What Ya Vaping / Mixing Today?

Oh, that looks good but I don’t have the TPA Lemon! I have both FA & CAP Lemon Sicily. Any suggestions or do I go throw another flavor in the cart? :blush:

After MANY months I’m closing in on my perfect sub-ohm Banana Nut Bread recipe. Never realized the e-liquid version of this tasty treat would be so hard to pin down!
I’ll be sooo happy to post the final results! Then I can delete the hundreds of combines that didn’t meet my expectations from my private recipes! :grinning:

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Either Lemon would work … it’s more of an enhancer in that recipe.

I let it steep for 5 days before I broke down to try it today, and I gotta say I’m not super impressed. It’s strangely bitter.

So I added roughly 1% FA Meringue and it’s better IMO. The lemon’s a bit faint now tho.

Yummy! @JoJo has a winner here. Just pulled this out of my steeping cabinet this morning and loving her adaptation. For those that like the Bust-A-Nut, ya’ll really need to try this one!!

Rusted Nuts

3% Bavarian Cream (FW)
7% Hazelnut (TPA)
1% Marshmallow (TPA)
4% Pralines and Cream (TPA)
5% Sweet Cream (TPA)

Flavor total: 20%
Remember to rate it at: http://tjek.nu/r/2TrC


Aw, thanks! Coming from you that is high praise indeed! I’m glad you liked it. :slightly_smiling:

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It’s definitely a dark chocolate mint hon… but thankfully I have my mom who loves that. I think it was Hic that told me before I bought it that it resembled the chocolate mint flavor addition to some Cigar? At least I knew before getting it what it was.

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I am vaping just plain Medicine Flower Butterscotch. I mixed it up 6 drops in 30 ml with 50/50 VG/PG and 3mg nic.
It is the best tasting juice I have in the house.
Comparing to other MF Lotus… It’s even better than the Caramel.


Ya’ll gotta try this if it’s at all something close to your flavor profile! It
really turned out very nice…

Dark Bourbon Cream

3% Caramel Candy (FW)
1% Dark Vapure (FA)
1% Italian Cream (Hangsen)
3% Kentucky Bourbon (TPA)
1.5% Marshmallow (FA)

Flavor total: 9.5%
Remember to rate it at: http://tjek.nu/r/33x5

My notes:
After 1 week in my steeping cabinet, this is really nice and smooooooth. I’ll update more as it steeps.

2/1/16 After a month, this stuff is dreamy-good. Rich, dark, with hint of sweet caramel and cream.


Today i got my order in from nicotine river.
Came up with a bright and flavorful vape.

Then made my blueberry custard
Then leak of unicorn milk. 500 mils of each. A graet day


I thought I would revive this thread. :slightly_smiling:
I just put a 316L SS build in the Bellus. Dual coil 9 wraps 24ga around 2.5mm for a total of .2 ohms. Wicked primed and ROCKING some Third World Custard! on the RX200 M2 set to 195. 45 watts at 440 deg F. YUMMY!
Contemplating a coconut macaroon kinda mix. Dunno if I’ll get to it today. Actually may put some Taro in it at a very small amount to bring some yammy to the hammy. :smiley:


On steep today…

TOC’s Ho Cakes

1% Biscuit (INAWERA)
2% Custard (FA)
1% Golden Butter (CAP)
1% Maple Syrup (FA)
0.25% Sweet Corn (HC)
3% Vanilla Cupcake v2 (CAP)
3% Whipped Cream (TPA)

Flavor total: 11.25%

The Joy Test LOL

2% Biscuit (INAWERA)
1.25% Butter Cream (CAP)
2% Butterscotch (FA)
2% Caramel (FA)
1% Joy (FA)
1% Meringue (FA)

Flavor total: 9.25%

SOHO Glory

10% Soho (FA)
3% Glory (FA)
2% Vienna Cream

Soho? What is this Michelle?

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Soho is a very light tobacco … let me say that one of the mixers I respect deeply said this mix would grow in strength after a week so the recipe above should be thought of us a shake and vape. If you’re going to steep it I would probably down the Soho and Glory. To me this is fine, but I prefer a very strong vape.

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Thanks. It’s a tobacco, thats why I didn’t recognise it. I’m not a tobacco fan im afraid, but thanks for your reply.

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Welcome :slight_smile:

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So any of you fine people tried this? I don’t know whether it’s the fact I’m vaping a bottle made a week before Thanksgiving or if it’s just this little Goblin Mini with a fresh build, but I swear this stuff is just kicking it for me! Really hope some of you folks give this a go and tell me what you think.

Queen's Dowry III (SthrnMixer Original)

Ingredient %
Butter Cream (CAP) 2
Marshmallow (TPA) 2
Strawberry (Ripe) (TPA) 6
Sweet Strawberry (CAP) 3.5
Toasted Almond (CAP) 3

Flavor total: 16.5%

Remember to rate it at e-liquid-recipes.com!

I will give it a shot , I have a couple more recipes that I am needing to mix up tonight.I have yet to combine toasted almond with any strawberry but it looks delicious.

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No Toasted Almod (Cap) in my stash :frowning:

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Why you gotta toast the almonds (giggling) what about almonds that ain’t been toasted yet. LOL no toasted almond here either obviously.