What is the benefit of higher wattage?

Yeah, Ive seen these reviewed - they seem to tick all the boxes. If I was to get an RDA, I think this one would be it.
Damondo, what wattage are you at??

So, if ive got it rightā€¦ higher wattage = more flavor, more cloud (by default) & greater versatility with your builds.
Have I missed anything??
ā€¦I still dont understand why yould vape at over 100 watts - seems like over-kill to meā€¦ but then, Iā€™m not in it for the cloud.

When folks are using huge ass wire (20 to 24 gauge) or building mondo Clapton coils in their RDA, it takes a lot of power/wattage to boot up those coils.

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ok, thx. makes sense now! Soooo many options & variablesā€¦

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Thx everyone, Iā€™ve got a much clearer picture of how it all works now! Cheers all!

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Like 80 - 90% of us, I was never in it for the clouds eitherā€¦until I was.
Itā€™s easy to get hooked because it tests your creativityā€¦ If my hands werenā€™t so unsteady and stiff, Iā€™d probably be making the big builds but alas, I have to live vicariously through these maniac builders here at ELR. :cloud:


& thatā€™ll probably happen to me tooā€¦I LOVE the creativity involved in all of this!


.2 @ 4.2v = 88 watts

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[quote=ā€œJimk, post:24, topic:25916, full:trueā€]
or building mondo Clapton coils[/quote]

As far as I know I have no coils named after me . . . :yum:


Oh well, there u go!.. a hundred watts!.. & to think I never thought it necessary. Ha! Better put ohms law on the shoppin list me thinks!

And to that I sayā€¦Harrumph!

There should be a coil named after you!

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A buddy of mine builds Damondo coils all the time. He says they give great flavor at 1500 wattsā€¦lol


Awww Iā€™m flattered [smiles]

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There are a lot of ohms law appā€™s out there for your smart phone. They make it easy.

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Thanks for the tip, @chuck6. Just downloaded one - ā€œMr Combiā€ ā€¦it looked like the simplest, but I could be wrong. Is there another youā€™d recommend?

I donā€™t see any thinking that you may in joy. I have tryed 40-50 watts and all I have got out of it it dence vape ,hot lungs, and juice gone.Other than dence vape. I would stay where your are, unless you just what to show off to your friends, thats all ways fun.


Some vapers love a warm dense vape. Itā€™s all about preference. Sometime I go much higher. It all depends on the juice, the build, the wire. If youā€™re vaping on some thin Kanthal it would be unpleasant. But thatā€™s prime range for SS and Ti.

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thank Pro_vapes. I will try SS or TI wire. 24 &26 gage kanthal is all I have tryed so far. Is this wire in the same gage.? .05 is about right at 25-35 watt. vape, battery life.

SS reads a bit lower than Kanthal and Ti much lower than both.

All I have seen are easy. The most important thing is to be safe.