@Mediocre_Remedial it’s a good flavor, but it’s not incredibly strong, and somewhat hard to nail down. The French Toast aspects are actually pretty good, and the other pairing(s) are a little more vague. I’m not 100% sure if I was getting any shell or filling, but there’s def. a twist to the French Toast.
Yes, as SD explained, its light on the cannoli but the french toast part is subtle but oh so flavorful. It is one of my go to flavors and I buy it once in a while.
Hey Lynda so I finally got around to mixing this one to be able to compare to the Bams original. It’s definitely very key lime forward. I’m not complaining I’m Loving It. I now see why you chose the FW Fruity Flakes it does portray a sense of cereal grain to the mix. So far it’s really good.
I recently picked up 100ml of the Bams original plus all of the available 60ml eliquids by Phillip Rocke @Huffers and Puffers.
Giving it some thought with my available flavors, I rewrote this one using PB (SSA) because it came closest to FLV’s PB notes. Not having Waffle with Butter (SSA) I suppose I could have just used Classic Belgian and added Butter but I didn’t want more flavors so I decided to use Croissant (VTA) because of it’s butteriness above all else.
Yeah the SSA PB is pretty potent, might want to drop it down, pb was not heavy in the mix. But I like the Croissant idea!
This is the one I mixed up:
I dropped it by the same ratio you dropped PB (FLV) but I’ll check it out.
We’ll see how the steep goes…
Yeah you’re right the FLV is the closest to SSA but I think the SSA is more potent. Either way the PB is only an accent in the mix
It’s very lime forward. I like it better aged. Thanks for letting me know you mixed it up. I made a simple key lime/fruity cereal cream around the same time- which I just mixed a 100 mls of. Enjoying this one more!
Tastenest formerly liquiddiy in Aus have Duomei still but not sure shipping will be too much?
They dont seem to have Yam tho.
No probs.
I knew they had Duomei there, didn’t realise they’d rebranded either.
The few who are still around have as they don’t promote what we all do here, not allowed anymore.
Man, I’ve been reading this as “liquidd-y.”
LOL @Mediocre_Remedial. James from LiquidDIY really helped out in getting the word out about Duomei flavors. VERY hard to come by, and they were one of the very few carrying them …
@Mediocre_Remedial things were VERY different down under, just a few years ago. Good times, great people, and will miss James, and LiquidDIY …
Is this not the same Duomei? Or is this company just trying to piggyback off the name?
Oh I see… Can’t buy direct. So they don’t have a good US supplier then?
That looks like them @Mediocre_Remedial.
Possibly, but I don’t know. That is why when Liquid DIY started carrying them, it was kind of a big deal.
Ohhhh where is this available? I ordered another Bams when my daughter ordered her disposables, BUT I also ordered some Kings Crest Dutchess Reserve, which I believe was one of my favorites of the Dutchess line, so I’m looking forward to getting that (plus a bottle of Buttercream lol). I was actually looking for Sad Boy Keylime cookie but they were sold out…
This is a mix that I wasn’t too sure about before testing, but it grabbed hold of me and I had trouble setting it down,
It is a bit to the floral side (honeysuckle), especially when I first started on it, but that did settle down some and felt more blended in as I progressed through my tester.
It starts out with the blueberry (perhaps just bluish) with some sort of tropical note there as well (I assume from the Guanabana - not really positive on taste, maybe pineapple-ish) then transitions to what seems like the honeydew melon and then onto the honeysuckle. Sometimes there seems to be a little bit of berry peeking out here as well. Vanilla shows at the end though at times it is less noticeable.
It has a pretty nice body to it and seems somewhat “creamy” as well.
I usually mix 10ml for my testers but if I’m less sure about a combination or percentages that I’m trying then I will sometimes just do 5ml - which I did with this one. I’m going to mix up a 20ml with no adjustments to see if it will hold up over a longer duration.