Going through what has been released so far in relation to the recently opened tombs.
I am hoping that Meri the Secret Keeper’s tomb has surviving papyri in regard to the rituals used around the Book of the Dead or, if we’re really lucky, More fragments of the Babylonian Book of Demons.
I got a tip on how to make a dry ice bomb Gets you a nice big boom.
Maybe for one of those things like the 5th of May, when our king turns up in his military uniform with his medals pinned on.
I saw him running a number of years ago, when a paper bag was detonated
I watched a preview of it and it looks pretty crazy. about a girl who hooks at a truck stop and has something to do with a religious cult. Haven’t watched it yet because I would have to rent it.
It will be free soon enough
It revolved around the teacher claiming that water is blue due to light and not the fact that water is actually blue. My monster told her that the sky is blue due to refraction and water is blue as it just is.
Admittedly I have been trying to keep her up to date on science and Mrs Squirrel’s eyes glaze over when I show how photosynthesis relies on quantum tunnelling to work.
I get it. I don’t trust most of the teachers here. I talk to my boys about what they’re learning constantly. My concern so far has been the lack of depth in certain subjects. Their math and science classes seem to be in order but the soft sciences are just skimming along the surface on most of the topics. For example, last term my son had a literature class in which they read excerpts from Huckleberry Finn. I then sent my son to school with the book every day until he finished reading it. This last week he brought a Thomas Sowell book every day. He’s got to be giving some of those libtards a fit by now.
I saw a little clip of a introduction talk at a US university. They were told where the sanitary dispensers were located and such.
There was an added comment from the teacher explaining all this, I think she taught psychology and social sciences or something like that.
“Not every person who menstruates is female.”
I would suggest people start homeschooling their kids. Complete and utter insanity.
Joe Biden has decided that when people are put into prison, it’s not what it says on their birth certificate that determines which prison they go to, it’s what they say they are.
Every rapist can claim womanhood and get a spot in a female prison. Now isn’t that nice?
I don’t know what’s going on any more, really. I’ve decided to take a few steps back and just view it like a soap.
It’s either that or insanity.
Fortunately there are such things as books from times when people hadn’t completely lost their minds.
Definitely sounds like a clip which would make most bang their head into a wall.
I must admit that due to my background in law, I view it as one hell of a complicated area where personal politics just muddy the waters even more.
Last week I had to explain to an ‘intersectional feminist’ (I still have no idea what that term is supposed to represent and I’ve studied sociology at many levels) that transgender individuals need a distinct legal status, otherwise you are putting someone who transitioned from male to female on a level field regarding fertility rights.
What made me happy today, was the fact that there ARE serious DIY’ers out there, willing to HELP and RECEIVE help in this conquest/hobby, many/most times for FREE, and they respect, and realize that. Many pay it FORWARD, and help the NEXT person, again, for FREE. ELR for all of it’s issues IS one of those places. The VC, ECF, VU, and ECIGSSA are also included in that list, and Reddit MOST of the time LOL. This doesn’t include ALL of the places in the interwebs.
The moral of this story is ELR may not be perfect, but at least we’ve got a good crew here. Keep that in mind, and don’t take it for granted, not EVERY place is like this.
It was MY State of Oregon that was the first state to mandate putting in sanitary dispensers in the boy’s bathroom, Oregon has gone so lefty liberal, and is the very definition of insanity because after my governor was termed up, Oregon elected an even more radical governor.