What Ya Vaping/Mixing Today? 2024

She loves that stuff like Rocky loves his Milk and Honey.


Just a general question to anyone who has done this. Have you ever used the total flavor pct editor for just a 1% adjustment down and did you notice the difference?


I never used this at all…I am ashamed that i have no clue what this is. Is it on recipe side?


@fidalgo_vapes it’s a handy global percentage adjuster for recipes. Easily increase/decrease the total flavor %.

@muth you know the deal here. It’s going to completely rely/depend on the flavors, mix, and flavor strengths. If you adjust the total up/down 1% on some mixes, you’ll never notice, others however, it can be very noticeable, it depends…


I have never noticed that , i guess because i dont ever change total pct of a recipe . Typically ill adjust a couple flavors


It’s actually a very powerful tool. Once you get the magic ratios nailed down, you can then easily tailor the total percentage as needed without altering the ratios, and you can do it with a single entry.


It also comes in handy if like me you tend to want recipes at a certain %. I like recipes around 9% total. So if I’m developing something and I enter my flavors and go by the suggested %s for each flavor and it comes out to 7.55 and I want it to round off at 9, I can change the total % to 9 and it’s like the system knows exactly which flavors to increase to reach that 9% without ruining the whole recipe.


EXACTLY @McDuckie. I’ve had recipes, that were very good, BUT, were just a little too “thick”, and although not ceiling smashing, nor folding, seemed to gunk up the coils a little too much, use the magic droppo the percentago, and perfection.


LOL I used that feature ALOT during the 5x5 FLV challenge. I would add all of my ingredients and it might be @6.25% but I needed it to be under 5 so I’d adjust to 5% and mix a tester. If it was good but still too strong I’d adjust to 4.5 or 4% and try again until the recipe started to even out. Most of my attempted recipes started to work at around 3% but I’ve seen some Flv recipes as low as 1%. (A Smoky Blue recipe of course).


The only oroblem i see with that is in a recipe if your using big variations in concentrated flavors say one flavor needs 10 percent but then you also have something like rich cinnamon in it that is at .05 percent then if you up your total percentage by 5 percent that rich cinnamon can overpower everything and change the whole recipe


Yes but from what I’ve seen the system do is really strong flavors like Rich Cinnamon or even a sweetener like Ethyl Maltol will not increase by more than a few tenths so if it’s at .05 it may change to .07 and depending on the difference in volume from say a 10ml to a 30ml usually that isn’t enough of a change to really affect a recipe too much. Though you can always manually adjust RC back to .05% and just adjust something else by .02% to keep your total where you want it.


Not really, it’s not going to JUST increase the Rich Cinnamon, but the entire mix. I mean, I guess if you quadruple your entire mix (400%), hehe.


Yeah, I expected an answer like that. Honestly, I’m being a bit lazy trying to avoid doing a tester for something I’m already familiar with. The mix is a simple 3 flavor blend and my feeling is that it won’t change much at all but I was testing the waters before making 300 mls of it. Come to think of it, I’m adjusting down, so if I think it’s lost flavor I can always add a pct. Thanks for the reply and maybe other people got something out of it too. I’m always surmising that everyone knows everything but that’s not always the case.


Oo, I didn’t think of that! Always using your noggin’ :grinning:


That’s an interesting concept. Isn’t it contingent what those flavors are? Are you saying if 9 is the magic pct number for you, that just about any recipe at 9% works for you? I’ve never tried or gave that further thought. I probably will, now that you put the bug in my ear. Does it work for you if you’re tweaking a DL mix to a MTL, for example. I focus on the blend and sometimes the number of flavors but I never thought of utilizing the universal pct adjuster.


I am not sure who on the forum this is, but the recipe is :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:

Donut Stone(d) #AAFL

Acetyl Pyrazine 5% (TPA)0.50
Cake (Yellow) (FW)1.00
Glazed Donut (SC) (WF)3.00
Meringue (FA)0.50
Super Sweet (Purilum)0.50
Zeppola (FA)4.00

Flavor total: 9.5%

Remember to rate it at e-liquid-recipes.com!

Thats @madamimadam, Adam Pilarczyk, bass guitarist for Eddy and the Arsons band


@D.Sims, it appears @madamimadam lives on the recipe side only …


Too bad… Some mighty nice creations on that list. :blush:


He is active on YouTube mixing shows and also gaming…