What were you using last year

About 1 year 365 days ago and a lot of money ago .
My tesla VV VW COULD run 6 v or 15 watts to a 1.8 coil a 30 mil bottle of juice would last 3/4 DAYS unbelievable

so hand check then and now after all the money the tesla still works hell still got and uses the original battery’s just decided to drag it out and take it for a vape

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I was using this:

And this:


ouch! hope youve upgraded :slight_smile:


Last year about this time I believe I was using the Dimitri Box mod. Now if we were to go back to about this time 2008 I was using a DSE901 screwdriver. My first mod, quickly replaced by the first run of The GG Telescopic Storm, im #22 :sunglasses:


O yes red light green light blue light on the fire button those were the days and 3.49 tanks


I was just getting started it’s hard for me to even begin to grasp what it would be like 2 years ago can not even picture 6 years ago what it must have been like

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I started with a 901 as well. Went from that to a KR808 with a cartomizer. I thought cartomizers were the greatest thing ever invented. LOL.

Upgraded to a crown and evic mini this year. My favorite :slightly_smiling:


I was using this :grinning:


I’m right there with JoJo… Ego Twists and carto tanks for the last 2-3 years. Got a box FULL of them, all mostly dead. Now have a 40wTC Istick and a 50w Istick and am seriously eyeballing that VT mini that JoJo has in her hand right there!!!


It is fantastic. I have two. One I use and one I put away for a rainy day. I’d happily buy 5 more. It does everything I want it to and it’s small and only takes one battery. I don’t do massive coils or need huge amounts of power for the way that I vape, so it works great for me. :slightly_smiling:


Ok in 2014 it went in this order

Then got one of these

Then for a Christmas gift my Daughter got me a red one of these

That was my journey off the cigs and into vaping in the year 2014


Ahhh, memories! I was using about 3 or 4 different style Genesis tanks, stainless steel mesh or ecowool wick and 30/32ga kanthal; don’t miss the flaming throat, hot spot hits! Don’t miss having to vape my setup at a horizontal angle, so as to have the atomizer wick properly…PITA!

All those atomizers have been shelved, sold or thrown away, but I still use my dependable old Metal Madness Poldiac mech mod, even today.


Nemmy clones and one of the many RDA’s i have.


This looks very interesting fire button on the side?
And the atty I am impressed by the looks of it not a clue of what I am looking at but has got my attention

the Evic mini is a great little mod! much better than the Ipv D2 that was heavily hyped. I love my evic, but it doesnt have the battery life i need for a lot of my builds. The Reuleux fixed that for me :slight_smile:

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Sadly, they are no longer manufactured, due to the economic turmoil in Greece. :pensive: However, there are a few vendors that still sell the remaining supply of MM tube style mods; worth every penny!


a year ago, nautilus minis and eleaf istick 20, before that egos, when I first started in May 2013 cigalikes. I’m currently on a subox with the subtank mini. After my istick 50 started acting funny.


Fix tube battery with a 2.5 ohm K808 1ml. cartos. Still have a partial bag of cartos.


Around this time last year, I was rocking the Siggy 150W (among others) :slightly_smiling:


January 2015

April 2015
30w Istick Geni tank
50w Istick Melo tank – I Sub G tank
100w Istick Crown tank
60w Koopor Mini Crown tank
75w Evic Mini Crown tank