You’re a Jedi!
Going through my stash and found a Coppervape.
Put a couple of coils in a Lit with the Squonk pin and some Blueberry and Cream.
Good Shit
They were all over a few years ago. I bought a bunch of them on clearance. Modified them to use silicone bottles.
They are decent for the price but I don’t think you can get them anymore
Was looking through some bins to bin some flavors and found this:
Still smells good but i think im gonna pass.
I think he was more interested in all the treats on offer.
I’ve got one of those, must of bought it 5 years ago. Never used it, I’m waiting for the apocalypse.
I haven’t bought any hardware for a year. I love Geek Vape and the Legends of which I have 4. A couple of weeks ago, out of the blue, I wanted a couple of more. They’re very hard to find so I bought two Legend 2s. They’re not as solid and heavy as the first, but they’ll do.
Also, I got a OoO Cinnamon Roll. I’ve been chasing a cinnamon roll since the day I started mixing and have never come close. I’m a beer taster and every one I’ve tried was too yeasty. The smell of this one is the best yet, so we’ll see.
I’m a legend fan myself and also have a bunch I got on clearance years ago.
I also have a few GBox squonkers that work excellent. I put Luxotic silicone bottles in them. They push right on like those hard ass plastic ones that came with them. I just use Squonk refill bottles so I don’t have to take them out to fill.
I have a couple of Legend 2 mods also but never used them yet.
It works ok. The 510 isn’t adjustable and some attys won’t make a connection. The Profile RDA’s work great on it and a couple others but can’t remember which one now. This LIT works but I’m starting to not like this RDA. Got some cheap and like you say, they’ll work if absolutely necessary.
Just ordered a shitload of flavors from BCF , Flavor Jungle and NomNomz.
Got a nice bonus from work for working Christmas and New Year’s Day.
Free flavors is the way I figure it.
Should have everything next week except for Nomz.
It shipped already but who knows when it will get here.
I’ve been considering those squonkers for awhile. My Topsides are dying at a faster rate than I anticipated so I’ll need to start replacing them soon. For me, Geek Vape has been the most durable brand.
GBox’s may be hard to find now. I haven’t looked in quite a while.
Did you ever use the USV MACH ONE squonker?
They are pretty decent but they have a proprietary Squonk bottle
That’s a big negative now, imo. My first squonker was the VT Inbox, which is a great mod. I ended up with three V2s and one V3. Over the course of two years I bought so many bottles, not knowing how many I’d use. Then I bought the Topside and did the same. I have about 24 spare Topside bottles and I’ll never use them all. My next squonk will have to use non-proprietary bottles. It’s the reason I don’t like Apple products.
You won’t find one anyway. They sold out fast so GV didn’t make that many and don’t think they plan on making another. Seems to me their focus is on high power (100 watts) pod device’s.
Fantastic. Hope his conversion sticks. Thanks for helping a friend and improving his health !!
Terry Pratchett once said, “If cats looked like frogs we’d all understand just how cruel and evil they are.”
Damn, they’re beautiful creatures, who cares about the mice and lizards.
My favourite had a taste for bats. I cannot remember how many times he came in with a giant handlebar moustache.