All this talk of Toasted Almonds… now I want a Toasted Almond Good Humor bar.
Toasted almonds are happy almonds!
No toasted almond means no Castle Long and that is a very sad thing!
This is one of my all time favorites ,it is a complex flavor profile but yet so smooth.
Castle Long Clone by jonhall2 :
1.5% Acetyl Pyrazine 5%
1% Brown Sugar Extra (TPA)
1.5% Coconut Extra (TPA)
2.5% Kentucky Bourbon (TPA)
1.5% Toasted Almond (TPA)
1% Vanilla Bourbon (TPA)
1% Vanillin 10% (TPA)
Flavor total: 10%
Remember to rate it at:
griping under my breath as I put the stupid toasted almond in my cart … hehehehhe and the freaking bourbon too… I don’t even like bourbon
You will be glad you did ,most prefer Caps toasted almond over the TFA version but either will work.
I did not think that I would like this flavor profile at first , but it is very good.
When I posted this one I kinda expected it would be popular. I’m really surprised more people haven’t tried and loved it. I agree, it’s one of my faves.
It sounds really good but I don’t have a single one of the ingredients! Though it’s probably bad for my street cred to admit not having any Acetyl Pyrazine…
Today I’m mixing an experimental Peanut Butter vape.
TFA Kettle Corn 2.5%
FA Peanut 1.5%
FA Catalan Cream 1%
FA Butterscotch .5%
TFA AP .5%
FA Black Touch .5%
FA Glory .5%
TFA Coconut Candy .5%
First attempt this way and have no idea how this will turn out.
I make this quite often but I got the recipe somewhere else. Same ingredients though.
If you’re referring to the Queen’s Dowry then where you got the recipe obviously “borrowed” it from me. That’s one of my original creations, although I wouldn’t have made it public without expecting folks would use it for their own purposes, be that personal or commercial use. Do they give me credit? Wait…don’t answer that
Last night I threw a bunch of different WIP mixes into one bottle. Mostly various strawberry vanilla custards, but there was also a fair bit of meringue cinnamon and lemon in a couple. One of them was really weak and one of them was a bit strong, so initially I was just going to mix the two of them together but then I got carried away.
Vaping it now, and it’s pretty fantastic. But I’ll never be able to recreate it because all the bottles were at different levels from having been tested.
It is the first recipe I mixed that had the wow factor so to speak.I was also pleasantly surprised by the flavor profile , I was expecting more of a bite from the bourbon.It is very well balanced.
I have sooooo done this. hahaa
One of my favorite vapes ever was created just like this. Then I screwed it up like the champion screwer-upper I am. I had a little room left in my “suicide” bottle and topped it off with a mix of vanilla cream and red hot candy I had. This was maybe 3 ml. Ruined the whole thing. I don’t even know why I did that because the cinnamon mix was actually quite good.
Me three …
Mixed up 120ml of pink lemonade today along with 4 variations of peaches and cream.
Spent this evening vaping Inawera Frost.
Lovely simple 1% mix that true lily is refreshing!
SthrnMixer, I was not sure where I got the recipe as I said. I was only responding to the thread whatcha mixing today. And if this is yours, you get all the credit. And it’s really really good, Happy Mixing…
You Finally released it !!! What a great juice. I secretively wrote the recipe down in case you never posted it hee hee Bc it is so darn good keeps you coming back for more !
I was completely off of a thread or two. I was referring to the Popped Deez Clone.
It’s all good Batches, I’m not worried or I would have never posted mine. @Amy2 can tell you because this was a recipe I shared with her and a few others last year because I was planning to start a commercial juice line with that as my numero uno. But since I changed my mind I decided to just share it with the world so there’s no expectation on my part, I was just curious.
But I’ve never tried the Popped Deez Clone. Might just have to check that out!
Yes Queen’s Dowry III is seriously the bomb No lie you will want to get all of those flavors if ya don’t already have them. I love the creaminess of the toasted almond and the marshmallow mmhh and then of course my favorite fruit SB with butter cream yes sir’ ree !! Good stuff right there !