WHAT Has Made You Smile Today? (II)

Yeah, that’s a Bud Light 4sure! :sunglasses:


Cool beans! Thx


Nice! Thx…


Well, this isn’t making me smile but Idk where else to put this. I just wanted to make known that I’ll be having reconstructive surgery on my dominant hand June 8. It’s going to be a long recovery and trying to figure out how I’m going to do everything. The most basic, simple things in life will be difficult let alone rewicking coils and even topping off tanks. I’ve had to rethink all of this and try to prepare. Driving is out of the question so having adequate food supplies is a concern. Everytime I go out I buy more TP, lol. Even typing with my one left hand is a helluvah task. Don’t expect to see any capital letters. And yeah, wiping my hiney with my left hand has me more upset than not being able to rebuild. :crazy_face: Okay, just wanted people to know in case you wonder why my posting becomes minimal.


Sorry to hear that, but wish you a very speedy recovery. You’ll be in my thoughts muth.


A bit different than my situation, but, enough similarities to be able to relate (in the grand sense). In Nov 2017, I was in a collision that dislocated my right foot, and broke my right leg.
Shredded ACL and MCL, a 5-6in metal plate, and 8 screws later… And it was still almost a year to learn to walk again.

The best thing you have going for you is mindset.
Regardless of the outcome, and OF COURSE I hope and pray for the best, but life may throw you a curve ball now and then. Even after it’s all said and done, whatever the results may be, your still alive and kicking to continue the good fight. Try to remember that above everything in any brief moments of despair/fatigue/frustration/pain or depression that may arise in the course of recovery and adjustment that is sure to follow such an invasion into, and manipulation of, the body.

You have my sympathy, support, and prayers.
May God bring you peace and healing, and a peace about, and during the road ahead. :hugs:



I hope you will do alright, and maybe have family help out with your vaping. I don’t know if you have any close vape friends, but even typing in lower case… if you need help, come back here… you know we all will help you get sorted. How long do they expect you to be down with your hand?


Very understandable @muth.

Very wise.

Because you HAVE been thinking this through, and I’m assuming trying to do things with your other hand, beyond the rebuilding, has anything jumped out that you might need help with ?


Thank you Lostmarbles :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you so much Rob. That sounded like a horrific accident. I hope you’re back on track and I appreciate you sharing the insight you gained from such an experience. I’ll keep your words of wisdom in my side pocket.


Thank you, Smoky. Not having any family here is part of my anxiety but I do have friends (no vape friends) who will lend a hand (pun intended) when they can. You bet I’ll be here…and prolly crying like a baby :laughing: They said a 3 month recovery. Then there’s a second surgery to complete the procedure. Don’t ask me when that will be because I don’t even want to know.


Wiping my hiney? :rofl: Actually, the good folks here at ELR have already helped without either one of us knowing. Back when TP was scarce and people posted links and images of bidets (Smoky, I’m looking at you :grinning:) it occurred to me that I could use that technique to help me out. There’s that and then it’s all my vape stuff and taking care of my yard. I haven’t lined up any help yet but i know I can’t mow. I do have a friend who can help prepare my pet’s medicine.

I’m trying to think of vape gear that will be easy to use. After all my wicks get dirty I’ll switch to drop ins on my old Uwell Crown tanks (2). I have a Billet Box so I can switch boros out with different juice and fresh builds. I have 3 boros so I’ll need to get them all set up in time beforehand. There’s also a Nautilus bridge for the BB that takes Nautilus BVC coils of which I have leftover from my Nauti days. Last but not least, I have the 20ml SC Aromamizer Plus tank and a Kayfun Monster tank that holds 30 mls of juice. I’m thinking more MTL to conserve juice and batteries because even switching out batteries can be difficult depending on the mod. And refilling Kayfuns…I ordered top fill tanks for 3 of them but I don’t think they’ll get here on time.

Wow, I’m rambling on, sorry. I think you prompted me to think out loud which is good but whether i can actually get it all together before “lift off” Idk. I’ll do my best. I’d love to continue mixing. All I can do is try. Sometimes you don’t know what you can do until you start doing it, right? If you have any helpful ideas I’d love to hear them. I have a table vice I can use to hold things steady.


I’d say call me, but I havent a clue where I will be at, Muth…
I have so much going on right now, but if I can help in any way, let me know. :slight_smile:

I would also rethink pod mods too…
If you have enough juice for the next 3 months, you should be alright.

the biggest will be charging batteries and recoils… wish you had someone closer to you that could help… I can send coils with cotton stuffed… but getting them into your tank or dripper will be a challenge for sure.


Why don’t you mix up some one shots of your gotos and premixed a couple liters of base? Prefill 50 30ml bottles with base and then all you’ll have to do is add the one shot flavor and shake.




Love Phineas Frog! Been awhile…


That is the most generous offer. Thank you, Smoky, but stay tuned for an update.


Great idea! Thank you, Letitia.


*ANNOUNCEMENT(good and bad?)

At 10am the surgical coordinator called to cancel my surgery. I have to admit I feel a sense of relief but…

The cancellation is due to the governor’s order to cancel all non-emergency surgeries. Covid is on the rise again here. May 18 marks the beginning of our phase one reopening. If you want to know what our phase one entailed here’s a link. I know each state had a different plan.

I haven’t even heard this on the local news yet so I may have heard it from the “horses mouth”. The coordinator said she was spending all morning notifying patients of cancellations with no rescheduling dates.


We are wide open here… I haven’t even kept up with the covid #s… just been too busy working, as well as sewing masks… Plus I am avoiding all news atm… tired of seeing so much bad.

That is some really good news, even tho you needed the surgery… maybe at a later date…