What RU Vaping/Mixing Today? 2025

Tastenest formerly liquiddiy in Aus have Duomei still but not sure shipping will be too much?
They dont seem to have Yam tho.


Mmm I’ll give that a mix. Kind of makes me want to retry mixing Mod Milk Key Lime Milky Delight.


Thank you @Sevencasper I didn’t realize LiquidDIY had re-named.


No probs.
I knew they had Duomei there, didn’t realise they’d rebranded either.
The few who are still around have as they don’t promote what we all do here, not allowed anymore.


Man, I’ve been reading this as “liquidd-y.”


LOL @Mediocre_Remedial. James from LiquidDIY really helped out in getting the word out about Duomei flavors. VERY hard to come by, and they were one of the very few carrying them …


@Mediocre_Remedial things were VERY different down under, just a few years ago. Good times, great people, and will miss James, and LiquidDIY …


Is this not the same Duomei? Or is this company just trying to piggyback off the name?

Oh I see… Can’t buy direct. So they don’t have a good US supplier then?



That looks like them @Mediocre_Remedial.

Possibly, but I don’t know. That is why when Liquid DIY started carrying them, it was kind of a big deal.


Ohhhh where is this available? I ordered another Bams when my daughter ordered her disposables, BUT I also ordered some Kings Crest Dutchess Reserve, which I believe was one of my favorites of the Dutchess line, so I’m looking forward to getting that (plus a bottle of Buttercream lol). I was actually looking for Sad Boy Keylime cookie but they were sold out…


This is a mix that I wasn’t too sure about before testing, but it grabbed hold of me and I had trouble setting it down,

It is a bit to the floral side (honeysuckle), especially when I first started on it, but that did settle down some and felt more blended in as I progressed through my tester.

It starts out with the blueberry (perhaps just bluish) with some sort of tropical note there as well (I assume from the Guanabana - not really positive on taste, maybe pineapple-ish) then transitions to what seems like the honeydew melon and then onto the honeysuckle. Sometimes there seems to be a little bit of berry peeking out here as well. Vanilla shows at the end though at times it is less noticeable.
It has a pretty nice body to it and seems somewhat “creamy” as well.

I usually mix 10ml for my testers but if I’m less sure about a combination or percentages that I’m trying then I will sometimes just do 5ml - which I did with this one. I’m going to mix up a 20ml with no adjustments to see if it will hold up over a longer duration.


Its the minimum order that has always made it tough to order…Yes that is Duomei


Ya unfortunately it’s not available any longer. They have had a Facebook page for years but I believe the last post was years ago. I’ve messaged them dozens of times with no response. I do have the recipe for their Strawberry Milky Goodness so hopefully I can work from that.


I finally figured out why my crunch berry wasn’t tasting right… I was wrong this whole time. The secret ingredient this whole time is a flavor I don’t really like! Cap vanilla custard!!! I looked back at my old recipe, and Idk what the Marshmellow does to be honest, I just kept it in the recipe for consistency and removed some other flavors that didn’t make sense… But I can taste the crunch berry in this one! I don’t like cap vanilla custard, but it just gives something to the crunch berry flavor. The taste in cap vanilla custard i don’t like seems to work synergistically with the crunch berry flavor. Gives it a sort of depth or something.


I wish I could taste strawberry. :frowning:

I’ve tried a couple strawberry creams and they just tasted foul.


Am the same with regards to cap vanilla custard in that something about the taste I didn’t like at all. I am glad that you have managed to work out what was muting the crunch Berry. I have tried numerous custard themed one shots and not gone much on any of them! Currently steeping Cremeux by Drip Hacks for one last try, but I think its literally the vanilla flavour I actually love. Anything like vanilla ice cream or vanilla Biscuit etc. I don’t mind only having a small preference and alternate between different vanilla flavours and biscuits and also love creamy tastes. I think sometime I might start a new post for some vanilla advice!
It’s odd how the vanilla custard worked in your recipe with enhancing the flavour.


Ah hah. So maby you pick up that same off flavor that I do. I don’t know how to describe it even, it doesn’t taste like anything I’ve ever tasted.

SSA vanilla ice cream at 3% is one I really like, after mixing it’s very uh, strange… Almost like goat cheese. After just 3 days it’s pretty tasty though. it’s not just like ice cream, but it definitely has a taste reminiscent of vanilla ice cream. It’s reminds me of the cheaper vanilla ice cream flavor that comes in the round plastic tub. I like it cause it steeps quick, and it has sort of a light vanilla-ish flavor and cream, and almost a sort of cream cheese note when it’s fresh mixed.

I’ve been meaning to come back to cap vanilla custard, I really wanna try it at just 1% solo and let it sit for a while. I also have to revisit custard cake… I mixed at the recommended 4% and it didn’t taste anything like custard or cake. Makes a great additive to my French toast though.

The stuff is incredibly strong when used in food, which was it’s original purpose. It opened my eyes to just how potent the flavors can be, as well as how it is enhanced by the flavor real butter, milk, and eggs.

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I also like Ssa ice cream vanilla and use a lot of it! I been trying it at various percentages and also with ssa shortbread and fa fresh cream. I haven’t tried any other creams yet which are more vanilla like creams so far. Nom nomz been out ot stock on ice cream vanilla for ages now but I’ve got 90mls!


I might pick up shortbread and fresh cream on my next order.


The fresh cream I get on nom nomz says by craft flavour but apparently its rebottled fa. Someone will correct me if am wrong. I wondered about ordering the ssa crumble topping to try as a stand alone have u tried that one?

Edit my mistake crumble is by Wonder Flavours. Not ssa