What's everyone doing right now

Im completely bored at work waiting for orders…my friday is dragging… what is everyone up to in the elr world today? Working? Home? What’s going on?? lol!!


Fixing dupes and video chatting with my ex…with no pants on. :sunglasses:


How’s Betty White doing anyways?


3 hours at the ministry of transportation for nothing!


Ministry of Magic is right next door right? :laughing:


The Satanists that run our country don’t advertise that sort of thing


Well I made it through 8 hrs of slugging it in a hot warehouse. So I won.


I’m sitting at home… Feeling bad!.. I recently quit my job… 2 fin stressful… Started another job Thursday… It was only supposed to be Mon.-Thurs., so I started it was nice & all…, then going on smoke breaks & lunch I overheard multiple employees talking at different times tht the company had them working all different shifts in one week, they tell them they need em to work on a certain shift on a certain day ( no matter if it was their off day or not… Hell one guy was even talking about working 2 weeks straight…
tht…, they were 10hr. shifts as well… I liked the work…, but I’m not even trying to deal with the b.s. of them wanting to switch me wherever whenever they want… Fuck all tht… Thank u, have a nice day​:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:… Oh yeah & what set tht off 4 me was, I guess it was my floor supervisor… wanted me to come in Friday & Saturday :expressionless::person_facepalming::triumph: No fucking way Jose!


I guess I’m on the hunt again…
Wish me luck all!!


Good luck. It sucks when companies misrepresent the position you were hired for. Sorry this happened to you. Sometimes it can feel like looking for work is harder and more stressful than working. At least I’ve felt that way when I’ve been between jobs. Take good care of yourself during the job hunt.


10 hours doesn’t seem all that bad, many trades work a lot more than that, sometimes working 24 hours straight is not unheard of in the oilfields up here. If it’s hourly you’re getting paid and if you get overtime, it’s extra money in your pocket. Getting time off in the middle of the week is good too so you can do things like shop for groceries early on a work day and beat the crowds that would be there for instance. If you like the work, pay is good, there’s usually some benefit. Consistency in shift is something you can bring up with your employer if you have issues with it, if you prove yourself to be an asset they’ll make changes.

2 weeks isn’t a big deal, if employers are treating people based on Merit you will succeed if you put whatever is thrown at you, when I was younger I was a severe alcoholic, working in a Valve shop and the shift was 14 days on 2 days off, I’d often work my days off too and within a year management changed and I was the only one putting in effort to get stuff done, so they made me a shop manager. Started at 18 and was making well over 30 when taking that position, but it wasn’t good for me mentally. Enjoyed the money and perks though, but I still worked more than the others.


Does that mean that the oppression of marriage being lifted has loosened your pants, as well? :rofl:


I’m doing some research for a Q&A session and came across the word Purim (a Jewish holiday). That lead me to google Purilum and I found this. Just fyi trivia.



It was her idea…I swear! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thx guys & gals, I’m sure I’ll find something…, nobody really wants to work these days…


Sorry to hear that @St3v0, BUT, at least you got the heads up early on, so there’s that at least.


Right?, Thanks SD…, tht’s very true…, I just kinda wish the company didn’t do tht kinda shit cuz I liked the work, but they’re not finna do tht shit to me…, anywho… Got an apt. with the temp service tht got me that job @ 8:30 this morning 2 c about another… We’ll c how it goes…


Sorry to hear of this I’m working a job rn that I want to like but can’t get into no matter how hard try. It’s in a warehouse I can vape all day long n no weekends but it’s physically exausting for me and it’s becoming extremely hard to continue with it but so far I’ve lasted a month…idk tho…and I’m on a forklift where i have no experience just got my ticket scared so ya i get how ur feeling. Hang in there things will get better!


You hang in there too! I know it’s easy for me to say, being an old retired fart. Look for the silver lining. Being good on a forklift IS a skill, and they are paying you to get good at it. Having that skill in your arsenal may open a door to a better position, elsewhere. Look at it as a step to something better. Once you get good at it, they can’t take that away.

@St3v0 best of luck to you, also. Things will turn around!


Drove forklifts off and on for over 30 years, it is a skill that can really help you get better jobs once you get proficient at it. I used to be able to load a 40+ pallet road train in just over an hour in my prime, even safely most of the time when everyone stayed out of the way. Your confidence will grow as you get more experienced.