What Do You Really Hate? (III)

Those medically prescribed shakes are not working out. They make me feel sick.
I was on the couch burping for hours after I had one. I felt like a stuffed goose and had to go to the toilet constantly.

I didn’t feel like eating and started to lose weight again. I talked to the dietician. She didn’t really know what to do. Useless.
She’s one of those women with a voice that makes my skin crawl. It’s hard to describe why I feel that way.
There’s an undertone of caring and concern that doesn’t match the reality of the situation.
I suggested trying half a bottle twice a day instead of two bottles a day. It’s still the same. :nauseated_face:
They can have them back.
I’ll sort it out my own way. Experience has taught me that works best.


The one I have is not too bad actually. I just happened to see this.


Was it also like a high pitched baby doll voice?


I don’t know. Definitely something whiny about it. I had a woman like that on the phone years ago.
She was a psychotherapist. The moment I heard her voice I wanted to hang up.
I scolded myself for judging someone by their voice and gave it a chance. I should’ve listened to my gut.
The woman was hopeless and she couldn’t stand me. She didn’t tell me in so many words, but told me once that she had seen me angry once, but for the rest she had only seen me laugh.
She had never seen me sad though. Her face spoke volumes.
Apparently I was there to fulfil her needs. She obviously needed me to walk in with a rubbish bag full of sorrow, pour it all out on the table and break down sobbing.
Sorry lady, wrong person. I wouldn’t be here if I was that kind. :joy:


It’s been said and I wholeheartedly believe it, that the voice speaks volumes about a person. The Chinese use voice to diagnose conditions, everything about it including the rhythmic pattern. Trust your gut!


Has this become the New Normal in California ??

Elsewhere ??


Idk about the US but the gang situation in Haiti is far worse than anything I’ve ever heard. People aren’t even safe in their own homes. The entire country is run by thugs. I can’t even imagine.


I did a quick search, seems like a common issue that could be due to a few things in the shake, the protein element, sweeter element, not enough fibre to protein ratio or drinking too much, too fast.

I found this too - more natural d-i-y shakes for weight gain… obviously I can speak to the accuracy of the site but it seems to be common sense. Might just take some of the guesswork out or just eat the foods suggested instead of making a shake :woman_shrugging:

The recipes are about halfway down the article… keep scrolling…


I will bookmark this and look at it when I have some more energy to spare. I’m doing it with full milk and porridge now. Some sort of Weetabix.
I drink it cold. You can put a lot in before it thickens and slurp it down fast.
The taste is neutral and doesn’t make me sick.
I did that after I found out I lost that much weight again, and gained 900 grams in a week.
After the shakes I was 500 grams down in two days. I make sure I have a hot meal daily, with lots of meat and walnuts. :yum:
That’s about my limit atm. I cook sitting down and make enough for an orphanage.
I don’t mind eating the same thing for a couple of days. It makes my life a hell of a lot easier when I only have to warm up a portion. Like today! :grin:


Automated systems :rage:
I’m trying to get on the phone with the Dutch postal services.
I just found out they are going to deliver my keyboard to my old address in a few days.
It’s not the address I gave these people, so I don’t know how they manage this kind of fuck up.
First UPS, now these fuckers. Apparently they are very busy, too busy to pick up the phone.
Small wonder if they fuck up like this.


I just got off the phone. They are unable to change it :exploding_head:
I phoned the guy who delivers in my old area. He would keep an eye out for it, but he is not working alone, so it might just go back to the post office.
If he gets it he will give me a ring.
I dropped the people I bought it from a line too. In case they get it back

Apparently the platform I got the thing through has my old address.
There’s no way to change it anywhere. The chatbot tells me to go through the app, I hate apps, where I get the same chatbot with the same inane answers.
App deleted ASAP, I’ll see what happens. I will either get it, or I don’t :woman_shrugging:


And it doesn’t stop. The postal service just picked up those shakes. He stuck the return label on the box, on top of the address label I put on and fucked off.
He gave me one of those labels too.
It has my address on it. It would not surprise me in the least if he’s back in front of my door with that same package tomorrow.
Please Scotty, beam me up? :pray:
I have no energy for this shit.


What we really need is a Drum Solo video.


Yes. Drum solo please


Hehe, you guys are killing me.

I think the LAST time I did an official solo was 12 years ago, when demo’ing a new mesh e-kit for a drummer in my brother in law’s band. He’d never seen one before, just purchased it, had no clue, so I did unleash, just a little bit. Of course it was setup right handed.


My brother has a cheap mesh kit. They are not too bad but dont compare to a real kit.

Yea i saw from your pics it looked left handed. Have to get on that travis barker lefty on righty kit style. Always amazed me


Are you going to be careful? A Polish friend of mine, who was a fervent drummer, nearly got a heart attack in his overenthusiasm.


@STR8V8PING, I USED to say that, being from the “Never Use Electronic” camp. My wife picked me up an upgraded Roland Mesh Kit, and although I replaced the entire soundbank with aftermarket ones, the samples, along with the mesh, and multi-zones have been a game changer. I’ll try to get a pic of it later. My biggest problem, as always, is the bass drum module. I’m a heavy hitter, and I quickly overwhelmed any/all stock restaint systems on it, and it was walking all over the place, compliments of the Pearl Eliminator Single. I ended up having to rig up TWO clamps to secure it to the drum rack to stop it from moving.



I’m getting it. Luckily nobody seems to live at my old place. I haven’t been back, but I suppose the renovation will be starting soon.
I guess they figured out nobody lives there, and they are bringing it to a pick-up point tomorrow.
My daughter will get it for me. :sweat_smile:
They haven’t been back with the shakes either, so maybe everything will turn out fine after all.
And they lived happily ever after. :fairy:


Did they ever charge you to finish cleaning the place like they threatened?