What Ya Vaping/Mixing Today? 2023

For sure, there’s plenty of custards you could sub for that. I just happened to have it on hand and sometimes I like to mix exactly as written for curiosity sake.


I remember when it first came out and how much it was hyped by all the reviews. Bought a 120 bottle untasted. Used it in a 250ml mix of an ADV I vaped at the time as a replacement flavor. It sat on the shelf for three months till I broke it down into a 60 to vape. Took three hits and poured it down the drain. I vape everything but not VC 2. Anything else I put it in is tainted.,:face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting: Haven’t found anything it works without ruining it. Haven’t broken the top off that 120 in years.:disappointed::disappointed::disappointed:


I bet you never fell for another hype again. I’ve done that. Also, in the beginning I tended to buy larger bottles because they seemed so cheap (compared to what I spent on gear).

Do you mind me being curious and asking you a few questions? I’m fascinated with how different our taste experiences can be?

  1. What type custard do you prefer, eggy, non-eggy, pudding-like, flan-like, bright, rich and heavy, vanilla forward, blank slate?

  2. Do you experience pepper in vanilla flavors?

  3. Can you describe the unpleasant taste you experienced with Vanilla Custard II (TPA)?


If I had to pick one it’s Cap then INW seldom use just one in any mix. Could use up to three.

None at all. Mostly use vanilla as a accent. There are exceptions.

Like I just ate a rotten corpse. Turns everything it touches to flat burn much like badly aged nicotine.


Sounds like a bad day. Although, it probably taught you to only get 10ml bottles of untested flavours.

I was pondering ordering a 30ml of Salmiakki (FLV) today and had to kick myself to just get a 10ml to test with.


The next big hyped flavor was biscuit JF. I had people comment on social media to me I was crazy using INW. Not one person but three or four telling me how much better JF was over INW. I bought a 30. Used it a couple of times and said to my self I’ll use it when INW ran out. JF still sitting on the storage rack taking up space. Not a bad flavor but not my first choice.


I tend to ignore the advice of others: This is mostly as I have a style which is an inverse of 99% of blenders here.

I will factor in @SessionDrummer’s views as, over the years, I’ve built up a solid impression of how his views differ from my own.


@rcleven that’s interesting. I hope I’m not in the “hype” camp, but in the “here’s what it tastes like” camp.

I get that a lot as well.


I’m guessing that’s a good thing. :slight_smile:


Of course. It means that I know how you build your impression of a concentrate to the degree that I can build a conception of how it could be used in my style.

Most would see it as odd, especially when one who goes down the road of max PG while considering the views of one who goes heavily down the VG road.

We’re on different sides on most things but both of us have a love of sharing vape knowledge.


Well time to get into springy blends.


I appreciate your candor, and thank you.

I find it impossible to argue with that.


Well, it’s the interaction I prefer with all: Being the same is irrelevant but respecting each other, regardless of differences, well that is the key to social interaction.

We are very different on our views on many things, though we can share vaping knowledge, movie suggestions and other things which add levity to life.


Such as…?
I tend to bounce around with custards but ones I use the most are VC (Flavorah),VCII (TPA), VC (CAP), Custard Premium (FA).
Edit: Nevermind. I jumped right to this reply before I finished the thread.


LMFAO :rofl: ! And a badly aged nicotine flavor is not my idea of a good day, either. So sorry you had to go through that.


You people sure do eat some weird things on this forum, I would have no idea what a rotten corpse tastes like.

I also wasn’t fussed with TPA VCII and never worked out what the fuss was. A bit like FA Custard Premium… I still prefer CAP VCv1 and absolutely love INW Custard. Constantly experimenting with new mixes that incorporate one or both of them.


I am not a custard fan (I have left many groups as custards consistently dominated the chat) but, like @TorturedZen, I always have VC (FLV) and VC2 (Cap) in my stash for when someone insists on a blend in that generic playground.


Well that’s funny, I was pondering about the Salmiakki myself the other night. I was driving along and suddenly got a hit that I should try a tobacco mix with bitter orange and licorice or salmiakki and/or anise or something or another to that effect. Of course, I had no idea where that all came from so I searched some tobaccos and found some interesting products for sale. Things like Three Nuns Orange, Esoterica Tobacciana Woodbridge, and in honor of our cats, Bengal Slices.

I am no pipe expert but this sounds intriguing. Before giving up the cigs, I tried pipe smoking and know just a wee bit.


I’m a INW Custard fan myself. Shisha Vanilla is always in my stash, as well.


I too love the Shisha Vanilla, great addition to some of my nutty tobacco mixes.