makes soap, right ??


And chocolate. :pig_nose:

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I’m actually surprised they have the time @Josephine_van_Rijn. Seems like they’re pretty busy with OTHER things…


That’s why they are all falling over like domino’s. You can’t run a business on Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity, can you now?
They should switch the last two around. That way it’ll spell DIE.
That’s apt!


LOL, because that’s NOT the first time I’ve heard that @Josephine_van_Rijn.


That’s because it is blatantly obvious!


Very accurate @Mikser. I don’t think everyone fully understands the pervasive nature of it …

The exposure of ESG is perhaps one of the greatest triumphs of the alternative media. It was proof that the “wokification” of our economy and society was not the result of some grassroots activist movement or the natural evolution of civilization. No, everything woke was a rigged agenda, an astroturf movement forced into existence by corporations and globalists using ESG as the vehicle.

It is with some disappointment I’m sure that Lynn Forester de Rothschild recently admitted the defeat of ESG at the B20 Summit in India. Though, Rothschild also suggests that the goal will be to replace the term “ESG” with something else that the public is not as privy to. In other words, the globalists have been forced to abandon ESG but will continue to look for other methods to trap companies into the far-left hive.

It is typical for globalists to re-brand their projects whenever they get exposed as a way to throw the public off the scent. However, I don’t think this tactic is going to work anymore. Researchers are locked onto the ESG dynamic and changing the name will not help the establishment avoid scrutiny.


If it were a grassroots activist movement, they wouldn’t have gotten anywhere.
Maybe it would’ve lead to some great parody on television but that would’ve been it. They would have been the laughingstock of the entire world.
Dave Chapel was asking in his stand-up how this movement has gotten where they are so fast while the black civil rights movement is still struggling with the same shit.
It’s because it is not a grassroots movement but heavily subsidised.


0130 deliveries to the WRONG house !!!


I almost finished my Quordle and then it vanished because it turned 12. :nauseated_face:


I hate that I don’t know more about this. Maybe @Sevencasper, @Gazza7, @woftam can offer up some intel. Maybe nothing, maybe not …


Im gonna be pissed when i have to cash my chamge in bc it wont be any good anymore…I have collected change for years and have many growlers full.


Yes they are doing this.

I actually thought they were one of the “online only” banks that we have had here for many years. I don’t deal with them & don’t know anyone who does.
Maybe they are based more in the Eastern states (Vic, NSW, QLD) which have larger populations than central or west?

Two other major banks I’m aware of (Commonwealth Bank, ANZ) have closed branches in rural areas, some towns don’t even have a local branch. Our local branch of ANZ is in the next town over & has very limited hours (three hours 3 days a week I believe).

I am actually looking at getting a card reader for payments for my market stall. It seems that’s what people want (in this area at least).

I hardly use cash now, I have some on hand but don’t even think to use it tbh :woman_shrugging:


funny we’re talking about cash. Had a coworker get me some lunch today and when I went to pay them for it they gave me a hard time: “Cash??? OK, grandpa”

I told them to fuck off and hand over the burger.


I heard something about that on the radio driving home the other day but to be honest thought it’s been inevitable for a while now. I don’t think Covid helped things much either as obviously nobody wanted to touch cash at the start and some shops refused to take it.
Heaps of branches from all banks have been closing down for a while now which saves them money. Banking companies make billions in profits but need to make more. It’s not about the customer’s convenience or how they want to interact with their chosen banking provider but the shareholders and executives bonuses.
To be honest personally it doesn’t bother me much in my day to day life but certainly feel for the older generation who don’t understand or have no inclination to learn how to bank electronically. Considering the size of Australia and how remote some people live it just proves how much banks don’t care about everyday people.