I’m pretty new to this. The gear Im using now is pretty much the gear I started with - an mvp3.0, a couple of nautilus minis & an iSub G, & I’m really happy with it- it’s made the transition from the analogues really easy. That said, its just about time to expand the collection!
The gear I’ve got provides a most glorious delivery of nicotine. I enjoy the mouth to lung experience of the mini’s - no doubt an analogue hang-over, & though a different tank is high on the shopping list, the iSub has been a great intro to sub-ohm.
The “noob” question of the day is this… If I’m able to achieve what seems to me, to be a really nice vape at under 30 watts (& it seems many of you do too), then, whats with the high wattage? I mean anything over 30-40 watts. What are the benefits? Why should I consider it?
The answers to that question vary, depending on personal preferance. I use an istick 50 @ 50watts. Why? Because I like it. 59 watts with my atlantis v2. Yes it makes a moderate high cloud but…but, but, I believe the FLAVOR is in the clouds. For me, low ohms, higher wattage equates to more flavor . Does this help at all?
You question is a good one, but most all mods these days have more than 30 watts, especially where temperature control is applicable.
I think most people simply want the new, latest features of a device & buy a new mid based on that alone ,I’m one of those people…lol
Also with 30 max watts if you build your own coils, you would kinda have to build coils based around your mod so that makes vaping limited.
I congratulate you on the fact that you’ve found a good nicotine delivery setting or feature, I’m not so lucky at the moment I continue to up & down watts through the day & at the moment am not satisfied.
All flavors (and coils) have an optimal wattage - Most liquids are most flavorful with a coil heat flux of around 280-300 mW/mm2 (IMO) - for some coils that’s 13-15 W, for other coils it’s ~90 W
Interesting point Daath that I have witnessed personally. My better half Vapes an istick 30 with a kanger mega at 24 watts and a 0.5 ohm coil. Her juice tastes better than mine.We vape the same juice. So there are many many variables for sure.
I second what has already been said. It all depends on your coil and how you build. I typically build simple coils that don’t take much to heat them up, so I rarely go over 20w. That makes my 50w mod a little bit of overkill, but I’m okay with that. If you get into making really elaborate coils like twisted or claptons, dual coils, etc. it will take more power to achieve the same amount of heat. Using steam engine’s coil wrapping feature, I usually build my coils around A) the wire that I have and B) the heat flux…
Knowing I only have 50w to work with, I build so that the coils don’t take much to reach the 300 range…and that usually means I’m around 20w or so. I know I could probably go higher if I wanted, but I like that my batteries last all day at around 20w and I’m happy with the vape I get.
Yes it does, thankyou …its coming. However, its still something I obviously need to experience to believe, coz the flavor I get out of my Nautilus Mini’s is, to me anyway, stellar.
The thicker ckoud I get from the iSub does ad another dimension, but the flavor’s down - quite muted in comparison to the Minni’s. I was thinking that was the tank but maybe its watts as well…
I have the I sub G tank and it doe’s produce good clouds but the flavor is lacking. I mix my own juice, so I up the flavor % for that tank. With my Crown tank I feel I need to back them down.
It just means that because of the way the coil is built, you get the optimal performance of a nautilus BVC-coil at very low wattages I use them at 12-15 W depending on what’s in it
I’ve drilled out the air holes on the base to two 2.5mm holes and also drilled out a bunch of center contact pins on the coil head to 2mm air holes (side and center airways). I can take it to 18w and get a great vape.
My go-to build is Velocity RDA dual coils @ 0.2 ohms firing 4.2 volts. The flavor is just so intense. Compared to a tank, even the Crown (which has some awesome flavor) it just cant be beat.
Thank you this is awesome. I think a lot of people myself included have this very question but wasn’t sure just how to put it so well… Thanks great thread, very helpful!!!