What Ya Vaping/Mixing Today? 2024

@rcleven is right, especially if it is used too high.


Thats why i was so hyped to try it because i always used it in my real food , bakeries , chocolate even a pinch in my pancakes to really bring out the flavor. The couole times iv tried it though in my recipe i didnt get and noticable difference in flavor. Maybe it was just the recipes i tested it with or i used it at the wrong percentages. I used it at .5 and 1 then when i wasnt finding it working i put like 3 percent more in just to see what it would do. Even then i didnt really get salty taste just more popping. I gotta try playing with it a little more in dufferent recipes. I kinda wrote it off after my initial tests.


I started paying attention when CN dropped this one …

Saline Solution – yeah. Salt. Peanut butter is salty. Salt makes things taste more like…well, more like whatever they are. There’s a reason that salt is added into almost every recipe I can think of, both savory and sweet. Occasionally, when you’re working on a bakery recipe that is almost there, but is just missing that little bit of ‘pop’, saline may be that missing bit of sparkle. Sterile saline solution, get it at a drugstore, or make your own with some distilled water. Just a touch, though. We don’t want to actually taste salt, we want to use it to enhance and accent the flavors that are already there.


Just like the guys said @STR8V8PING. I go very subtle with it. I mixed up the same recipe with and without the saline- and prefer the saline more. It’s weird tho, some mixes I can’t notice any difference… Good tool to have tho- and cheap af.


Been sitting on the M&H for too long. Finally taking a look into the hype, @Rocky02852 !Trying one as the star, one as a mid-note. The Flapperpound is in the tank now after overnight steep and is already quite good!


Im gonna try it in my next couple recipes i make. I rwally want it to work. Just some thoughts i have. When we are using it for food its directly hitting our taste buds but in a vape since there no actual way we can atomize salt is it really even hitting our taste receptors? Also since its not atomizing does it build up inside your rda making the concentation of it continue to build?


Omg, I haven’t used mine in ages either. Funny I was looking at Butter Rum flavorings just the other day while shopping. How do you like the LA Cotton Candy? I was looking for cotton candy and ended up buying Candy Floss (SSA).


I’ve been mixing some of the older recipes and came across one using Vanilla Pudding (FLV) at 2.50%. I’ve never used it that high even though I’ve seen notes using it up to 6%! Any comments on that?


Most cotton candy flavoring are just EM . Lorann is actual cotton candy flavoring. All juice makers back in the day used Loranns including myself for actual cotton candy recipes. Its not to be used by itself really, it does have a slight bubblegum taste but when used with a high amount of em its a great cotton candy vape

Theres a trio of mixes iv always made with high em.

Cotton candy - 6% Em / 4% lorann cc
Redhots _ 6% em / 4% tpa redhot
Bubblegum - 6% em / 4% lorann bgum plus any other bgum u like.

I just tried it with the loran butter rum and it works good too


You vape in your mouth, right ??



Keep in mind, the salt in saline is dissolved into ions, which would vape just fine, as they will be contained in the vapor droplets. It’s not the same as the vapor temp of crystallized salt.


I don’t know about 6% @muth, but it’s not a hella strong flavor and can be easily used up to 2-3 %.


Unfortunately I was one of those people who never got a good cotton candy from Loraans Cotton Candy. All I got from it was Bazooka bubble gum. Almost all cotton candy flavors for me tasted like bubble gum. The only flavor that really translated to cotton candy for me was VTA Fairy Floss and even that really needed some help to truly make a functional cotton candy flavor. I had one good eliquid which was sold on the VT website as a blue raspberry cotton candy. Unfortunately the sales of their eliquids was minimal as best and they scrapped all of their eliquids except for a few. Of course now that they never reopened their website even those are not available.


@STR8V8PING make sure you are using sterile saline, 0.9%. NO additives, NO preservatives.



Thx for that @SessionDrummer Since I never took it over 1.50 -2.00% I didn’t know and didn’t want to waste it on a bad note, ba dum bump !!!


That FLV Vanilla Pudding is a great flavor. I never understood the hype and why it was used so often. I just started trying it as a replacement (for pudding base) or add on in my lemon pudding/curd. I thought it might have a strong vanilla note but it seems to soften the rough edges of the lemon flavors. I’ve just got to play with the % to help the pudding and not mute the lemon to much.


Yea by itself loran cc is not very good but the flavor when combined with the high em transforms the normal burnt sugar of the em to much more realistic cotton candy. I also get a slight bubble gum from lorann by itself


Iv been using the saline from vso


To me the flv vanilla pudding is a strange flavor. By itself it tastes pretty damn good. When used in a mix it gets overpowered by everything and cant hold up as your only pudding custard. However its not truely getting overpowered .Even though its not coming out in a mix it really does a good enhancing job from behind the scenes


Follow toc’s recipe feed. She puts it in everything she makes. It will give you a better understanding of how it is used.