The Swans…
So here’s the flavours I actually wanted: all well known and each of them smells delicious in my preliminary sniff-test…
The apple pie was another seasonal pick like the gingerbread - since winter is almost here and whether I dig Apple Pie as a solo or primary flavour doesn’t matter too much: even if I’m not into it as a simple apple pie I’m very sure the stewed apple filling flavour will be useful as an accent note for a winter custard.
Never seen an apple custard commercial actually, which is weird since here in Australia stewed apples with custard is well, it’s certainly a simple dessert from my own childhood I remember well.
Edit: yes I am sure there’s apple custards around - no need to correct me: but they’re not nearly as common as blueberry, strawberry and banana custards was my point.
Anyhow, I remember Cuttwoods’ Apple Fritter and I also remember that - while I loved the juice to begin with - the cinnamon started pissing me off muy rapido and I’ve since seen many (but not bothered ordering) commercial juices pairing apple + cinnamon which kinda sucks really: not everyone wants cinnamon in everything “apple” and I’m one of them, so an apple flavor with custard but without the shitty cinnamon sounds to be like a lovely version of custard.
Which reminds me: before bed I’ve gotta squirt some Cap VC 1 in some shit to start festering and I will definitely be single-flavouring that shit minus any other additions.
The Ugly Ducklings…
And the two I grabbed not expecting to necessarily be awestruck…
Inawera’s “Canadian Type” - like Black Cat for Pipe - is a complete unknown: the description says it’s a mild tobacco with maple syrup and (also like black cat) it smells to me there’s already enough, notage, going on in the concentrate to only really wanna use it as a single/solo.
Could be total shit; could be awesome, but this is how I choose and control which flavour concentrates I order are duds: by ordering randoms I just expect to be shit right off the bat.
The rest - all the flavours in the ‘swan’ list - are standard, staple flavorings used in so many recipes and rated so high generally that I don’t need to waste my time nervously ordering 10mL bottles to “try” first, before ordering larger sizes - I know they’re good enough to not fuck around with the softly-softly bullshit.
The tiniest mod…
And here’s the size comparison we’ve used as standard for about, ever: the Bic lighter size reference…
It’s a lovely little mod: 1200mAh of course is smaller than the beastly 4300mAh 21700’s and this IS an internal battery but a single thought made me not worry about that in a mod I wanted where **small masters:
- How long have your other lithium batteries lasted- internal OR external?
My phone - going on three years old now - still holds it’s charge just fine all day, every day and the six 18650s I’ve had for over a year?
They also hold their charge just fine even after being left in a drawer floor 6 months without use, being overused and all the countless charge cycles they’ve had.
Both these batteries as well as my smart watch, my ipad, my Samsung tablet: ALL use lithium batteries and they have never suddenly only held half a charge or fucked up in any way at all.
Moreover, 1200mAh is truly an abundant reserve of power for stealth vaping salts at low wattage - the whole reason I got it.
And here it is with the little 22mm MTL RDA…
Awesomely cute little mod