When do you stop?

Hi all,

Just wondering, maybe I should stop making ejuice for awhile, seeing as I have a lot of bottles in my steeping box… When do yall decide to chill out? I mean, do I need to refrigerate these at some point if I don’t want them to go bad? I know it’ll be a while (a few years) before that happens, but if I continue going the way I have been, there will be spoilage eventually.

But, I can’t stop mixing, and I don’t know if I want to hehe. I feel so good when I add another bottle to my stash hehe.

Any tips?


Mix big bottles of what you vape a lot of …Besides that 10m to 30ml sample while your creating and if you love it make 30 to 60s …I usually make 30 to 60 mls.


Yeah to answer that smaller bottles and vape series more that’ll get rid


Also dont add Nic right away…Nic is what will oxidize over time


Ok perfect!! Thanks for that, will add nic at time of vaping.


if you know any smokers, get them to try vaping
then you can give them some samples
if they aren’t interested in DIY you can do business with them

just a thought


Yeah, that’s aleays a possibility. Thanks for the suggestion m8!


That’s the same way I feel about my NET extracts. I just keep putting tobacco in jars, covering them with PG, and away I go.

Having back stock on your made juices is the ultimate goal. If you don’t vape them, give them away… and you will make them happy as well!


I mix 1000 mls of my adv, add made one shots of it so it’s at my disposal. Other than that I mix 25 mls of a recipe to vape it through the steep and if I like it I’ll mix a bigger bottle. I won’t stop mixing because I like to switch it up and have different things to vape…


I’ve just counted up 27 x 40mls bottles I’ve got steeping all with nicotine added already… I assumed they wouldn’t go bad in less than a year? ! Hopefully not.


I mix about 60 bottles of 4-7ml + maybe 5-8 10ml bottles + three or four 30ml every 3 weeks.
This allows me three things:

  • easier testing (testing 5 different variations instead of just one with the same amount of ingredients used)
  • better vapes (it’s easier to throw it away if not optimal since only micro amount is used; thus i can vape more pleasant juice than i could otherwise)
  • can try most recipes (600-800 per year lately, but i’ve been over 1000 in past) which is what i need to do with all these hundreds of flavors that i have. It would be a pity to have them so many if i only mixed lousy 100 recipes per year (so i foolishly try to convince myself that this way it makes sense to keep buying more instead of finally stop this madness).

I don’t have ADV (but i’d wish to have it; it would all be so much easier) and i rarely mix the same recipe more than once (only recently i started adding those 30ml for this reason).

I start vaping them after 5 days and i never steep more than 3 weeks intentionally. If it would need more, then something is wrong in a mix or with flavors. I doubt i ever had a mix steeped more than 2 months and if i had to choose i’d always rather choose 2 weeks old mix rather than 2 years old mix

(same as for flavors; i don’t understand those who are excited saying that you’ll never need to buy another bottle in your life since so little is used in a mix… for me at least that would be a punishment, not something to be happy about and i’d always rather have a fresh bottle rather than 10 or 20 years old bottle of same flavor (and whoever says differently is lying; flavors are not wine). So companies… GTFO with that Rich Cinnamon intensity, it sux totally for your average buyer); not to mention that flavors are getting better all the time and having some flavor of that intensity from 10 years ago would suck today and you’d buy a new one anyway.


You will be fine! I mix with nicotine in all my mixes. Nicotine is supposed to be tasteless. It does impart the flavor but not much. I have currently have 18 60’s in my every day mixes and 4 30’s normally it takes less than 90 days till I finish a 60ml bottle till I make it again or move on to another mix. That includes steeping.


Yeah I’m the same, I switch it up all the time. I have several ADV’s and I have like 6-7 100ml’s on the go at once haha. They do gradually go down, so maybe I worry for nothing.


I do usually make 30ml when I try a new recipe for the first time. If I really like it, then I make a 120ml for later. If my 30 ml takes a long time to finish, then I usually don’t make more.


I LOVE reading about first world problems

“I have sooo many vaping flavors I don’t even know what to do with them all, oh jeebus whatever shall i do?”


Lol, it’s such a bad dillemma isn’t ir?


I don’t have a perfect answer on time but I have always gauged by asking…do I have enough to mixed/ready to vape until I mix again. (This is favoring time to sit/age/steep).

I used to mix every two weeks and sometimes weekly. Now I mix once a month or every other month.

My stash at one point had mixed with nic sitting for six months and had no issue at all. Granted they are stored in a cool dark place and each mix is dated.

That said…I mix based off of need and the time I have available at this point.


I am pretty new to this so am learning as I go along. And mixing for a pod kit which is low powered has made the required percentage amounts quite different to rda kits etc. Although some I’ve done far too strong and had to dilute with vg! I don’t yet have a mix I’d repeat exactly but have some I would make again with adjustments to the concentrate percentages.
No idea why I haven’t thought to have more than 1 mix on the go!! I’ve been mixing say 4 up a fortnight, writing up and dating everything, then leaving them a month, so by the time I finish one ( 30ml ends up double that due to it being unsuccessful and so adding some 10ml commercial juice to it so end with more like 50ml!!) By the time I get to use some they have steeped for 2 or 3 months! Enjoy mixing and researching recipe ideas and flavour notes… not enjoying the end results so much!

@UrsusArctis I think if u enjoy mixing and have found a hobby that interests you, and keeps you away from the smokes, then what harm can it be mixing all the time!! I haven’t bought many flavours compared to most mainly because my favourite really are creamy vanilla mixes so dont have any fruit etc. Makes the what can I make button pretty short time to come up with a tiny few!!


You are right @Cornish_Holly there’s no harm in mixing all the tome if I enjoy it. I think that the solution will be to mix without nic once I really have too many made up, then add the nic to them when I am ready to vape them.


I don’t steep my juice… I find my simple tobacco flavors taste great freshly made.