What Ya Vaping/Mixing Today? 2023

@Lucas_James_Holden What would you use as an acceptable sub for the Butter Base VTA? I’d like to mix this up once I get the Custard Cake in.


@TimWV do you have CAP Golden Butter ? If so, you could 1:1 sub it in.


I bought a 60ml bottle of the Butter Base. Happy to send you a 15ml bottle. PM me with your address.
SD mentioned the CAP Golden Butter. As he said it’s as good or better.


Pay it forward thread type shit right here!! :smiling_face::smiling_face::metal::muscle::pray::pray:


@SessionDrummer I do not have Golden Butter, The only butter I have is Butter (FA), I’m placing an order tonight or tomorrow and I have Butter (TPA) in my cart, do you think the Golden Butter (CAP) is better?


Thank you @rcleven That is an awfully kind offer! :slightly_smiling_face:


By The way, Is it @Lynda_Marie I have to blame for the Cookie Crack Butter? If so I want you to know that I am mixing so much of that stuff for my daughter who I have to ship it that the I’m asking USPS for frequent shipper miles! I do have to admit that I mix a “little bit” :crazy_face: for myself as well! That’s some good stuff right there!!


@TimWV FA’s Butter is great, and you could sub that as well. I don’t have or use TPA’s Butter, so I can’t comment on that, but I’d go with the FA. Relative strength, I think FA’s is stronger, so maybe start out at less than what you would have used for the VTA, like maybe 0.4-0.5% for starters.

Is CAPs Golden Butter better ?? that’s hard to say, different butters, different uses, etc. Never hurts to have a couple though. :slight_smile:

Buttah makes it Bettah !!!


I 100% agree and it’s probably against the law the amount of butter and it’s partner in crime, pork fat I use when I’m cooking!


It’s difficult to describe the cardamom flavor but it adds a floral citrus musty note to the blueberry, I think it really improved it!


Well that sounds like a winner. I’ve always liked SOME musky-ness, as it adds to the realism, BUT, only up to a point. When it passes that point, it can get TOO funky for my tastes. Sounds like a winning pairing.


My original doctor told me i should try to shoot for 7, i didnt like that as it is still diabetes. When i first went in i was told that i was basically past the measurement as it doesnt go past 8. After a 48 hour fast my blood sugar was 500, i might have never known but i could no longer walk, i later found out that was neuropathy from letting it go for many years. Crazy thing is i weighed 168 pounds, im 5’11 and normally weigh around 185, because i was drinking gallons of water, along with tons of Mountain Dew, and peeing every ten minutes, i was spending my days drinking and peeing. After that i went Keto for 2 years, every single thing i ate or drank was accounted for and countered with miles on my stationary bike. I hated Keto but i hated what i did to myself even more.

Yikes, a different way to go Keto, lol.

Thats why i want off it so bad, so many tummy issues. Id go into detail but its gross, hehe. I told my new doctor that i will not take any other medications for diabetes after he told me he could prescribe something for the bathroom issues. I just want off of it. I changed my entire life to get rid of diabetes now i want my reward, to be metformin free.


Something @rcleven does a LOT of. You two arent all that far apart, if i remember right. Maybe you guys can do a meetup sometime.


It tis indeed. I appreciate the kind words and I’m so glad y’all enjoy it! It’s been my adv since I made it. Of course I vape other things too, but I allays have a bottle going. :smiley: It makes me happy that others enjoy it!


I just opened this after a 30 day nap. Its very close to the original recipe as I remember it, but without the overwhelming cinnamon flavor. The flavor is definitely more of an Irish Cream with hints of caramel, anise and cinnamon sugar.

McDuckie’s Five Pawns Absolute Pin Remix
Absinthe (TPA) 2.50
Caramel (Original) (TPA) 3.50
Cinnamon Sugar Cookie (TPA) 2.00
Irish Cream (TPA) 12.00



I’ve never had anything from Five Pawns (although I did make a Castle Long without realizing it), but this looks like an interesting profile :yum:


Good morning @Lynda_Marie ! Just a little FYI for you when you post a recipe from #AAFL, they always show as a private :wink:. I always get excited when I receive the email for the new recipes and would love to maybe try some of them.


I actually made a couple of them private again to work on them. The latest one is public though.


I mixed this up while I was testing rainbow flavors, something different for me but yummy :yum:


Wow @Lynda_Marie I don’t think I would have ever mixed CC and Sherbets, sounds interesting.