What Ya Vaping / Mixing Today?

The finger taste on this mix is very good.

The Pound Cake is amazing and very versatile. I like pairing it in low % with other bakery flavors to lighten / enhance and it has a slight buttery note to it also.

Donas Glaseadas Chocolate

(DIY) Milk Chocolate (Flavor Base)4
Dark Chocolate (MF)0.8
Donuts (Flavorah)0.5
Frosting (Flavorah)1
Glazed Doughnut (CAP)2.2
Meringue (FA)1.2
Pound Cake (Flavorah)0.5

Flavor total: 10.2%

Remember to rate it at e-liquid-recipes.com!


Dayummm, after just imbibing my favorite plant i cannot even describe how badly i want a Donas Glaseadas Chocolate!

I should have looked further into the FLV line much sooner than i did, they have some really good stuff. Pound Cake, Rhubarb, Cherimoya, Custard, Eggnog and Frosting. Oh, and Boysenberry. Hopefully Gremlin will get some of these in, i like grabbing the 5ml first.


Oh I love that Geography French Quarter it soo good and simple !


I have some of this steeping! :slight_smile:

Slightly tips the flavour scales but today I have mixed the 4th flavour in my Cheesecake supreme range, I don’t like to blow my own trumpet when it comes to my recipes ever but everyone that has tried them has loved them (and bought them) only leaving me 1 month old dregs so Strawberry seemed like the next logical choice :slight_smile:

Strawberry Cheesecake Supreme #4

Ingredient %
Brown Sugar (FW) 0.5
Cheesecake (LA) 3
Cookie (Biscotto) (FA) 0.5
Cream Cheese Icing (LA) 2
Ethyl Vanillin 10% (TPA) 1.5
French Vanilla (CAP) 2
Graham Cracker (Clear) (TPA) 2.5
Greek Yogurt (Flavorah) 1
Marshmallow (CAP) 1
Meringue (FA) 1
Red Touch (Strawberry) (FA) 3
Strawberry Shisha (INAWERA) 2
Whipped Cream (FW) 1

Flavor total: 21%

Remember to rate it at e-liquid-recipes.com!

Just whipped up a batch, looks too good to pass up on, and really have a love/hate relationship with apple :wink:

In the cupboard it goes! :yum:

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I’m 2 ingredients short grrrr! :slight_smile:


:added to ever increasing shopping list whilst wincing:


aaaallways the way lol


I went on last night to buy the couple of bits for the popcorn, came away 20 quid lighter…every time lol

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Buying concentrates is a never ending mission…I swear I find a new one I want to try every 0.05 seconds!! How do you find Flv Yoghurt - Yoghurt is another flavour want to try mixing with!


apart from this I have very little experience with it, we had a big conversation about cheesecakes a while back and I can’t remeber who but someone said it gave a nice tartness to a cheesecake base so I tried it, it’s wonderful, they only other thing I have tried it in is a strawberry kiwi yogurt (think it was called Addy’s yogurt off here) which is also nice but it bloody stinks if you get it on your hands lol


Mixing up Zingers tonight…


Ingredient %
Cake Batter Extract (RF) 1.5
Coconut (FA) 1
Frosting (Flavorah) 0.5
Holy Vanilla (DIYFS) 0.75
Meringue (FA) 1.5
Pound Cake (Flavorah) 1.5
Strawberry Filling (Flavorah) 0.75
Wild Raspberry (MF) 0.6

Flavor total: 8.1%

Remember to rate it at e-liquid-recipes.com!

Ive got 3 more miles to walk today to appease my fitbit overlord, my route has now changed to walk past 2 gas stations and several retail stores so that i can purchase these. MMmmMM!

Ive got a couple mixes up for mixing tonight.


3% Butterscotch (FW)
1.25% Cream Soda (Raw) (Real Flavors)
1% Italian Cream (Hangsen)
2.5% Vanilla Ice Cream (LB)

Flavor total: 7.75%

Butterbeer V2

0.75% Brown Sugar Extra (TPA)
2% Butter Rum (LA)
2% Butterscotch (FW)
1.25% Cream Soda (Raw) (Real Flavors)
0.5% Golden Butter (CAP)

Flavor total: 6.5%

Ginger Beer

1.5% Ginger Ale (Raw) (Real Flavors)
0.1% Honey (FA)
1% Lemon Sicily (FA)
0.75% Liquid Amber (FA)

Flavor total: 3.35%

Gingerbread Man

0.5% Cookie (Biscotto) (FA)
1% Cream Cheese Icing (LA)
3.5% Gingerbread (CAP)
0.25% Golden Butter (CAP)

Flavor total: 5.25%

These are first run mixes so i have no idea how they will turn out. I need to get more of these RF Extracts, been very much enjoying mixing with them.


Butter beer sounds really good.


My 1st attempt at Apple Pie and it smells great just hope it vapes as good when steeped
Any comments on recipe welcome



Looks like a good start. Not sure about cinnamon though. Looks like it would be fine based on user notes.

FLV Boysenberry should be in every mixer’s stash. Not only is the flavor just bombdiggity but it’s very aromatic and a crowd pleaser. My wife loves when I vape it because she says it makes the room smell like Yankee Candle.


Three more I mixed tonight. I have to agree with @Ken_O_Where… These RF Raw Extracts are really impressive. They’re not quite as concentrated as MF, but these flavors are spot on.

Molasses Oatmeal Cookies
Apple Molasses Cake
The Rapture