What is the benefit of higher wattage?

I have the velocity rda…flavor is wonderful. Built my first Clapton coil this week. Also got a 150 watt mod this week. Noticed that the coils heat up faster at higher watts. Ordered a lot of wire to start experimenting with new coils

Gotcha!!..after all, that is why we’ve given up the cigs… (assuming you have too!)

[quote=“Chuck6, post:42, topic:25916”]
I have the velocity rda…
[/quote]Oh yeah… love one of them! for the time being tho, Ive got my eye on a Magma - theres a vendor over here (in Australia) selling clones for $10…I want it primarily for testing my mixes - single or dual coil. apparently a dream at low wattages (15-20). testing with a tank is a pain in the A!

[quote=“Chuck6, post:42, topic:25916”]
Ordered a lot of wire to start experimenting with new coils
[/quote]What sort?

Ok, so if I’m understanding what @daath is saying, for my Lemo 2, a single .4 ohm coil (24g kanthal, 5 wraps with a id of 2.4mm or 7 wraps of 26g), and 28 watts should equal approx. 309 mw/mm2. That’s pretty much where I’m at in my Lemo’s, but what about my .4 ohm dual coil Goblins? I don’t know if I want to be up in the 65 - 70 watt range.

I’m with you JoJo. As soon as I suck down the juice in my Lemo 2’s I’m going to recoil them with 6 wraps of 26g with an id of 2.4mm. That should give me .7 ohms and 24 watts should fire them at 304 mW/mm2. I like to keep my id between 2mm - 2.5mm for better flavor. This forum is great, I learn something new every day.

I hear people speak of a better flavor with Kanthal. A big part of the issue is your wire. Kanthal is going max out at a certain point, then you’re going to need a different wire. Kanthal is the lowest ranking wire for vaping. You can get much, much better flavor with SS or Ti. You won’t believe the difference.

This lesson can take you from good flavor to great flavor.


Now I’m totally confused… I recently put a dual coil build in my Goblin, 26g, id 2mm, around 7 or 8 wraps, came out to .4 ohms. I go to Steam Engine, it tells me 68 W = 301 mW/mm2. I turned my iStick 50 up all the way and burned the hell out of my lips. Doesn’t seem to me like that is practical information. What am I missing?

What sort of wire? It could be a hot spot?

It was just 26g Kanthal that I’d been vaping on for a couple days at 30W without a problem; infact it was wicking just fine.

Mostly small guage kanthal to build Clapton coils

There is no doubt that having a good understanding of ohm’s law will help tremendously in building coils. I just recoiled an Lemo Drop with 26g Kanthal at .8 ohms. With my voltage around 5V I was getting a pretty warm vape…too warm for me, but found if I keep the voltage between 4.2V - 4.5V I get a cooler vape more to my liking. So I’m finding that voltage is equally important as wattage, maybe even more so. Any thoughts?

Well, it’s all part of it, isn’t it? The wattage is the one constant that you can use…

Think of voltage as the water pressure in a pipe, the ohms as the pipe size and the current as the rate of which water flows through it - the pipe is then connected to a water wheel, which generates power (wattage)…

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Say what you will about wattage I have all my vv/vw mods set at 4.3V for single coil and 3.5V for dual coil, irregardless of wattage, and I’m enjoying vaping on them once more. What I’m saying is I can control the temperature of the vape much better with voltage settings than I can with wattage.

I’ve got some 28g and 26g stainless steel on the way. Very anxious to wind some coils with it. I’ve noticed on Steam Engine that SS has about 1/2 the resistance of Kanthal.

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Its certainly lower than A1 but its not half. I know for a fact its not.

According to Steam Engine, what they call “resistivity” for 26g A1 Kanthal it’s 11.26 ohm / m, for 26g SS 316 it’s 5.98 ohm / m. 5.63 would be half, so your right, it’s not half, but pretty darn close.

Well gauging from experience when I run 6 wraps of 26g A1 kanthal paralleled on a 3mm bit I ohm out to about 0.36 for single coil.

I take 316L SS 26g wire, 7 wraps on same diameter, dual coils, I ohm out to 0.30

For me its a lot closer to A1 than what SE says it is.

What would the SS ohm out to if it was a single coil built the same as the kanthal coil ? I’m not arguing, I want you to be right because I don’t want to have to build coils with twice as many turns just to use SS.

You wont have to make a super huge coils for the ohms to read the same.

Single coil, 7 wraps on 3mm driver in the lemo II using 26g 316L SS wire is sitting pretty at 0.57 ohm.

I just went back to Steam Engine, and according to their coil wrapping info, a 1 ohm, 3 mm coil of 26g kanthal would require 7 wraps, a 1 ohm, 3 mm coil of 26g SS would require 14 wraps. I guess the answer is that SS is better suited for building sub-ohm coils in the .2 to .6 range.

I’m just speaking from experience and what I’ve built and my findings. I’ve never really fancied that site for accuracy. My trusty ohm meter tells me what I need to know.