two things, Rayon! and Chain link coils.
First time since vaping that I was without anything for a long period. I realized how addicted to Nicotine I still am. Never thought about buying any cigarettes though.
I have yet to try rayon. I have read several things on it. Safety, wicking, flavor and heat resistance. What is your take?
its all i use.
Nuf said. I will have to put it on the wishlist.
Thanks for the link. Looks like cotton bacon which is all I use currently so it shouldn’t be to hard. I will just have to remember what you said a make it snug.
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Okay I really really hate the guy who decided kids didn’t need Saturday morning cartoons. That guy needs to be stoned by every parent that can’t watch Saturday morning cartoons.
My 2 yo woke me up one sat morning wanting to watch Disney jr on my phone. After looking at my phone realized it needed charging. So I was like okay it early. It’s sat let’s go watch cartoons on tv.
Thank god for dvd cartoons because there were none on tv.
Growing up sat morning was cartoons
Sunday morning was none stop church
Wal-Mart … it can be such scary place. I don’t know where these people come from but they can scare you for life in that place
Telemarketers … nuff said
These guys.
Chairman Ajit Pai and Commissioners Michael O’Rielly and Brendan Carr
Pseudotumor cerebri headaches. Heart beating in my skull, vision blurry to nonexistent at times, and the pain worsens with laying down. However, I’m thankful that the worst is passed and this is the first one in a year.
When i have a bit of a coughing fit in the shower and accidentally fart.

Shower farts are the worst.
When @Ken_O_Where posts about shower farts and you laugh so much you fart - desk farts are the second worst
You could accidentally shit in the shower when farting. You would have to rewash your ass then mash the shit into the drain holes with your foot. Shower farts are great for spreading the Christmas cheer
No no… “sharts” are the worst.
(And the “sh” isn’t for shower!)
Clue for those that haven’t heard the term before:
You think it’s only a fart but…
Ah farts with some gravy on top
It’s not the farts …it’s the humidity
And the fact that the dispersal zone is so limited. Nowhere to go but up, eh?
*Good grief, I actually got in on this topic. I was going to say ‘now I need a shower’ but that seems inappropriate.