Discovered my Pretty Girl stray pregnant cat is actually a fat Pretty Boy! Lol
That happened to my sis in law when she gave her cat to me. His name then was Buddy. When we got custody of her, we realized it was a she so we renamed her Bunny and then we got my sis in law an anatomy book for her birthday!
I know I will probably regret this, but what are we looking and learning about @SquirrelSmash ?
I read a report probably 10 years ago about a study done in England on domestic cats. It involved a handful of suburban neighborhoods in which they were asked to bag bodies and body parts of animals found in their houses and yards, presumably from their cats activities. The results were astounding in that the researchers found massive amounts of animals were being killed, far greater than any had imagined. As most cat owners know, the cats aren’t doing it for the food, they’re just evil fucks.
Remember when China enforced the last Zero Covid shutdown and forced owners to kill their dogs and cats? Makes my blood boil!
I don’t understand ???
We have one of those too, Casper to Casperina
I confiscated a kitten from a client once and couldn’t take it to the pound so I kept it. Thought it was a female so I called it Lily. After about a month I noticed it was carrying a couple of furry objects below it’s behind and realized Lily was a he. Didn’t change the name but I think he resented it cuz he was a mean old cuss. He would beat the tar out of my husky/malamute every chance he got.
Hey, if you don’t see the two holes in the back end, right on top of each other, then y’all need to go and repeat Sex Ed in junior high again.
What kind of job did you have that required confiscating a kitten?
Homeless disabled housing program. We didn’t allow pets 20 yrs ago.
I’d be so lost without a pet, I find that so sad. If a woman can have her pet peacock on a plane as her support animal (which was so bizarre), I’m saddened to hear that kittens aren’t allowed.
I hear ya. It made me sad to take it away, but de rules are de rules. He had good life with me. Always brought me presents like bats and bunny heads.
We could literally trade stories of all the presents that our fur babies leave us . I’m grateful that institutions are realizing the benefits of having animals now. Zzzz time for me, bless you and have a great night.
Here you are.
I still hate that the Wikipedia article was edited to remove ‘decisive emu victory’.
Mine would do it for artistic reasons too: I once had a line of mouse heads outside my bedroom door. Oddly, there wasn’t a single drop of blood in the house.
His table decoration of a dissected pigeon was impressive, though the back half of the neighbour’s rabbit took to award for balls.
As you can imagine, I was his third and final owner.
My Beana would leave a trail of mice and baby moles from the driveway to the front door. Little Foot on the other hand left decapitated squirrels and rabbits on the back door steps. I dearly miss them both. My Gracie leaves me mice in my slipper; delightful way to start the day. Lol
Well, heads and feet are the finest gifts for a cat to give.
I do sometimes wonder if they were all trained in Guangdong.
Reading Harry’s ghost-written drunken rant/autobiography.
Reminded me of the lunacy around the house of Windsor:
They would have to be very quick if they were.