You should totally Flavorah-ize my Sweet Georgia Sunrise, @anon84779643
Somehow, going thru around 50 juices yesterday, I ended up with a strawberry cupcake, @Wombatred26 Don’t ask me how I went from peach to that lmao
It just happened
btw… your recipe was marked private
no worries tho… off to find some new shoes!
I have had one for a year or so lol but I just picked up 2 more, that should tell ya how much I like it lol
That link should be fixed, now. Sorry about that
now I am back on a peaches thang… but I want some sweet honey cream with them and a touch of cinnamon… maybe soak them in some bourbon and toss some pineapple and a cherry on top…
Oh and do not forget the caramel… butterscotch would just be too heavy
Recipe looks real good @Wombatred26… you coming a long way
@anon84779643 your ADD/ADHD on da Peaches, is causing ME to have to need da peaches now. Gotta big queue to get through, and even THOUGH, I KNOW, you do not do the Jungle Flavors, I have just about enough time to mix up a single/solo, and keep mixing the queue.
CAP Peach (juicy) is like TPA Juicy Peach but stronger, if you want to try it.
Also, LNW Peach is damn good, too.
We’re a couple of peach lovers, here, lol.
FW has a Peach Gummy Candy SC that is absolutely delicious! It IS a little heavy on the gummy side but I just add extra peach when I mix that…
Hehe @Wombatred26, I wish I could quietly admit to having had, and used both QUITE a bit, without revealing my total hoard size. It’s embarrassing. . I not only thank you for your service, but I thank you for your advice as well. Have you ever tried any Jungle Flavor flavors ? Some are really good. Thank you W.
Have you had a chance to get through that box yet ??
Between you and Smoky, I’ve got peach on the brain now !!!
I’ve not, yet had the pleasure. I started with a starter pack from LNW. That’s the only reason I know anything about them… Eventually I’ll get around to Jungle Flavors. I’ve heard good things about them and Liquid Barn.
I have! SO MANY THINGS!! Some of them, unfortunately, I’ll likely never use BUT I AM sharing the love! I am sending a few of those to mister @DannyChef on the first. Hopefully he will use them. I’m not much for bakery stuff but OMG the fruits, candies, and creams?! Yesss!!
milk and honey… then 1 drop honey… and then…
1.2% peaches
.6% nectarine
.4% apricot…
and Bob is Not my Uncle lolol
btw I am the one that started that honey peach jf that is omg so good… way back in the day
Not a big issue tho, right SD??
WHUT ?? !!!
Kidding Smoky. It IS that good.
Mixing this one up as soon as I get done typing, it’s black, blue, and purple with an ice pack to reduce swelling lol
Edit* I added 2 drops flv sweetness as it smelled slightly medicinal after mixing, guessing blackberry is the culprit
Vaping this today, 6 days steeped.
I liked the Grateful Grape Soda Grape combo so much that I tossed the Soda, added Bread, PB and a touch of Cream to smooth… Grapes and Cotton Candy are same %s here. It is rocking. Should be truly ready at 10-14 days, but really it’s ok to go right now.
Update: 13 days steeped and I have found the Holy Grail of PB&J!
Gotta make another to let sit for 4 weeks to see how much better it might get. But, dang!
Just playing around with some of the new Chemnovatic flavours