What do you really love? (I)

Actually, you know I’ve just tasted some of that VTA Butterscotch I mixed weeks ago now, and while it’s quite strong it should be good diluted with a bit of salt nic.

It’s very good, though: I went a bit heavy with the % on that mix and yeah it’s stronger than it needs to be but it’s the only mix I can think of that’s strong enough to handle dilution without being too weak

I’ll do that.

Then recoil with the SS clapton @Lucas_James_Holden recommends, though I can’t imagine how the f$#k he’s fitting wire that thick in such a tiny build-deck :grimacing:


It might have been the super fine MTL 1.2ohm Ni80 Clapton coils if you think the MTL 0.7 Ni80 is too much, my memory does let me down sometimes these days, just a part of getting old I expect.:crazy_face:


That’s a big 10-4 buddy: normal clapton wire - what, the FUCK.

I’m sucking it’s guts out the first hour just to get a few shitty wisps of vapour, until finally I just cranked it to 40W to power what should’ve been spewing clouds at 10… the mod didn’t mind but yeah… aweful lotta heat + power for such a tiny RDA.

I even though while I was wrapping it "Surely I should drop to a finer gauge wire, for a MTL tank with such a small chamber… then again, that dood seems to know what he’s talking about - we’ll try his idea.


This right here, is what happens when you listen to other people,and why I generally don’t :smirk:

Now I’m finally home, I can rip that shit out and stick in some 28ga or even 32ga well, anything would perform bettert than that.


Anyway my room/ensuite cleaning is already good enough so I don’t have to worry about her picking on hairs and other miniscule shit on the flooring.

Matter of fact, I haven’t had Amanda come and get me to fix a single problem with a single room in three days - exaclty how long it’s been since I shook off that old bitch and started doing everything myself.

That old forgetful drinker - glad to finally have stopped dragging her wrinkled carcass around all day.


@Guido_Possum I just checked and the above is my original post to you about the type of coils that I use in the Holic, note that I said MTL so I don’t understand what made you think that I was using a large build Clapton coil in such a tiny RDA :thinking: we must have got crossed wires somewhere.


No mate, this is what happens when you don’t read something properly.


I love how they have the bottles labeled with nice big print. I have to rifle through my box and tip the bottles on the sides to pick up exactly what I need. Seems like the big print would allow for easier view from the top.


They’re just rebottled from bulk: vapoureyes state on their site they’re not legally able to sell them in their original packaging for some reason so they’re dispensed in those chubby gorillas with labels.

They don’t taste at all diluted or messed with though - which I’ve heard some other places do with so called original flavourings.

What I don’t like, is how I always want MAW FLAVOURS now even though I know I’ve got no time to test them all out now.


Don’t matter anyhow: it was sorted immediately after walking in the door :smirk:

I am now demoing the cap cola, since I am not into fruits at all but felt like a palate cleanser from the endless creamy mixes.

It’s only been mixed a day with fizzy sherbet; it’s alright… it’s not a cold bottle of coke/Pepsi, but it’s easily on par with those conta flavoured gummi bottles.


Godamn I’m glad that moping old bitch isn’t attached to me anymore … so much easier knowing you only have to do your work without trying to be nice to an obviously soulless old woman always walking around the place with that hang dog expression on a face that hasn’t had a happy fucking thought since 198… Wait oh my god!

I need a new job! What if I end up THAT??

No, no it’s fine I have WAAAY more spirit than she ever did.


Shoulders are killing me though.

Matter of fact, shoulders, neck, upper back and knees are all sore.

Nother week when they’ve repaired though… strapped with a new layer of fresh muscle and twice the work will be required to have me in any discomfort at all.

Three weeks from now, I wont even break a sweat doing six rooms back to back.


For the rest of you… what I could fit in the frame in the pool room downstairs…

30 years older than even the Stanley Hotel in Colorado… most if the interior still original Victorian era fuckin godliness

UGH makes me hard just being in a room like that

Sadly I can’t just go taking pics everywhere in the hotel because there’s usually people in the photo and usually they ugly it up, the guests certainly, so I’ve gotta just take pics of rooms when they’re empty.

Really though, doesn’t even matter what specific job you have there the hotel’s beauty itself make you wanna be inside in.


And drum roll… here it is: proof - halfway through my life, I’ve finally learnt how to correctly make a bed

That’s not even any special effort - I already auto pilot beds now without any need to wonder which sheets go fn where and how to get those fucking corners right.

The corners just work out now.

Sure there’s a few wrinkles but what the fuck: they’re only the $350/night suites - you don’t get perfection until $600/night :smirk:


And here’s something tiny I love: the fact I bothered to order a pair of decent ceramic tweezers a few weeks ago - compared to the shitty pair I had in the drawer from some equally shitty phone tool kit I was using until I got the new ones…

One those things I couldn’t get at the VENZ site and never saw the point, until randomly carting them one day and being surprised how well made they are.

