What Ya Vaping/Mixing Today? 2024

A few flavors come to mind, but it mainly involves giving it a deeper cake note, as that’s what my preference would be, but I’m not sure how it would interact with the rest of the notes.
FJ Yellow cake
FJ Ultimate Cake Batter (might be too bright)
CAP Cake Batter (if you’re among those who like it and don’t get a plastic off note, I personally like it)
CAP Custard Cake (I haven’t tried this flavor, but maybe you have and it could work?)

Non-cake thoughts:
SSA Dulce De Leche (or NOMZ DDL, I like both)
WF Cookie Butter
WF Flan
A few drops of AP?
TPA Caramel (like you said, i think that would taste great)
Maybe a touch of a DEEP custard, you would know better than I what might fit well.
I’m reluctant to say brown sugar, but maybe FJ Ultimate Brown Sugar (since theirs is more of a flavor and not just a dark-leaning sweetener)

A real shot in the dark would be to add just a TOUCH of TPA Ry4 Double. But in having that thought, this is where I can confidently say I have very little experience compared to you and many others here. Just my 2 cents!


The fj brown sugar is interesting option used very low.

Cakes and custards would be a no go as the oreo cream is already 100 percent perfect and a cake or custard would alter that.

I prob should just go with a touch of fa cookie which would def do it but its everyones goto here and im trying to do it different.

Im trying to drip different sfts with it and see how they effect it. I find that adding the golden butter does give the cookie a little darkness. I may just roll with that. Normally not my first option for butter but i tried multiple ones and that one fits the best here. I found a a drop of wf sweet bread to be promising too


Whats the difference between cap shortbread and ssa shortbread cookie? I have both. I used cap in mixes but never sft it


@muth is right!, when in doubt add Milk and Honey :100:


Cap is like a butter biscuit, SSA is like a keebler cookie


I use WF sugar cane if I want to add some depth to a mix. Kinda tames the high notes without losing them altogether.


@STR8V8PING @Rocky02852 simplified it pretty good. I personally got a dark (at times), almost pumpkin (without the pumpkin) and/or light spiced from the CAP. I also released the Kraken on SSA’s.

CAP Shortbread
SSA Shortbread Cookie

Ssa is my fav. I use it prob way too much but i love it. Straight up blue tin butter cookies. I gotta sft the cap. I know from mixing with it i got a little darker nite but its hard to tell in a mix what exactly it is.


Yes, the BANE of my existence. I realize that “Kinda like Pumpkin Bread, without the Pumpkin”, or “A Ginger Cookie without the Ginger” sounds unclear, BUT, there was just an underlying dark(er)-ness to it. Not really spicy, or spiced, but “darker” would probably be the best description.


Its not really the depth im in search if. Hard to explain. The recipe already i give a 9.5 out of 10 . All the profiles are on a pretty bright level between the cookie and the creams though which although not a bad thing in this case i just think that little bit of seperating darker contract will blow it through the roof. At the same time though i dont want to change any current note. I need the darker just to enhance if that make sense as i find that dark / bright seperation really does wonders. If it has to change at all id lean towards just a crunch enhancment on the cookie like a darker texture


I may try adding it at a small percentage. Sounds like on the right track for where i wanna go


If you feel that FA Cookie will do the job then I wouldn’t rule it out just for the sake of being unique.


Yes, Sterling Cloud and what is U4EA?


Hmm, since you’re leaning towards a cookie, do you think Caramel Biscuit (SSA) would help? I’m assuming you have it since you said you like SSA. Of course, I have different buds than you but I just used it in a mix and it does a good job with dark graininess.

While on the subject of SSA and looking for something out of the ordinary, Crisp Waffle (SSA) is another surprising one. Dark undertones, crisp as a waffle ice cream cone.

Here’s some Reddit notes: 1.25% - Emphasis on the crisp. This is not a waffle, this is a crunchy waffle cone. Crunchy, dry, and sweet, with that kind of toasted meringue and light vanilla cone that is exactly right for a waffle one. There’s also a little butter, which is not normal for a waffle cone, but it’s only a little. It’s also imperfect because it has a griddle note that’s a tad earthy, like a slightly dirty waffle cone. Soluble Arome Waffle is extremely similar, but it does not have that butter note. It makes that one less tasty and this one less accurate to waffle cone, so pick your poison. The butter seems like it could get covered up in a mix with ice cream and just add to the ice cream richness, so I wouldn’t worry about that. The dirty grill thing might be trickier, but it’s not very strong and will probably be fine as well.


Oh u4e is my fat finger problem. The list is so small that i always end up clicking the wrong flavir by accident. Happens to me like everytime. Its lb vienna cream


I thought of caramel biscuit but the slight coffee note doesnt work. I have thought of a waffle. I just gotta get around some mixing some sfts to try them.that may work though.

Im also testing with jf cookie



JF Cookie is a winner in and of itself, imo. Hmm, I don’t get coffee notes from Caramel Biscuit, that I recall.


Its faint but i do get it on the exhale. I use it a lot in custards. Great flavor overall


Just an fyi. I just read an article addressing Grave’s Disease and metallic taste in the mouth. Maybe that’s what I was experiencing with the FLV tobacco mix the other day. It also said that tobacco among other flavors triggers metallic mouth. So now what? Make lemonade vapes because “when life hands you lemons, make lemonade”? :rofl:


It certainly does exist, Google it. It’s the bomb, you’ll love it.

And stop saying you don’t have the experience and expertise. You have all that as a chef and that gives you a lot of insight to mixing flavors. Sure, you might not be familiar with all the flavor offerings but you don’t need all of them to make a great recipe. They all boil down to basic affects of food…fruity, bakery as in cakey, bready, biscuity, etc., beverage, creams and so on. You know them well.