We should just give Oregon to Canada, they deserve each other. In exchange we’ll take the goofy Newfies.
I was told a long time ago that Oregon had one of the highest suicide rates in the US. I think they blamed it on the constant rain.
How’s that going right now?
I was thinking this afternoon that if I were a rapist in this day and age, I would let myself get caught.
Not many places to run and hide in a prison. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel.
And CA, and NY, and MA, etc, lol. I think it might be time for a wall split between Patriots and Socialists since #46 won’t close the border.
I have no dog in this race since I am on the other side of the planet, but I do think you people should ask Canada first, before adding more to that pile of…
Typical imperial thinking
Our newly departed governor has made all forms of drugs legal and our newly elected governor just decided to open up all these “safe drug dens”, so it is no wonder we are all dropping like flies around here.
In CA, if you are a rapist, you get released after 1 year, thanks to AG George Glascon’s policies.
Didn’t your PM resign recently due to her not being conservative enough?
As long as Justin Trudeau is in power, Canada is insane. They now promote euthanasia with very little oversight and Trudeau praises the CCP and Castro.
Can I ask a question? Am I supposed to be on a different thread since the latest topics aren’t making us Smile Today?
I’m always amused by how the world’s former imperialists like to lecture the current one.
Does the San Andreas run up to Oregon?
Not to my knowledge, isn’t the San Andreas fault located way down in S. CA?
I’m safe. I’ll try not to be near the coast when it happens. I’m located above the line where Nevada intersects Oregon.
You may have beach front property by the time it’s all over.
No, we have a man, I’m in the Netherlands. Our cabinet resigned in January 2021 over, what we call de toeslagen affaire.
Due to a change in the tax system, based on one of their endless paper models, 30.000 families ended up on a blacklist, without notification, for little mistakes in their paperwork.
Most of it was caused by corrupt childcare centres that embezzled the tax and the people suffered. When you are put on the tax blacklist, you lose your right to own anything. These people lost their house, their cars, jobs, people have committed suicide thousands of children have been taken away from their parents.
Also resulting in some suicides because some were sexually abused and couldn’t take it any longer.
When our government found out about this, they turned their back and swept it under the carpet.
It is only due to the diligence of two politicians that this whole sordid business came to light.
When the courts were questioned by those politicians about how it had been possible that all the doors of the legal system had been closed to these people, the answer of each and every one of them was, that in cases like this, they always operate from the premises that the state is right. I think they call that a show process.
So he resigned two months before the elections. Got on his bike and put himself on the list for re-election.
Short story is they are all back as they were, over 2000 children are still missing.
They don’t know where they are
, it could take years to sort that out
We are talking about clowns, aren’t we?
This made me smile. My favourites are the court scene in the beginning, continuing at 10:56.
I found out that Michael Kenneth Williams died in 2021. That didn’t make me smile.
He played a brilliant role as Omar Little in the Wire.
My apologies, I was thinking of the New Zealand PM. My gosh, this is the first I’m hearing about the
I saved the page on the web to read more about it later. I am on my way out the door, but I plan on learning more about this and watching the attached video when I get back. Thank you for posting this!
This has been dragging on for years, thanks to the wonderful media we have these things just go on and on.
That’s funny
Omar!!! One of the best ever characters in film.
“Boy, you got me confused with a man that repeats himself.” I might say this to my wife…and then run like hell.
I loved Omar. Hated the foul-mouthed little brat Keynard who shot him in the head