What Ya Vaping/Mixing Today? 2024

Question: if you were going to add a bakery for the purpose of enhancing the properties of a vanilla flavor, what would you add? I hope I put that sentence together to make sense. In other words, vanilla alone sometimes just doesn’t cut it, like caramel needs butterscotch, etc. I ask because an old favorite commercial juice of mine called Vazilla has this distant cakey note in the background.


Holy vanilla has a deep cakey note


And when my OG Holy Vanilla is gone it will be gone forever. I can’t pinpoint the type of cake, can you?


Its that cakey note you get when mixing em with a vanilla. Cakey almost frosting like


Vanilla can be enhanced with acidic ingredients such as lemon, buttermilk, etc. Eggs, Creams, and butter also bring out all of vanilla’s nuances.
If I were to make it I would probably use a butter cookie and/or sugar cookie or even a plain shortbread cookie then add the tiniest bit of lemon to make it all blend together.
When baking in a professional kitchen or at home I always added a drop of buttermilk or fresh lemon juice to my vanilla before adding it to my batter or dough of whatever I was making, I can only assume it would translate the same in mixing a vape juice.


If you are trying to enhance a vanilla flavor like to give it depth try adding a small amount (1 drop per 10ml too start) of something like Dulce de Leche (any brand), I found that it helps to highlight the vanilla. For a subtle cake note a lot of commercial eliquids use things like cake batter or yellow cake really low .25 and up for a background cakey flavor. Start low and increase to your liking because cake flavors will become more pronounced after a steep.


I sometimes add lemon to a vanilla.it works but most often i dont because i use super sweet which does the same thing with it having citric and malic acid in it


Honeycomb Crumble SSA might work well here. Slight honey taste would work perfectly in Oreos, slightly buttery, slightly (sometimes crunchy) bakery, adds a bit of darkness.


I did try that since i just used it in my honeycomb cereal recipe but it didnt work well. Changed the taste away from oreo too much. Still delicious but not right.

I dont think im gonna change anything at this point. Its such a perfect oreo right now and i think adding anything might just subtract from it. Its so delicious.iv tried lots of golden oreo recipes and imo this is the most accurate iv tried.

I do have one problem . Im only 4 days into a steep and already ran through a 60ml so i gotta start over. I wanted to see how it is after a few weeks but i cant put it down


If you can’t put it down to hell with the steep :rofl: Make 300 MLS and by the time you run it down it will have had a decent steep.


Thanks for all the suggestions on the vanilla nuances :smiling_face:


Fir real cant wait to see when these ceeams really develop. Just made another 120 and refilled the 60 for testing. I use to eat tons of oreos and milk but now i cant so im happy i can at least still get that full taste


No wonder you get so hell bent on getting the flavor just right. I’m lucky enough to just eat the stuff but even so, I never feel so good afterwards, lol.


I hear you. Im pretty much down to eating chicken , mash potatoes and avacado everyday. Even with just that i feel horrible after i eat. I miss all the good stuff. Every niw and then ill say screw it and have a little treat but end up paying for ut


Another great one using Golden Shower base. When that sweet rich vanilla comes out in the Golden shower base it really makes the powdered sugar donut explode


I think the custard extra is a perfect fit. In V2 I did drop the Pudding base down by 1 and raised the Nomz Lemon Custard by 1. I felt like after a week the Pudding Base was causing the lemons to start to mute.



Yeah, I could see that.

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Looks delish


Im working on a bit crazy of a recipe. Wanted to see if it worked. Its great of the shake but the crazy part will take a while. I found out on sft that after a month nom graham cracker loses its graham cracker completely and becomes just heavy good coconut so im pushing it up super high to force it into coconut quicker. Its really working and is suoer authentic coconut custard pie.