What's your next purchase?

Bought a kit. The Efusion duo which comes with carbon fibre and the burr walnut and i also got the yellow abalone panels along with the 1300mah lipo. Just came into stock today. Cant wait.
Got them from here. http://www.vapegeek.co.uk/Efusion-DUO-DNA200-133-Full-kit-747.htm


@Pattie NICE. And you got the Lipo pack. Smokin’ watts ! I love that NZ abalone.

@trebor Ya, even with my other tanks,rdtas, etc. I still use several Subtanks/Topfills every day. They are in constant rotation on my desk.

@VapingKrakenVK I want my Avocado 24…and I want it NOW.


@ozo mate I am going to buy Avocado 24 based on the review of the 22. I think I read somewhere where you had one. How good is it for MTL? I just fixed my issue with my serpent, and I love it but MTL is not exactly as great as it should be in my opinion, great flavors though. Hope I am buying the right one this time.

Not sure how much help I can be. I MTL for over a year when I started vaping, but only DTL for quite some time now. The best tanks for me when I MTL was Kanger Subtank minis and Toptank minis, using the RBA’s and a 1.2ohm build at around 14W. I still use them today with a .4ohm to .5ohm at 25W and run the AFC wide open. Works great for DTL for what it is.
I have only used one of my Avocado 22 and only built it with a single coil .5ohm at 27.5W wide open AFC. The flavor is awesome and the clouds are very good. I use the wide bore tip on it.The best I could do to test the Avocado 22 for you in MTL is to close the AFC down to the small holes. Air flow was good for MTL and flavor was great [Alisa’s Bust-A-Nut juice], but hardly a good test for you with that configuration. I would think a single coil build 1.2ohm or 1.5ohm at 15W and using the smaller 510 tip would be great. The Avocado 22 has the best flavor of all my attys, not that I have an assortment anything like most of the other folks here, but I have tried many when I hang out at my neighbors vape shop.
I bought a second Avocado 22 to build dual coil, but when it looked like I may get an Avocado 24 soon, I decided to wait and build it dual coil…but as you know, the 24 is still a tease.
What juice blend do you use…50/50, 60/40, 70/30…? I would probably do better if I lowered mine from Max VG for the equipment I use, with the exception of the drippers. I have to turn the 22 upside down all the time to get the max VG to wick [I use rayon], turn my Subtanks back and forth on the sides , and hold the bottle pressed in for a while on my Dripbox’s.
There are so many variables to get it right the way an individual wants it.
I don’t buy every new atty that comes out. I watch the videos and listen to others critique them, then choose from the ease of building, the design, etc. but even if one person hates it, another can make it awesome…different coils, wire type, wattage use, juice blend, etc.

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Ya I’ve heard so much about the avocado that I feel it might just be the one good for MTL…thanks for testing it out though your a good man :slight_smile: always helpful. Haven’t found a decent video that talks about MTL on avocado 24, maybe I’ll wait a while till a good review comes out. Thanks again, you are a good friend to have in this forum cheers :slight_smile:

Btw I use 5050

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After @Phill and @Joy comments and watching a couple reviews, I’m trying the Theorem. Great flavor and airflow + small tank and reasonable priced will make this perfect for testing juice.


Good call! Good fun :slight_smile:



Sorry about the ugly mug!


40w notch coil.


I’ll wait to hear your thoughts. :ok_hand:

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Omg I buying everything in one shot.

Siegel 213w
New batteries
Aromizer 25mm supreme
Uwell Rafael X rda
Coil master v2 (nice to have everything in one spot and organized)
Assortment of wires. Kanthal, ss316l, and so on.


Now the fun begins! I’m so tempted on how compact that 213 is. I like the menu setup too. Be sure to share your thoughts on it after you’ve had a chance to use it.

Yeah. I thinking based on basic reviews and how segiele messed up their last releases that this one will be a hit. The price is alittle hug, but I like the option for tc modes

Yes Pro_Vapes, You will love the Theorem. Still and again today, I am enjoying it the most over all my other tanks. This time I’m vaping MF Caramel, FA Caramel, FW Butter Cream and TPA Vanilla Swirl together in it. I was thinking this morning about how I saw a complaint/comment in a video about the air flow control. But that guy was mistaken. It is 'Set it and forget it" and that guy was saying he had to look closely to set it whenever he reattached the top. That is not correct. I set mine and haven’t touched it again. It does not move out of place or anything. I’m 100% sure about this. I would say… You probably will want to use a different drip tip. The one that comes with it is stubby and you are so close to the coil that it will get hot. I use a longer clear glass driptip and I’m having no heat issues at all. I’m running it at 22 watts. I’m not quite sure if it’s entirely the design of the Theorem or partly the Notch Coil that is so wonderful about this tank. All I can say is “IT IS THE BEST”. And yes it is great for testing flavors. Pulling the top off will take a few times of doing it to get used to, but after that I have no concerns. I am using the clear glass rather than the metal covered glass so I can see my juice level better. I prefer the Theorem over the Avocado at this point. When I rebuild the coil on the Avocado, I will make it single coil and use the other Notch Coil that they sent me with the Theorem. Then, I can really give a good comparison.


With the new ruling, thought it was time to take stock of
my repair tools. ( know I have time, just wanna spend some money…):grinning:
Time to get a smaller vise.


Since I was looking, will be getting a Refractometer for my other hobby. Price for one with auto temp
conversion are pretty reasonable now.


You brewing?

Off and on.
Small bottle batches.
Mostly ESB’s and IPA’s.


The Refractometer is a great way to use a smaller sample of your wort to get a starting point.
( good for wine making too. )

I haven’t brewed since my wife was diagnosed as diabetic. I still have a couple carboys, and 4 or 5 5 gal kegs, and a co2 tank… Made a great American Pale Ale… and for her a Porter (which I dislike lol). Sure miss brewing.

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Brewing and mixing…I’d get fired for calling in sick (hungover) too many times.