They’re just so much nicer to use.



Your parcel is ready for collection!

I sure as shit love that.


I also love that I remembered to order the Cap VC v1 though it’s purely to gauge how close VTAs Warm Custard is to Capellas standard.

And love that I’ve got Gingerbread again since winter is coming but also because I used to have TFAs Gingerbread and loved that, so Capellas should be at least as good - likely better.

Also I’ve got…

  • Apple Pie v1 (Capella)
  • Cake Batter (Capella)
  • Canadian Type (Inawera)
  • Graham Cracker (Capella)
  • and these…

The little adapter simply well it’s obviously a mandatory addon for the Voopoo mod, which comes with the magnetic pod interface by default and I plan to use it with all my tanks - not just Voopoo PnP pods.

Of course it’s gotta be said: those pods are fucking excellent - great vapor production, great flavour and cheap enough to be practically disposable.

But I don’t want any pre build coils, so the 510 adapter.


Now you’re talking! Just ordered a range of flavours to mix up something along these lines.


Yeah I found the TFA version made a pretty nice little juice on its own - back when I had it - and now sitting on the train I’ve smeared some on my wrist and is smells fucking lovely.

I’ll get eggnog to go with it next order too I think :thinking: and vanilla-bean ice-cream.

But will try solo first obviously


The Swans…

So here’s the flavours I actually wanted: all well known and each of them smells delicious in my preliminary sniff-test…

The apple pie was another seasonal pick like the gingerbread - since winter is almost here and whether I dig Apple Pie as a solo or primary flavour doesn’t matter too much: even if I’m not into it as a simple apple pie I’m very sure the stewed apple filling flavour will be useful as an accent note for a winter custard.

Never seen an apple custard commercial actually, which is weird since here in Australia stewed apples with custard is well, it’s certainly a simple dessert from my own childhood I remember well.

Edit: yes I am sure there’s apple custards around - no need to correct me: but they’re not nearly as common as blueberry, strawberry and banana custards was my point.

Anyhow, I remember Cuttwoods’ Apple Fritter and I also remember that - while I loved the juice to begin with - the cinnamon started pissing me off muy rapido and I’ve since seen many (but not bothered ordering) commercial juices pairing apple + cinnamon which kinda sucks really: not everyone wants cinnamon in everything “apple” and I’m one of them, so an apple flavor with custard but without the shitty cinnamon sounds to be like a lovely version of custard.

Which reminds me: before bed I’ve gotta squirt some Cap VC 1 in some shit to start festering and I will definitely be single-flavouring that shit minus any other additions.

The Ugly Ducklings…

And the two I grabbed not expecting to necessarily be awestruck…

Inawera’s “Canadian Type” - like Black Cat for Pipe - is a complete unknown: the description says it’s a mild tobacco with maple syrup and (also like black cat) it smells to me there’s already enough, notage, going on in the concentrate to only really wanna use it as a single/solo.

Could be total shit; could be awesome, but this is how I choose and control which flavour concentrates I order are duds: by ordering randoms I just expect to be shit right off the bat.

The rest - all the flavours in the ‘swan’ list - are standard, staple flavorings used in so many recipes and rated so high generally that I don’t need to waste my time nervously ordering 10mL bottles to “try” first, before ordering larger sizes - I know they’re good enough to not fuck around with the softly-softly bullshit.

The tiniest mod…

And here’s the size comparison we’ve used as standard for about, ever: the Bic lighter size reference…

It’s a lovely little mod: 1200mAh of course is smaller than the beastly 4300mAh 21700’s and this IS an internal battery but a single thought made me not worry about that in a mod I wanted where **small masters:

  • How long have your other lithium batteries lasted- internal OR external?

My phone - going on three years old now - still holds it’s charge just fine all day, every day and the six 18650s I’ve had for over a year?

They also hold their charge just fine even after being left in a drawer floor 6 months without use, being overused and all the countless charge cycles they’ve had.

Both these batteries as well as my smart watch, my ipad, my Samsung tablet: ALL use lithium batteries and they have never suddenly only held half a charge or fucked up in any way at all.

Moreover, 1200mAh is truly an abundant reserve of power for stealth vaping salts at low wattage - the whole reason I got it.

And here it is with the little 22mm MTL RDA…

Awesomely cute little mod :smirk:


Here’s my slap-up mix for the night: just to test-drive that gingerbread you understand…

Fresh mixed it’s tasting pretty nice, though I cannot recommend it until all the others have steeped into the mix some.

Still, if anyone’s got all the above flavours it be you and your Woolies bag fulla concentrates.

In particular, I’m keen to see the white chocolate and creams in the Love (VTA) pop out since a bitta Creamy white chocolate would probably work with gingerbread - in real life anyhoo :smirk:

I went straight to a 60mL mix myself, but changed the total mix amount on the offchance anyone here makes it and doesn’t wanna dive-in with that larger amount course.

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