What Do You Really Hate? (III)

Oh em gee !!! I heard about this on the radio and of course you come to my mind. I remember you and @mjag were trapped under the heat dome last year. Please please be careful. I still can’t get over the 16% humidity. That is an unknown phenomena here. How does everything not dry up and crack?


That’s a great aspect to an otherwise terrible situation.


We’ll be praying for you guys …


My holiday fun time was performing the most disgusting cleaning task. Before I had a new roof put on my shed critters were crawling in the eaves and making a home in there. I saw droppings on the floor. Looks like they hung their butts over the joists for a toilet seat, lol. I was looking for the two cases of canning jars and discovered that one large dump landed smack in one of the jars. Then I saw that the boxes were stained with urine and so forth. To cut a long rant short, I put on rubber gloves and hauled those cases out of there, sprayed with disinfectant and bagged them tight. Off they go. Eeks, I felt slimed on.


I can’t tell you how grateful I am for 16% humidity. It’s the only grace we can get at this time of year. August is unbearable with it’s high percentages of humidity and by September you’re wet soggy toast.


So sorry :cry: he was/is beautiful!


Thank you @Heart.


Been having a “Ehhhhh” kinda week. As many of you know we lost another of our miracle rescue cats after 14 years, and it’s been pretty hard. I had also ordered another tractor as my 20+ year old John Deere, despite running like a freight train, had a few rust holes in the deck, and for God knows what reason, that particular deck is UN-obtainable. While we were dealing with the cat, THAT is when the JD rep showed up. Happy, but sad …


Hello @Heart I don’t believe we’ve met. If you can, please stick around. We are a better family with you here :heart:


Mine is turning 6 next month and I’m already dreading the day which will inevitably come.
The moment I got her, I’ve been aware I would have to say goodbye. I never had that before at such an early stage.
It does make me enjoy her presence a lot more.
Shit, I’m crying already and she’s only 5. I might not survive her passing to be honest.
I’m not really sure that I want to.

Anyway, that’s not why I came here, got sidetracked.
I just saw a clip on a Dutch outlet about people in the US buying fruit in supermarkets and it looked like rubber, and it was bendy like rubber. Have you ever seen a banana that bends and doesn’t break?
Watermelon, bananas, avocados, blueberries. Are there any Americans here that have heard about it?
It’s not just fruit. A woman put a magnet near a packet of chicken breasts and it stuck to it.
WTF is going on?


@Josephine_van_Rijn I haven’t heard anything about that.

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@Josephine_van_Rijn it seems like about 99% of this is coming fro\m Tik Tok, so LOL, …

Even the conspiracy sites aren’t talking about it…


That’s the reason I always check with my American friends on this website. :grin:


I just remembered that I saw something like this a couple of years ago.
Only then it was about China producing fake rice.


Hi @muth I know you from ECF way back. I was known as “Heartsdelight”. I usually pop in & out but don’t comment. I’ll try to be more active :grinning:


Oh yes, Heartsdelight, I remember you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: No pressure, just want to say hello and I look forward to anything you have to say. I always welcome new perspectives.


She’s been gone for two years now, but every now & then I still feel that “presence”


According to animal communicators, there’s no other place they’d rather be than by our sides…always. They have a life contract with us. Letting her know that you “feel” her will make her happy. That may sound woo woo but I can tell you stories that will make your fur stand up :smile_cat:


Ain’t that the truth Muth! That is why I would rather be around 200 dogs all day, every day than a group of 10 people all day, every day.


I had a dog that died and I could hear him at night, scratching the door and whining to be let in.
You can call me crazy :person_shrugging: